Chapter:22 The Funeral I Never Wanted To Happen.

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My eyes slowly opened as I never wanted this day to come and the phone call to Nathan's parents last night was so hard to do, then a slam on my door made me jump.

"Dabria get up!" It's was Roman.
"I'm getting up!" I yelled back and then I heard Brian talking to him, but in a whisper. But I leant against the door, to hear.
"Rom, shut up. Take it easy on her, she just lost her best friend." He says and I heard him walk off.

I went into my bathroom and got undressed, I opened the shower door and turned the shower on. All I remembered was the night Nathan died, as I hooped in the shower and the blood running down my skin.


When I got out of the shower and dried my hair I got changed.

I pulled my phone out and open my contacts and ring Nathan's phone.

"Hey it's Nathan, sorry I can't answer your call. I'll get back to you when I can, see ya." Then it goes to voice mail, I just wanted to hear his voice one last time before I properly say goodbye to him.

I open my door and stop in the door way and go back and pick up my earphones, along with my speech and one of the thousand photos I have of us. I walk into the lounge room and all the boys and Letty are all dressed, I smile at how great full of them doing this.

"Ready?" Dom asks.
"As I'll ever be." I say as Letty hugs me as we head for the car outside.

We all get in to separate cars, I was with Brian,Dom and Letty. I didn't want to talk I just wanted to listen to music, I put in my earphones and search for music through my phone. For the rest of the ride I just listened to 3 songs.

We arrived at the ceremony, I looked over at Brian he could tell by my eyes I'm not ready to let go.

"You can do it." He says to me, squeezing my hand as we all left the car.

We entered through the gates and I saw Mr and Mrs Harper, I start crying a bit and hugged them both.

"Hi." I whispered, as we left the hug facing face to face.
"How are you honey?" Mrs Harper asks.
"I'm umm mixed emotions? I'm not sure if that's an answer." I say with a slight laugh, shaking it off.
"Talk to you later." They both said.
"See ya." I say as I started walking off.
"Wait Dabria!" I heard them yell and I turn facing them.
"Yes?" I reply and then they passed me a box.
"Oh you didn't have t-"
"No, honey it was a gift for you for Christmas." They say and I smile lightly trying not to cry.
"Thankyou." I say hugging them and walking over to the bit where people said goodbye to there loved ones, I finally realise it's just me and Nathan. I look at his picture on his grave, that's been hold up by flowers.

I lightly laugh as it's the photo I took, I smile.

"Hey buddy, miss you. I hope your happy, I hope your better now. I love you." I say as someone yells out speeches and Nathan's parents where up first.


When Nathan's parents finished I walked up and faced the crowd, I saw in first row supporting me at his own funeral. Nathan, I smile and start my speech as Nathan gives a slight wave.

"Well I never had any friends growing up, when I moved and I arrived at the school. Nathan was the first one to welcome me and After that moment we met we were inseparable, we went through hell and went through heaven and now that's where he stays. To conclude my farewell to my friend,

"Thankyou." I finished as I walked off and kissed Nathan's photo.  Then Nathan's parents walked up to.
"That was beautiful." They say and I nod.


After the ceremony and burying my friend, we all went back to the house. I wasn't hungry at all, I went into my room and closed the door behind me. I leant against the door and slid to the floor, I started rocking side to side.

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