Chapter:33 Hospital.

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I woke up and got into the shower, I couldn't stop thinking about that dream last night.
I know I need to tell Brian or Nathan, but I don't know... I could tell Marty, but he doesn't know me as well as Nathan does. I'll properly just tell Nathan, I get out of the shower and get changed.

I open my door and I crash into a chest and soon realise it's Nathan.

"Hi." I say to him as he hugs me.
"I was about to wake you up." He tells me and I wrap my arms around him.
"You alright?" He asks.
"I'll tell you later." I warn him.


Everyone finished breakfast and Nathan and I were the only ones home.

" What did you need to tell me?" He asks leaning against the counter.
"I keep having these dreams, like what mum had." I tell him.
"Dreams where it feels real and you can't wake up?" He asks and I nod.
"I think I might need a blood test." I tell him and he nods.
"Can we take the bike?" He asks and I nod, he smiles and chucks me my helmet.


We arrive at the hospital and walk into the building, I walk up to the counter with Nathan behind.

"Hi how can I help you?" The lady asks.
"I was wondering, if there is still time for a blood test?" I ask.
"Yeah, just fill this form out and she'll be out soon." She says passing the form to me and pen.
"Thank you." I say smiling and sitting down on the chair and Nathan sitting next to me.

I realised after about a minute filling in the sheet, Nathan's stressing more then I am.
I look up and his leg is shaking, I know that's his way for trying not to cry. I place my hand on his and he looks at me, I reach over to his cheek and kiss it.

"It's fine Nathan, it's just a blood test to See if I have what mum had." I told him and he nods.
"Next?" The lady asked and I got up.
"Yeah." I reply.
"You want me to come?" Nathan asked grabbing my hand.
"Yeah." I reply and he gets up and follows.

We went into the room and Nathan sits down on a chair as I sit on a chair close to a desk.

"How do you say your name? Da-Briea?" She asks.
"It's just Dabria." I tell her.
"Can you tell me your birth date?"
"21st of June 1994." I reply.
"Is this your first blood test?"

She then started taking my blood, I look over to Nathan and his stressing. I know he saw his nan die in front of him, in a hospital so he's been scared.

"Done." She says cleaning it up.
"Thank you."
"I'll call you in 3 days." She tells me, as I got up.
"Ok cool thankyou." I tell her and we both left.
"It's fine Nathan." I tell him.
"I know." He says grabbing my hand.

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