Chapter:66 Home and Reunions.

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R.I.P. Paul Walker, thank you for everything. Thank you for being a great role model for me, race in peace.

"Dom and Letty GET UP!" I yelled.

"We're getting DRESSED!!!" Letty yells back as I sit on the couch in...

They both came out and we jumped into the car, we started driving and I stopped the car.

"I don't know the way out of this town." I say.

"I'll help you."


We arrived in front of the house and I could tell they were both tense.

"It's ok, you guys stay here and I'll call you in." They both nod.

I get out of the car and open the door and Mia,Jack,Nathan and Brian look at me and smile. Nathan runs at me and picks me up in a hug, he whispers.

"Where the hell were you?" He asks me.

"I'll explain in a second." I tell him as we leave the hug and Brian comes up.

We go into a hug and he squeezes me.

"Um Brian can't breath." I tell him.

"Sorry." He replies as he loses his grip.

" Where were you?" He asks me.

"I'll show you." I say looking at the doorway.

"Come in!" I exclaimed.

They got out of the car and they walked in, they were all shocked to see Dom and Letty standing there.

"Ar ar?" Brian starts, lost for words.

"Hey O'Conner." Dom says as they go into a hug and same does Letty with Mia, Nathan looked at me stunned.

"Come here Nathan." Dom calls him.

"Get in here Dab." Letty says as I quickly grab Jack and we all go into a group hug.

I guess the family is whole again, besides from Marty.

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