Chapter:8 Spain.

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We took the first flight to Dominic republic, we stayed with Doms friends. They are nice people, but there place is like a prison with no way out only if you have 30 peoples permission. I can't believe the house is gone, everything gone. I know I should be happy that everyone is fine, besides from H-h-h-Han. He was murdered, the funeral is soon but that's when we go back home to America. My beautiful red bow I got from mum and dad is gone.

I sit in the basement where some cars are along with Brian who is watching a laptop and I see our house is on the news. I cross my legs on the couch, I stare at my phone on the coffee table. I then hear my uncle sigh, I know it's hard,Then my phone rang and this face popped up on screen.

My uncle turns to me.

"Who is it?" He asks.
"Nathan, can I answer it?" I beg, then he nods.

I pick it up and a stressful voice filled my ears.

"Oh my god, Dabria are you ok?" He says, "I heard what happened."
"I'm fine Nate, ok? No one was in the house."
"I'm coming over and seeing you now! Tell me the address-" I then cut him off.
"Nathan Harper, slow down. I'm fine, you can't really come and see me." I reply.
"Why can't I?" He asks.
"I'm kind of in Spain."
"Yeah, I'll be back in America soon ok. I need to go, I'll video chat you tonight ok?" I say to him.
"*sigh* Yeah, ok I'll talk to you tonight. Love you."
"Love you too." Then I hung up.

I turn around and see Mia hugging Brian, I smile and sneak past them to get some food.


I was in my own room, yay! I sat at the desk and borrowed a laptop, I opened up Skype and dialled Nathan's number. I watch the screen as this is his Skype profile pic.

I laugh at that memory of me taking that photo, after I pushed him in at the public pool. I took a photo of him on his phone then I placed his phone on the ground then he pulled me in.

"Hey you." He says
"Hey, miss you." I reply.
"Where are you?" I asked curious.
" My room, I painted it. You like?" He asks. His walls are a nice ocean blue.
"How's Spain?" He asks with a smile.
"Fien, crowded." I say rolling my eyes.
"Ha, besides from that good?" He questions

Then Brian walked in and saw I was talking to Nathan.

"Hey Brian." I say to my uncle.
" Hey sorry." He replies.
"All good Brian, wanna say hi to Nathan?" I ask him.

Brian turns and looks at the screen and smiles,

"Hey Nathan how are you?" He asks.
"I'm good, Brian. You?"
"Busy, sorry I need to go. Dab remember you have 10 minutes."
"Yep." I replied as he left.

For those 10 minutes, Nathan and I caught up and talked like we were still in school.

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