Chapter:46 Location.

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Dabrias P.O.V.

I fell asleep again, flashes of images of an old underground warehouse came into my vision. Yells of a person I know, I saw the Nogitsune (well evil me) and then Marty.

I jumped awake as Nathan came into the room.

"I-I." I started.
"What's wrong?"He asks.
"I know where they are." I tell him as I stand up.
"The old underground warehouse."


We arrived at the entrance to the old warehouse, I looked at Nathan as he held me up as I was becoming more sicker by the day. My skin was icy cold and pale, with massive reddish purple bags around the whole of my eyes. Hobbs had his gun ready, same with Dom,Brian and Letty. They go down first as Nathan and I where at the back, when we got past the flights of stairs. I heard Marty yell again, that triggered shivers down my spine. Hobbs lifted his gun a tad higher, along with everyone else.

"What if killing the Nogitsune, kills you?" Nathan muttered to me.
"If it does, I want you guys to continue with it." I mutter back.

We came around the corner and Marty was on the floor, the Nogitsune looked at us. They started shooting at it, but all the bullets missed and before one could hit the other me. She disappeared, as she disappeared black dust was left where she stood. We looked back over to Marty and he was still there, Nathan still held me and we made our way over to him. We dropped to Marty's level, and we laughed as we went into a group hug.

"Are you ok?" We asked Marty.
"Yeah, what about you Dab? You look like shit." He says and I made my way out of the hug and looked at him.
"Oh thanks Marty." I say to him and he just brought me back into the group hug.

Back at the house.

I sat on the couch with the boys, as we were trying to figure out where could the other me could be?

"Could be at a graveyard." Nathan says as Marty and I look at him.
"What?" Nathan asks.
"Really?" We ask and Nathan went shy.
"Hmm." Marty says.
"Where is a place we where all at once?" I ask.
"There's the park,cinemas, the school-" Marty says but I cut him off.
"THE SCHOOL!" I say.
"Well we better tell the others." Marty says getting up, then Nathan grabs his wrist.
"What?" I ask.
"Never mind." He says letting go of his wrist.

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