Chapter:30 Nathans Birthday.

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3 weeks later...

I snuck into Nathan's room and jumped on his bed.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I yelled and he tackled me in a hug, I laughed.
"Let me sleep." He mutters.
"Get up you brown potato." I tell him, struggling to get away from his grip.
"I know I'm brown you don't have to call me a potato Dab." He says.
"Then get up!" I say tickling him.
"O-ok I'm getting up, wait outside." He told me and I did as I was told.

I waited for about a minute and he came in boxer shorts and a white shirt, his hair messy. I pulled him into the kitchen and he jumped as everyone yelled surprised, poor Nate he only just woke up.

"Thanks." He says and walks up to the cake and blows out the candles.
"How old are you now?" Tej asks.
"Ummm....." Oh my god Nate.
"He's now 21." I say helping him out.
"How old are you?" Tej asks me.
"21." I tell him.
"Who wants breakfast?" Dom asks clapping his hands.
"Me!" Nathan and I said in Unison, we looked at each other and broke into a laugh.
"What you guys want?" Brian asks.
"Pancakes!" We both said in unison again.
"You to are creepy." Letty mutters.


Nathan and I sat on the couch and Dom brought out to plates with pancakes,whip cream and strawberries as Brian brought out orange juice.

"Thank You." Nathan and I said to the both of them.
"Where you taking me today?" Nathan asked with a mouthful of strawberries in his mouth.
"It's a surprise and that's where you get your present." I tell him.
"Dab, I'll be back I'm picking up Mia and Jack from the airport." Brian and Dom said to us before they left out the door.


Nathan was about to start opening his presents, then Mia and Jack walked in. Nathan got up straight away and went over to hug her and Jack, I look over to Brian to see if Mia knows about Nathan's "death". He nods, so Mia knows.

"Happy 21st." She says and I laugh as she is the only one that remembers our ages.
"Thanks Mia and hey little man." He says taking Jack and I got up hugging Mia and saying hello to Jack.

I watched Nathan baby talk to Jack, making him laugh.

"Presents?" Roman asked.
"Yes." Nathan replied, passing him back to Mia.

We walked back to the couch and Mia and Brian went first.

"Here Nathan." Brian says hugging Mia from her waist as Jack was on the floor.
"Thanks guys." He says opening the card and I straight away knew it was Mia's writing.

Dear Nathan,
Happy 21st Birthday! Thank you for be a beautiful kid, love always.

-Brian,Mia and Jack.

"Thanks guys." Nathan says giving me the card, he opened the box and it's a photo of Nathan and I's old friend before he moved away Marty.

The frame was Nathan's two favourite colours, blue and grey.

"Hey look it's Marty." Nathan says passing me the frame.
"Oh my god remember Marty's buzz cut, before it all grew back?" I asked laughing at the memory and Nathan started laughing.
"God yes." He says, then my phone started vibrating on the table. Marty's face popped up on screen,Speak of the devil.

"Does he know about you know?" I mutter to Nathan.
"Dunno, answer it." He says.

I pick up my phone and answer it.

"Hey Marty! How's DC?" I ask.
"Fine, how are you?" He asks.
"I'm good, there's someone that wants to talk to you." I say putting him on speaker.
"Hey Marty." Nathan says.
"How's life back from the dead?" Marty asks and everyone's eyes open, how'd he know?
"H-?" Nathan and I start.
"You haven't called me at all!" He says and I take a huge sigh of relief.
"Sorry man." Nathan replies.
"And happy birthday dude." He says and I smile.
"Why didn't you call me on my birthday a month ago?" I ask him.
"Arrr..... I need to go bye!" He says and hangs up the phone, Nathan and I give each other a look and continue with the presents.

"Here Nate." Letty said passing him the gift.

The card says,

To Nathan,
Thanks for being the good kid you are.
Happy Birthday,
From Dom and Letty.

"Thanks." He says and opens the gift.

Really Dom? Thanks for getting him something he can't even shoot.

"Thanks Dom and Letty." He says and passes me the gun.
"You can't shoot." I tell Nathan.
"You can teach me." He says and I roll my eyes.

I place the gun on the table and Roman and Tej pass him there gift.

"Here man." Tej says passing it to him.
"Thanks guys." He says opening the card.

To Nathan,
Happy Birthday man,
-Tej and Roman.

" Thanks." He says, opening the gift.

"Oh god thanks Tej and Rom." He says taking them out the box.
"We got the biggest size, so it would fit you buff foot." They say and I smile


"Where are we going?" Nathan asks me.
"We are going to a beach." I tell him.
"So everyone is getting ready, so do we." I tell him as we both got up and got ready.

We got dressed, I got ready before Nathan. I sat next to Mia on the couch, waiting for Nathan. When he came out he was in his boardies, Mia and Lettys mouths drop. I lift Mia's mouth up and she shook her head getting out of his trance, Mia blushes.

"Remember, your with my uncle." I mutter to her and she pushes me.
"Ready to go?" Brian asks.


We arrived at the beach but it's a private one.

"Close your eyes." I told Nathan and he looked worried, but he closed his eyes.
"Don't kill me." He says as I help him out of the car.
"Do you trust me?" I ask him.
"Of course." He replies.
"Then stop complaining." I tell him and he laughs as I see everyone setting up.

I placed my hands over his eyes and directed him, he nearly tripped several times and I always reply whoops. Then we got in front of his present, I made him stop.

"Ready?" I ask him.
"As I'll ever be." He replies.
"Do you want to see it or not?" I ask.
"Yes." He says impatiently.
"Ok, I'm taking my hands off but keep your eyes closed." I told him.
"Ok." He replies as I take my hands off with his eyes still closed.

I walk over to his gift from me, I look at the blue tarp covering the surprise.

"You ready, you better not be peeking." I tell him.
"Dab, come on I have my eyes closed." He says.
"How many many fingers am I holding up?" I ask putting up 3.
"I don't know 6?" He asks.
"Ok ready?" I ask him.
"Yes!" He says back.
"Open." I tell him and at the second he opened his eyes, I took the tarp off.

It's the Harley Davidson he wanted.

"Oh my g-god, Dabria!" He yells and I smile.
"Do you like it?" I ask him.
"Like it? I freaking love it!" He yells and I smile, then he charged at me and swung me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
"*scream* Haha, let me down!" I yell at him as I see everyone else laughing.

We enter the water and he chucked me in, when I came back up I saw him laughing. I pushed him over into the water, he came back up and picked me up bridal style.
We both started laughing, he then put me down as I tackled him. He then gave me a piggy back, I kissed his cheek. He then looked at me and I saw that look in his eye, all of a sudden we fell backwards. We came back up laughing, he then started tickling me.

"NO, NO STOP NATHAN STOP!" I yelled laughing.

He then picked me up by the waist and twirled me, then we both started laughing again.

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