Chapter:87 Dom vs Hobbs, Dab vs Dusty.

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At the moment Dom and I are the only one at the safe house,at a random moment a big bulky car came through the wall. It was Dusty and Hobbs, it crashed into Doms and one of my 3 cars.

"You've just made a big mistake." Dom and I say at the same time as I got of the couch.

Hobbs and Dusty then got out of the car.

"Took us a while to find that tracking chip." Hobbs says closing his door.

"Or the receiver, your going down Toretto." Hobbs starts.

"And O'Conner." Dusty says coming at me as Hobbs went at Dom.

"I'm right here." We say walking towards them.

Dom went fighting with Hobbs as I was fighting Dusty, he took a punch at me as I ducked. I punched him square in the jaw, I kicked Dusty onto the floor he rolled as I turn to Dom and Hobbs, Hobbs got Doms face pressed down onto the car hood.

"Need help Dom?" I ask running behind Hobbs.

I run and jump, flipping as I grab Hobbs head and make him flip over my head.

"Thanks Dab." He says and I turn and Dusty is coming at me, he pushes me against the car hood.

"I've got you now." He says and I flip him over me.

"No you don't."


Dom and Hobbs are in a different room, then Dusty and I. We are both bleeding, Dusty gets me in a head lock and I see Brian and Mia and Nathan along with everyone else. I then see Hobbs trying to bash Doms head in, Mia yelling for them to stop and Roman and tej holding Letty back. Along with a whole squad of cops there, Brian is keeping his hand around Mias arm.

"See that, your family will destroy in a matter of seconds." Dusty says, tightening his grip.

I head butt him backwards, he grabs my hand and tries to choke me. I bite his hand really hard, we were on a top level of the building. Dusty pushes me through the window and I fall on top of a car roof, it took the breath out of me.

"DABRIA!" I hear Brian and Nathan yell.

I roll off the car and land on my stomach on the ground, trying to catch my breath. Then before I knew it, dusty got me in a head lock.

"GET OFF HER DUSTY!" Nathan yells as Brian has to hang onto him as well.

I look over to Dom and he is about to smash in Hobbs's face with a wrench, Mia yelled for him to stop. He did, I kicked Dusty off me and I coughed up blood.

Brian looked over to me seeing if I was ok, I nodded and he gave me a look lie, he was saying no your not. All of the cops had their guns pointed at Dom, he placed his hands on the back of his head.

Nathan grabbed a hold of Mia as Brian tried to make his way over to me, but two cops stopped him.

"HEY! Can't I see if my niece is alright!?" Brian exclaims as Hobbs nods at the two cops and they let him through, Brian punches Dusty in the nose and goes on his knees by my side.

Brian hugged me as I leant into his chest, tearing up as every bit of me hurt. Brian went shhh in a comforting way, I took a deep breath and stopped crying. I then started coughing again and blood came out again.

"Just spit it all out." Brian says as I spat a river of blood.

I looked up at Dusty who just looked at me and went and stood his post by the new girl cop, she placed her hands on the sides of his face and pecked his lips. Must be Dustys girlfriend.

"Ok, Dabria, Brian and Dom you three are under arrest."  

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