Chapter:94 Good Life.

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Dedicated to my friend:simplyhorses "No Matter Where You Are, Whether It's a Quarter Mile away. Or Half Way Across The World, You'll Always Be My Friend."

As I sort out the money for Tej as Nathan is picking me up in a hour, I hear my uncle Roman talking to my uncle Tej. I look through the office window and see him all dressed up, I come out without him noticing.

"Looking good uncle Rom." I call out and Roman turns to me happy.

"Hey baby girl!" He exclaims, the only thing that popped into mind was when I first arrived after I graduated.

"Why do you smell like expensive cologne? Actually why did you get a new car without me knowing?" I ask running over to his car, ignoring the woman there.

"Don't touch the car." Roman exclaims.

"Sorry." I reply walking back into the shed with my hands up in surrender.

"Where's Nathan?" Roman asks.

"He's picking me up in 10 minutes." I start looking at my phone, "He has a surprise?" I tell him as Nathan always surprises me.

"Ok? What's so special about this surprise? Is he going to ask you to put a rock on your finger?" Roman and Tej tease as I slap them like a little girl.

I heard a car pull up, I look outside to see who it was along with Tej and Roman. Nathan got a 2016 black charger, he's been spending too much time with Dom and Letty.

"Hey everyone." Nathan says getting out of the car.

"Hey Nathan, nice car is that Doms?" Rom asks.

"No it's mine?" He replies confused as I hug him.

"He's messing with you, don't worry." I tell him.

"Ready to go?" Nathan asks me.

"Yeah, where are you taking me?" I questioned.

"You'll have to wait and see."

"Bye guys." We both said walking to the new car, that makes 4. As Brian got me a new car for my birthday.

"Good luck Nathan!" They both yell.

"Shut up Tej and Roman." I yell back and they both look at each other then back at Nathan and I.

"Bye mini Brian."

"Bye!" We yell.

Nathan drove onto the freeway, heading into town. I look over to Nathan and he is chilled, not giving a hint of what it is. I hate it when he gives me a thousand gifts, when I don't give him the same. We turn several lefts and right, Nathan stopped the car and looked at me.

"Close your eyes." Even though I hate doing it, besides from sleeping of course.

"Dabria O'Conner Colton." He says and he knows I rather go by O'Conner.

"Fine!" I growled closing my eyes.


"What was that?" I question with my eyes closed.

"Nothing." He replies.

"That's what I thought little shit." I replied and he laughed lightly.

He helped me out of the car and directed me, he didn't do such a good job. I nearly tripped seven times, he then stopped me. He told me to stay and I did, he counted down from three.

"3...2...1!" At one I opened my eyes and Nathan pulled a very big tarp off, what seems to be a shop.

"What the hell Nathan!" I exclaim, not sure to be happy or angry.

I look at the shop and it's about the size of a garage, the only thing that came into mind was a car deco.

"You like it?" He asks and I like it, but he waisted OUR money on it.

Damn what should I say?... ARRR Marty would no what to say. Dabria don't think, deep breath. Anxiety go away, ok.

"I like it!" I exclaim and he smiles widely.

I run inside and I see this being a garage.

"I wanna make this a garage, where I put art on cars." I tell him.

"What's it going to be called?" He questions.


-Ride Or Die?
-Car Art?

OH, I know.

"Bronsons car art." I tell him referring to my first dog who was my best friend.

"Ok that's cool, do you still have a photo of him?" He questions.

"I think they are at Brian's." I tell him and my phone goes off.

It's from Letty, she sent through a photo.

At Brian and Mias, what you up 2?😘

Sorting out me new job. 😁

WHAT?! Your working for Tej?

No. I replied sending a picture of the shop, don't tell anyone. I'll tell you when, I'm designing the sign.

Ok honey, have fun 💗

Ok thanks😊

I look around the floor and see that Nathan already got me a sign and paints etc.

"I love you." I tell Nathan as he hugs me.

"Love you too." He replies as we peck each others lips.

He then places two keys into my hand.

"Shops yours, I'm going back home see you there?" He asks and he leaves. Luckily, he brought my new orange skyline. Ok Dabria, let's get this banner done. First music, I search my phone and play...

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[A gif or video was added here in a newer version of Wattpad. Update now to see.]

Ok, let's get this banner finished. I grab all the stuff I need, hmmm.... I should but a new car against old. Ok I can do this.

3 Hours Later...

"YES IM FINISHED!" I yelled to myself, why do I do that?

I'm so happy with it, I grab my phone and send a message to Letty.

Finished the sign come around in the morning. 🤓

Ok, everyone come?

Only you 🤗


I look at the time and it's 8:30pm, enter spray this with water proof stuff.


I wake up to a bang at the window, I jump awake and it was Letty outside the shop. Damn I must've fallen asleep, I run my hand through my messy hair in a pony tail. I open the door and yawn.

"Morning sleepy." She says and I smile, I gesture for her to come in and she did.

"Have you been here all night?" She asks looking at the paint on the covers on the floor so the paint doesn't get to the marble.

"Yeah, I have." I tell her walking to the office to get it.

I bring it out and Lettys mouth drops.

"What? Don't you like it?" I question.

"No, no,no no. I love it!" She exclaims and I smile.

"Thanks." I smile more.

"Who's Bronson?" She questions and I gulp.

"M-my first dog and my best friend who died." I tell her and she nods.

"And I'm taking you home, so you can sleep." She bosses.

"But meh car." I tell her not wanting to leave it.

"We can lock up the shop and cover the Windows." She says and I nod.


Letty and got into her car, she put on music and soon I straight went to sleep.


I woke up and I felt warm, comfy. I open my eyes and I see Nathan. I smile and realised I'm still in the same clothes that I've been in for two days, I feel disgusting. I kiss Nathan's nose softly, I just want to stay in bed. But I need a shower, I get up and get un dressed. When I got out, I got changed into...

When I entered the kitchen, there was Nathan fully dressed.

"Morning?" I told him.

"Morning." He replies, smiling at me.

"I don't remember coming home." I say as I hug him.

"Letty brought you home and I got you too bed." He tells me and I kiss his cheek.

"Thanks honey." I tell.

"Ready to go to Brian and Mias for tea?" He asks.

"Are we?"

"Yeah, wanna get going in 30 minutes."


We arrive at the front of Brian and Mias, but no one heard us. We walk up to the front door and knock, Mia answered.

"Hey guys!" She says as we all hug each other.

"Hey." Nathan says.

" Where's Brian?" I ask.

"In the garage." Mia tells me.

"Thanks." I tell her making my way, as Nathan stayed with her.

I walked down a stone path, towards the garage. When I got to the door, Brian was searching for the wrench. He always has it in the car engine.

"Left side of the engine, you always drop it there." I tell him leaning against the door frame.

Brian turned to me, then got the wrench out of the engine. I smiled as we both walk towards each other, we hugged each other and laughed.

"I always wonder what I would do without you." He says.

"I will always be here, don't worry you." I reassure him as I hear a familiar husky voice.

"Aww, how sweet. Now give your other uncle a hug." Dom pleaded as Brian held me tighter.

"She's mine Dom." Brian exclaims, as Dom comes over and joins in the group hug.

"O'Conner, she's ours."

Adrenaline Rush.
Out Now.

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