Chapter:90 Escaping + Resuce

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Dabrias P.O.V.

I sit on the chair still, I pull my hands up as they are also chained to the floor. I look to the cars where my uncles are, I take a deep long breath. As I blinked I see the car that Doms in explode from the bottom, then Brian's flipped. Anxiety grew fast in me, like being trapped in a bottle drowning from water. So our car flipped and my body flew, but the only thing keeping me down is my hands being cuffed to the floor.

The car hit the ground with a thud, I saw the driver passed out. I look over and see Alyssa passed out as well, there's glass and blood. I started kicking at the roof as that's where the cuffs were attached to, I pulled and pulled. Soon the chain snapped and I got the keys off the dead driver, I then un did my cuffs. I pulled Alyssa out and as far as I could from the cars, I went over to Brian's and saw him passed out. I saw his driver dead, I look around for Dusty and I couldn't find him.

"Dabria, get Brian out." It was Dom he was fine, I see near Alyssa through the broken window Hobbs. Dusty was in Doms hands though.

"Got it." I tell him as I drag my uncles body out.

I pulled Brian onto the grass and then the three cars exploded after each other, like dominoes falling. I cover my uncle as Dom did with Hobbs and Alyssa, I see bits of my bow and arrow fly beside me. My eyes tear up, but I suck it up.

I made sure Brian had a pulse and he did, I heard the sound of my car, the charger and Brian's new car. I see our cars pull up, Roman was in Brian's. Letty in the charger and then Nathan in my car, Tej must be staying with Mia.

Letty and Roman helped Dom as he passed out, Nathan rushed over to me and saw that Brian passed out. I could feel myself soon getting there, but I fight against it to make sure Brian's fine.

"You ok?" Nathan asks me and I nod.

"Help me get Brian in my car." I tell him and he nods as we lift Brian and place Brian and I in the backseat.

"Is Dom ok?" I ask Rom.

"Yeah, think so." He says as I nod.

They get into there cars and we leave the three cops there as Ambulance come, I look down and look at Brian to make sure he's fine.

"We need to get him to a hospital." Nathan says as I shake my head.

"No, then after he gets out we will go to jail." I tell him and he nods.

"Love you." He says and the breath of mine got sucked out of me.

"L-L-Love you too." I reply and I can see him smirking the slightest bit.

I hid my blush and leant my head against my door frame, my eyes slowly became heavy and by the time I realised I was in a deep sleep. Recovering from tiredness.

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