Chapter:71 A Month Later...

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After a month, we've settled into our new home. I sat at the kitchen table, reading what I found in a box.

"What you reading kiddo?" Brian asked walking into the room.

"Some book." I replied, deep into the book.

He walked over and took it out of my hands, he looked at the front then ready a sentence.

"Demon Riders?" He says with a bit of apple in his mouth.

"Yeah, it's really good."

"What's it about?" Brian asks looking at me.

"A girl, who's life is thrown apart. Then gets possessed by a Demon and rides motorcycles." I say smiling after it.

"Reminds me of some one." He says passing the book back.

"To be honest, I'm better and it was a dark spirit slash fox thing. This was just a spiritual thing looking for revenge." I explain to him.

"Alright, alright you got me there." He says sitting at the table with me.

"What are you going to do today?" I ask him.

"Dunno, probably take Mia out. That means you have to take care of Jack, that means no Nathan over." He says and I roll my eyes.

"Fine. But at least I can spend some time with the little man, isn't that right Jack?" I ask him as he sat on the floor of the room, he got up and ran over to me. I picked him up over my head and went rarrr at him, as he laughed.

"Ok, so until 8?"He asks.

"Wait, when you leaving?" I ask him.

"Ummm now." He says making his way to the door, I realise that Mia must be in the car. I grab my phone and check the time, it's 8 am. That means he'll be out for 11 hours, I look up at him.

"WAIT, your-!"

"Thanks bye!" He says as he closes the door behind him and soon after that his car leaving.

I held Jack, I looked at him and sighed.

"Well... We are going to be here alone... For. A. While." I say to him putting him down.

"Can you cook me something?" He asks as I look down at him and just see Brian.

"Of course, what do you want?" I ask him.

"ICE CREAM!" He squeals.

"Um, not for breakfast. Your mother would kill me." I tell him.

"Please." He exclaimed.


"WHYYYYYYYY!" He screamed, man he has a pair of lungs on him.

"Because, you'll then get fat and look like a potato." I tell him.

"Then can I have my special food?" He asks.

"Yeah, go and sit down in front of the Tv when I get it ready." I tell him and he smiles wondering over to the Tv, God young kids are going to be the death of me.

I cooked his food and got him in his high chair as he ate the food.

"Is it good?" I ask him.

"Yeah." He says smiling.

"Good." I say as I quickly grab the Demon Riders book away from him.


So far, Jack has watched Tv and we played in the backyard. God, it was easier when he was younger. He was sitting on the lounge room floor playing with models of cars, I smile then see a blue skyline that looks very familiar. I pick it up and realised it was my one, how did he get it?

"That's mine!" Jack yelled.

"No it's mine, my dad gave it to me." I tell him and rush it to my room and put it on a high shelf, I then quickly run back to the lounge room and he's gone! Along with my phone!

"JACK!?" I yelled and I heard his voice coming from his room, I rushed to his room and Nathan must've FaceTimed me cause jacks talking to him.

"Jack!" I yelled.

"Oh no." He says as he saw I was angry.

" Give me my phone!" I yelled and he did, "Sit on the floor and don't move!" I yelled at him.

"Hey Dab." Nathan says as I look at him.


"How you going?" He asks me.

"Not so good, Jack is being a pain." I tell him.

"God, where Brian and Mia?" He asks.

"Gone until 8."

"When did they leave?"


"Oh god, your in trouble." He says and I shake my head in agreement.

"Help me, you had younger cousins. How do I get him to stop?" I begged.

"Has he slept at all today?" He asks and I look down at Jack and he shakes his head.


"He's over tired, he needs to have an afternoon nap. Like you." He says and I role my eyes.

"I need a double shot espresso." I tell him and he laughs.

"Love you." I tell him.

"Love you too bye."

"Bye."  I say as I hung up, I placed my phone in my back pocket and pick up Jack. He just hugs me, I start patting his back.

"Can *yawn* sing please?" He asked.

"Ok, what do you want me to sing?" I ask him.

"You choose." He says and I think quickly, hmmmmm.

"Please lay a little longer. Weight is on my shoulders, holding me down. Some days, it can't get much darker. Feel it more than ever. When your not around. When I think about love, you are right beside me. I think about us, you'll always find me. When my heart is lost, I know that'll you guide me. I think about all the little things that still remind me." I sang and I looked at Jack and he fell asleep, I smiled and payed him down. I walked out of his room, enjoying the quietness.


Jack was still hyper after he woke up at 1. He was running around the house, like a mad Man. I tried picking him up, but he screamed. His screams could make you deaf in matter of seconds, he suddenly crashed into the wall.

"Oh Jack." I said walking over to him, he cried as he wanted me to pick him up. I picked him up and rubbed his head, he hugged me tightly.

"Want a juice box?" I ask him and he nodded, I walked over to the kitchen and placed him on the kitchen counter. I grabbed him a juice box and he gulped it down fast, he then jumped down and started running around again. I placed my hands on top of my head, and sighed.

8pm and Brian's P.O.V.

"I wonder how'd Dabria went today?" I asked Mia entering into the driveway.

"Yeah, he's a little shit at the moment and you have to make it up to her after that." She replies.

"What!? I have to, we have to." I tell her as we walk up the front stairs.

"Ok." Mia says as I open the door and there was the house spotless and I see Dabria sleeping on the couch with Jack on top of her asleep.

"I guess it didn't go so good." Mia says taking Jack of her and I chucked a blanket on her and kissed her forehead, she the rolled over.

"She really asleep?" Mia asks

"Yeah, Jack must've gave her a hard day."   

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