Chapter:20 I love you...

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I speed along the streets of LA and finally arrive at the old shop.

I get out of my car and see a long jet black car, that was in the middle of the road. I take a deep breath and slam my door shut, I start walking towards the door and a voice ordered me to stop. Then the car door opened and I saw Shaw, bring out a scared Nathan.

"You ok?" I mouthed.
"I don't know Dab." He mouthed back.
"Let him go." I said to Shaw.
"What's the magic word?" He says and I take a deep breath.
"Let him go please." I say again.
"That's all you had to say." He says throwing Nathan towards me.

In a split second Shaw pulled a gun out and aimed it at Nathan, I ran at Nathan then I heard a Bang. Shaw was gone by then, Nathan was still standing but he started leaning on me.

"Hey hey hey hey." I said helping him to the ground.
"Dab." He says as I hold him cradle like.
"Hey keep your eyes on me." I say to him with his head resting in my hands.
"Dabria it's-" he starts but I cut him off.
"No it's not alright, I want you alive ok?" I ask him as I start putting pressure on the wound, he then takes my bloody hand in his.
"It's ok, it doesn't hurt." He says and my eyes start running.
"No, your going to stay with me." I say living my knee up, with his face close to mine.
"I Love you." He says to me, I then kiss his forehead.
"Nathan Harper." I say to him.
"Dabria Colt-" He says on his last dying breath.
"I- I love you." I say my last words to him, his hand dropped from my wrist and fell to the ground.

All I could see was blur as my eyes were filled with water, I squeeze him in a hug. Rocking back and forth as memories flashed in my head like a storm.

I remember at his birthday, we went bowling and ir remember him laughing at me as I couldn't bowl. His bubbly laugh and full with life.

Another memory of us, at my parents funeral. As he comforted me, and took me to the park after.

Me taking him to the shooting range, teaching him how to use a gun and I laugh at him failing.

Our midnight face times,texts and calls.

Us in class and at recess and lunch at school.

Basically everything we've been through and then back to the beginning.

" Hey you alright?" Someone says, I look at the face and its a boy.
"I'm ok." I reply starting to pick up my books, with his help.
"I'm Nathan. Nathan Harper." He says as he helps me up.
"I'm Dabria, Darbria Colton."
"You new?"
"How you guess?" I say sarcastically.
"Ha, where you from?" He asked.
"Why you move?" He asks.
"Why do you wanna know?" I ask with my arms across my chest.
"You look like you need a friend." He says.
"You wanna know why, I left Lebanon. Because I never had a friend, I'm different from other girls. I like fast cars, I go shooting with my bow and arrow." I tell him and he smiles, his teeth pure white,
"What?" I ask him.
"I have friends but they have nut shells of a brain. Girls want me cause I'm on the basketball team, your different." He begins.
"I just said that." I say with a slight laugh.
"What do you have first period?" He asks and I look at my time table.
"Chemistry, Room 3." I say and his smile becomes wider.
"Sit next to me." He says and I nod in agreement.
"Also one more thing."
"What?" He questioned.
"Can you help me find my locker?"
"Ha, yeah I can."

It started with our names and ending the same way.

By then everyone arrived and saw me holding Nathan in a puddle of his blood. Brian's eyes are full with water, as he squats down to me. He looks into my eyes and saw that he died in my arms, he reaches for him and I shake my head.

"Dab, he's gone you need to let go." He tells me as he pulls him away and Dom pulls me away as I see my friends lifeless body on the floor.

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