➥ remi

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fc:  salukidin

╭ ╮
"be healthy and take
care of yourself, but
be happy with the
beautiful things that
make you, you"
╰ ╯


General Info

r ai m ee
oarsmen, remedy or from rheims
remi was originally given the name remington but once they figured out who they really wanted to be and started telling others they were non-binary, they also decided to change their name to remi as it's a more gender neutral name

↳ 7 year old
april 23

вιologιcal ѕeх
neutered male
he/she/they (prefers they most of the time)

ιdeal gender
they don't care
ιdeal мaтe
they're prefer someone that is accepting and will take more of the nurturing role in the relationship, the more dominant one. they don't want someone to take care of them exactly but they are more submissive.

canis lupus familiaris


╭ ╮
"don't let the
behavior of others
destroy your inner
╰ ╯



deтaιled deѕcrιpтιon
remi has a very delicate, slender build standing at 27 inches at the shoulder and usually setting around 50-55 lbs. a light cream color covers a majority of their coat with darker shades of that same color blended in. most of their coat is a smooth, shorter length of fur while just the tail, rear legs, and ears having long feathers. even after a year of retirement remi has been able to maintain a slightly muscled body but nothing compared to their prime. if you watch them long enough you can notice the slight hinderance in their gait from their injury. finally remi is noted with pink nose and caramel brown eyes.

мaιn ғυr colorιng
white, cream
ѕecondary ғυr colorιng(ѕ)
a light tan / darker cream
eye color(ѕ)
few nicks
a slight limp in their front right paw due to an injury on the track and the reason for their early retirement. it is mostly healed now and isn't noticeable unless they've done intensive exercise or active use for multiple hours
a large collection of collars, clothes, booties, and more
вody pнyѕιqυe

ѕιze coмpared тo вreed
taller side within standard
27 inches at the shoulder
fluctuates between 50 and 55


╭ ╮
"you are the sky,
everything else is
just the weather"
╰ ╯



◇ benevolent  ◇ ◇ devoted ◇
◇ reserved  ◇ ◇ sensible ◇
◇ pertinacious ◇ ◇ procrastinative ◇

『 benevolent 』
↳  Remi exudes warmth and compassion in their interactions, always seeking to uplift and support others. Their genuine kindness is evident in the thoughtful gestures and selfless acts they regularly extend to those around them. Possessing an innate sense of empathy, they are quick to understand and respond to the needs of others with a genuine desire to contribute positively to their well-being. The benevolent person's altruistic nature creates an atmosphere of trust and harmony, fostering a sense of community and connection wherever they go.

『 devoted 』
Remi is unwavering in their commitment, demonstrating a steadfast loyalty to their principles, relationships, and endeavors. Their dedication is palpable, as they invest time and energy wholeheartedly in whatever they undertake. They approach challenges with resilience, persevering through difficulties with a sense of purpose. Their reliability and consistency make them a pillar of support for those around them, as they prioritize the well-being of others with an enduring and selfless devotion.

『 reserved 』
Remi has a very quiet and contemplative nature, often choosing to observe rather than actively engage in social situations. Their preference for solitude doesn't stem from aloofness but rather a thoughtful and introspective approach to interactions. Remi tends to be discerning in their choice of words, expressing themselves with precision and depth when they do speak. While they may not be the center of attention, their calm and composed presence can contribute a sense of stability and balance to any group.

『 sensible 』
Remi has a very practical and reasoned approach to life. They make well-informed decisions based on careful consideration of facts and consequences, demonstrating a thoughtful and logical mindset. Remi is adept at finding sensible solutions to problems, often avoiding unnecessary complications. Their ability to remain level-headed in challenging situations contributes to a calm and stable demeanor, making them reliable and trustworthy in both personal and professional settings. With a keen sense of responsibility, Remi prioritizes long-term goals over momentary gratification, showcasing a disciplined and forward-thinking mindset. Overall, their sensible nature fosters a sense of dependability and wisdom that is valued by those around them.

『 pertinacious 』
Remi has an unwavering determination and tenacity in pursuing their goals, displaying a relentless commitment to achieving success. They approach challenges with a steadfast resolve, refusing to be easily discouraged or swayed by obstacles. This resolute mindset enables them to persist through adversity, demonstrating a strong work ethic and an unwillingness to give up in the face of difficulties. Remi is often seen as highly focused, disciplined, and dedicated, as they channel their energy into overcoming obstacles and reaching their desired outcomes. Their persistent nature serves as a source of inspiration to those around them, as they showcase the power of resilience and persistence in the pursuit of excellence.

『 procrastinative 』
Remi tends to delay tasks and decisions, often putting off important responsibilities until the last possible moment. Their inclination to postpone activities can lead to increased stress and missed opportunities. Despite having the ability to recognize the urgency of certain matters, a Remi struggles to initiate action promptly. Their habit of delaying tasks hinders personal growth, which creates a cycle of unfulfilled potential and unrealized goals for them.


╭ ╮
"you want to know
who i'm in love with?
read the first word
╰ ╯



нow ιѕ тнeιr мenтal нealтн
remi's mental health is relatively healthy. they struggled with their mental health after their injury but as their body began to heal so did their mind. though he does still struggles with the acceptance of never being able to compete again from time to time. remi's mental healthy days range from day to day but with more good days than bad.

нow ιѕ тнeιr pнyѕιcal нealтн
their physical health is as good as it could be with the career ending injury. despite the slight limp occasionally, he is still as active as his body would let him be. remi's owner also pays top dollar for their kibble and additives so they is very nutritionally healthy as well.

↳ 9.5/10

↳ 6/10

↳ 7/10


╭ ╮
"Their is no sweeter
innocence than our
gentle sin" - Hozier
╰ ╯



↳ 5/10

↳ 5/10

↳ 7/10

↳ 6/10

↳ 9/10

↳ 7/10

↳ 8/10

↳ 9/10

↳ 6/10


╭ ╮
"I knew I loved you
before I met you. I
have been waiting all
my life." - S. G.
╰ ╯



9 years old
remi and their mother were fairly close. they were always an independent pup so they didn't cling to her constantly but that didn't mean they didn't love their mother. they also met her a few times after they were purchased at different shows.

9 years old
they never really saw their father except a few times when they were still on their mother. then when they were old enough to show, they crossed paths with him and he seemed like a fairly good dog. they'd call them acquaintances.

Lιттer Мaтeѕ
lazar; alive; pictured below
akio; alive
kezia; alive
adriel; alive
floro; alive

aмoυnт oғ paѕт lιттerѕ
fathered 3 litters before being neutered
naмe, age oғ oneѕ тнaт are wιтн yoυ
pнoтoѕ oғ oneѕ wιтн yoυ

no one at the moment

Paѕт Мaтe/
lιттle ιnғo
remi's first crush. she was an older fawn saluki that his owner owned before him. growing up he always looked up to her but the older he aged, the more those emotions began to change to something more.
wнy yoυ aren'т тogeтнer anyмore
calista never viewed remi in the same light. they did have a litter together but nothing came out of that and it broke remi's heart even more.

Avery Hansley
pιcтυre or ғc
Holland Roden



╭ ╮
"What you cannot
control, you must
accept." - F. H.
╰ ╯




Enter the enchanting world of Remi, an elegant Saluki with a lustrous golden coat that glinted like sunlit sand. Remi's story began in the embrace of a warm and affectionate home, where she and her spirited brother, Lazar, reveled in the love of their first family. Born to a lively litter of 5 that showed promising aspects in both showing and competition events, it was long before all the pups were claimed. Destiny took a benevolent turn when the compassionate Avery, a woman with a heart as vast as the fields they would later roam, adopted the inseparable duo of Remi and Lazar, together!

Under Avery's patient guidance, Remi and Lazar blossomed into stars within the world of dog sports. Their days were a vibrant tapestry of agility courses, thrilling lure coursing adventures, and precision-demanding obedience trials. Together, they formed a triumphant trio, where the bond between human and hound became an unspoken language of love and shared victories.

Along with the two was Calista, a feathered fawn Saluki that Avery had already owned. She was an astound show dog that competed well at both at confirmation shows and sports shows. She was the most beautiful dog that Remi had ever seen and he was in love with her since the moment he was mature enough to have those emotions. Lazar told Remi it would never work but that didn't stop him from falling head over heals.

After Remi was 2 years old, had successfully won multiple titles, and cleared his OFA testing, Avery decided to breed Remi.  Even after fathering two other litters, Remi just couldn't get over Calista. What made it worse was that Avery decided to pair Calista and Remi together for her last litter before retiring her of her breeding and competition careers. Unfortunately for Remi, Calista never reciprocated those feelings and especially made it clear after they had their litter together. Though Remi never made his feelings clear, Calista knew that Remi was in love with her and finally told him that it would never happen after they bred. This broke them even more as they had grown more attached after the pairing . What made it even worse was that Calista told Remi that she was in love with Avery's friend's German Shepherd Dionysus.

The winds of fate, however, shifted even more for Remi when they faced a career-altering injury during a fiercely contested competition. The once agile Saluki found themself grappling with lameness, their dreams of athletic glory dashed. Avery, with a heart as vast as the fields they once traversed together, made the compassionate decision to retire Remi from the demanding world of competitive sports and breeding when deciding to get him neutered after his injury.

Remi's transition from the heart-pounding arenas to the comforting haven of home became a poignant tale of adaptation and resilience. Now stuck at home with Calista, feeling more alone then Remi had ever felt. This was a very dark time for them as they grappled with losing both loves of their life - competing and Calista. Lazar, attuned to his sibling's needs, stood by their side as a steadfast pillar of support.

Remi slowly began to accept his new life, reveled in the simple joys of sun-soaked naps, leisurely strolls, and the profound connection forged through shared experiences. The house that once echoed with the rhythmic pulse of competition now resonated with the quiet symphony of enduring companionship. Though Lazar and Avery still competed from time to time, Remi started to enjoy watching their sibling excel at what they both once did together with a sense of pride and joy instead of sitting heavily in the emotions of his own failure.

Eventually Remi was also able to overcome the hurt he felt from Calista and they actually became very close in her last years of life. Remi grew out of a relationship love and was able to form a very close companionship to her with more of a sibling or mother/child relationship. After Calista's passing, it left a very large whole in everyone's heart and Remi doesn't know if he will ever be able to love the same.

↳ n/a

𝖱 𝖮 𝖫 𝖤 𝖯 𝖫 𝖠 𝖸  𝖲 𝖢 𝖤 𝖭 𝖠 𝖱 𝖨 𝖮 𝖲

sᴄᴇɴᴀʀɪᴏ 𝟣 0/3

To New Beginnings

In the quiet aftermath of Calista's passing, the once vibrant household seemed to carry the weight of grief. Lazar, ever nonchalant, continued his usual routine, but Remi, the Saluki with a heart as golden as his coat, remained in mourning. The joy that once echoed through their days had given way to a somber atmosphere, with Remi moping around the house, disinterested in the activities that once brought him boundless happiness.

Avery, their compassionate owner, noticed the palpable void left by Calista's absence. Contemplating whether to introduce a new companion into their lives, she found herself torn between respecting Remi's grieving process and the longing for the lively energy that defined their canine trio. A few months passed, and Avery stumbled upon an ad seeking a foster home for a dog at their local animal shelter.

Uncertain but compelled by a growing sense of possibility, Avery embarked on a mission one morning, leaving Remi lounging on the couch and Lazar happily occupied with his cherished toy. The house, once vibrant with the echoes of canine joy, now held a quiet anticipation. Avery returned later that day, the familiar rumble of her car heralding her arrival.

As the door swung open, Lazar, in his usual nonchalant manner, ambled over to greet their owner. However, to his surprise, Avery was not alone. Another dog, a newcomer to their world, stood beside her. Remi, sensing the unfamiliar presence, lifted his head in mild curiosity but remained rooted on the couch. His grief-lined eyes watched as Lazar approached the newcomer, a canine curiosity lighting up his face.

Avery, with a gentle smile, ushered the new dog into the space that had once been exclusively occupied by Remi, Lazar, and the dearly missed Calista. Remi, uninterested at first, cautiously approached the newcomer, his nose betraying a subtle curiosity. Slowly circling the visitor, Remi assessed the situation with a watchful eye. Satisfied that the new addition posed no threat, he retreated to his familiar spot on the couch, a silent acknowledgment that change had come.

You. . .


- you are some type of mutt from
a shelter with whatever background
- can be whatever gender but must be over
3 years old

sᴄᴇɴᴀʀɪᴏ 𝟤 0/3

From Fame and Glory

Even after Avery stepped away from the intricate world of breeding and showing Salukis, her connections with fellow enthusiasts and competitors remained steadfast. One evening, a text from a seasoned competitor brought unexpected news—a retired dog, once a star in the competitive circuit, was casually seeking a new home. Though the competitor cherished the dog deeply, they recognized the potential for more attention and love in a different setting. With the void left by Calista's absence still palpable, Avery saw an opportunity to fill their home with canine companionship once more.

Eager to ensure a harmonious introduction, Avery loaded Remi and Lazar into the car, setting a course for a dog park nestled between her home and the dog's current owner. Choosing a secluded and rarely frequented park, she arrived ahead of schedule, granting Remi and Lazar the freedom to explore the enclosed area off-leash. Although Avery wasn't a fan of dog parks, this particular spot provided the seclusion and calm atmosphere she deemed suitable for this crucial meeting. The late evening hour ensured only one other person and their canine companion shared the space.

Remi, the graceful Saluki, embarked on his usual leisurely exploration, his slender frame moving gracefully as he meandered through the park, occasionally pausing to investigate intriguing scents. Meanwhile, Lazar, known for his sudden bursts of energy, darted off, enjoying the liberating expanse of the park. An unexpected playmate, the other dog in the park, joined Lazar in spirited romps on the opposite end.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, you and your owner arrived, walking over to Avery for introductions and conversation. Leashes were exchanged for the freedom of exploration, and you were released to join the lively dynamics of the park. The air buzzed with anticipation as the dogs, each with their unique energy and temperament, began to interact. Remi, dignified and reserved, observed the newcomers with a watchful eye, while Lazar, exuberant and playful, welcomed the opportunity for new friendships.

Avery and your owner exchanged stories and observations, gauging the compatibility of the canine quartet. The park, bathed in the soft glow of evening, became the backdrop for the unfolding tale of connections, as canine paws padded softly across the grass, weaving a story of potential companionship and the promise of a new chapter in the lives of Remi, Lazar, and their yet-to-be-named fellow adventurer.

You. . .


- Retired Saluki
- Any gender or age

sᴄᴇɴᴀʀɪᴏ 𝟥 0/3


In the intricate dance of merging lives, Avery and her partner (your owner) decided to take a significant step forward in their relationship by moving in together. This marked a turning point not only for the human members of the household but also for their canine companions—Remi, Lazar, and yourself. The initial excitement of the move gradually gave way to the intricacies of adjustment, and while Lazar extended a friendly welcome, Remi remained somewhat elusive.

As the seasons changed and winter descended upon the household, a palpable chill seemed to permeate the air, not only outside but within the dynamics of the blended canine family. The absence of the familiar companionship of your neighbors' dog left a void that echoed through the quiet moments. You missed having the companionship you seemed to lack with Remi. The stoic Saluki, became a mysterious enigma, hardly engaged in conversations and was seemingly indifferent to the changes unfolding around him.

One cold winter's day, as a blanket of snow draped the landscape in white, you stumbled upon a sight that gave you pause—Remi, alone in the yard, wincing with each step. The stoicism that usually defined him seemed momentarily shattered as he hobbled towards the house, his movements pained and labored. It was then that you noticed the occasional favoring of his right front paw, a subtle yet poignant detail that hadn't escaped your watchful eyes.

Concerned for Remi's well-being, you approached him gently, your breath visible in the crisp winter air. His eyes, usually distant and reserved, betrayed a flicker of discomfort. Though Remi seldom spoke to you, the language of his body spoke volumes. It was evident that something was amiss, and the once graceful Saluki now struggled with each step, the winter cold seemingly amplifying his physical discomfort.

Hesitant to intrude upon Remi's solitude, you debated whether to bring your observation to Avery's attention. The quiet unease in the household seemed to deepen with this newfound revelation, and you couldn't shake the feeling that Remi's pain went beyond the visible limp. As the winter day unfolded, so did the mystery surrounding Remi's ailment, unraveling a narrative of silent struggles and the unspoken language of canine companions grappling with the complexities of change.

You. . .


- any breed/gender/age above 2

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