Chapter:78 Work For Hobbs.

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Brian woke me up.

"Get up." He says shaking me.

"Why?" I ask him.

"Your starting your new job." Brian replies.

"WHAT?!" I exclaim

"Your working in the office at Hobbs, you start in an hour." Then he left the room.

I sigh and get up, finding clothes to wear. Hmm, I know what'll help music. So I put on same old love, I open my draw and drag this out...

I have breakfast and start driving to work while chewing on gum, also continuing to listening to same old love.

"I'm so sick of that, sick of that love. I'm so sick of that love, that shitty tears me up. I'm so sick of that love, my body's had Enough."


I pull up in the drive way of Hobbs work and I see him waiting at the front door, I get out of the car and walk up to him.

"Hey Hobbs."

"Hey Dabria, ready?"

"As I'll ever be." I replied as we walked into the elevator then to the floor he works on.


When we got up to his level Hobbs called out.

"Everyone! Listen up, we have a new person working with us. Her name is Dabria, so be welcoming or I'll hit you myself." Hobbs tells them all.

"Yes sir." They all called back.

"Come on Dabria, I'll show your desk." Hobbs says as I follow him and he gives me papers to work on as he went into his office.

After about 20 minutes of doing some paper work.

"Hi." I look up and see...

"Um Hi?" I reply.

"I'm Dusty." He introduces himself, with his hand out and I shake it.

"Dabria." We then let go of each others hands.

"I just wanted to introduce myself, as you are new here."

"Thanks." I reply pressing my lips together.

"Dabria can you come in here?" Hobbs calls out and I get up.

"Duty calls." He says as I leave and I laugh slightly.

"What do you need Hobbs?" I ask coming into his office.

"Did you finish your papers?" He asks and I go and place them in his desk.


"Ok, in the printer room there is 290 papers you need to fill out for me."  He says and I groan.

"What!? That's going to take me till 9pm." I exclaim.

"Stop, go." He tells me as I start walking to the printer room, running my hand through my hair.

I walk into the room and there's Dusty organising papers, I go to the printer and start taking the papers out.

"Hey." He says I look towards him.

"Hi." I say smiling.

"So you are the one with 290 papers?" He asks and I laugh slightly.

"Yeah, Hobbs is trying to work me till morning. So far I'm going to be here till 9."

"Same, I'm way behind. I have 300 to do." He explains.

"Ha, well I guess we both are going to be here for a while."

"Yeah, need help?" He asks walking over to me and helping me with getting the papers out.

"Thanks." I tell him as he takes a bunch and so do I.

After we got them all out, Dusty continued sorting his papers. Because he helped me, I'm going to help him.

"Need help?" I ask him

"Yeah thanks." He says as I help him.

We sort out the piles and put them on one, then he helps me sort Hobbs papers.

"Tell me about yourself." Dusty just randomly says and I laugh.

"That's random."

"What? Can't I get to know my work mates?" He asks.

"My full name is Dabria O'Conner Colton, I like fast cars; my parents were killed, I live with my uncle,aunt and their kid. I just got out of a relationship, I like shooting my bow and arrow, I've got a tattoo of an arrow. I like dancing."I tell him and he nods.

"My full name is Dusty Carter, I don't have a middle name. I like running and working out, I've been a cop for a year, I have a motorcycle that's at my house, I lost my parents 10 Years ago from a fire to their house, I love my sisters kids, I also like dancing." He tells me and I take his hand in mine.

"Sorry for your loss." I tell him.

"You too." He says smiling slightly.

"Let's get these papers upstairs, shall we?" I ask and he nods.

I take my pile and he takes his, when we were walking to the elevator. I could feel some of the papers slipping, when they started falling Dusty caught them.

"Thanks." I tell him as the door opened and we walk over to our desks, when I put down the big pile. Hobbs places another 200 pages onto my table, I look at him and he smirks.

"I'm going out for tea with the family and Brian, along with Dom and that. You are doing this for me." He says.

"I'm going to be here until 12." I tell him and he nods.

"Dusty is going to be here as well." He says pointing to him, as he walks over and gives me the rest of the papers.

"Thanks." I tell him.


Everyone has left and it's only Dusty and I, I'm up to out of 530 pages. 100.
I place the first 100 pages on Hobbs table, I go back to my desk and I look up at Dusty who is filling in papers. He looks up and I quickly look down at my work, I see at the corner of my eye him smiling.


Up to page 395, then I do another 5. I get up and place them on the pile on Hobbs desk, I go back and sit at my desk then I hear music coming from Dustys desk. He gets up and starts dancing.

"What are you doing!?" I ask him laughing.

"Dancing." He says coming over to me, he grabs my hand and I stand up dancing with him. I jump on a spot with my hands in my hair, I then dance with him as a beat comes and we do some fancy foot work and we laugh. I put my hands in his hair ruffling it, then the song stops.

"What time is it?" I ask Dusty.

"9:50." He says.

"Better get to work."


I look at my phone and it's 11:11.

"Dusty its 11:11, make a wish." I tell him.

"Done." He says.

"That was quick." I reply as I make my wish.


"Done." I say walking out of Hobbs office tired.

"Almost." Dusty replies

"What do you have to do?" I ask him, walking over to the front of his desk.

"I need help with financial markets." He says as I Lean over the table looking at it, I grab a pen and do it for him.

"Now your done." I tell him as he smiles.

"I better start running home." He says putting on his jacket.

"No, it's late I'll drive you." I tell him and he smiles.

"Oh and I get your number?" He asks me.

"Yeah." I tell him as we exchange numbers.

We walk down to my car and get in, we laugh and talk.

"Where do you live?" I ask him.

"7 blocks away." He tells me and directs me to his house, when we I pulled up to his drive way I was amazed by his house.

"Nice house."

"Thanks." He says.

"See ya later?" I ask him.

"Yeah, thanks again." He says and he kisses my cheek, I try and hide the blush.

He leaves the car and waves back at me, I wave in return.


I walk into the house and accidentally made a noise, Brian came running out.

"Shh." He tells me.

"Sorry." I whispered.

"How was work?" He asks.

"Good, but long." I tell him.

"Go and get some sleep." He tells me.

"Yes sir."  

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