one kiss is all it takes

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It was a snowy day. Snowflakes drifted across Paris. Everyone was either out with a lover, family or friends and engaged in various activities.

There was an enormous Christmas tree in the plaza and it was bright and warm.

Ladybug and Chat noir had just finished defeating an Akuma victim.

They both landed on the ground underneath the canopy of a Cafe. Chat noir had his usual smirk as he bowed. "Defeating an Akuma with you malady was fun as usual"

Ladybug giggled in response. "You're such a silly kitty!"

Chat merely inched closer to her. He hung himself upside down with his belt attached to the lamp pole behind him. "Before we leave I have a gift for you"

"What is it?"

"No cheating lovebug!" "Close your eyes"

She did so with a smile. Upon hearing him say, "open your eyes", she obliged and blinked in surprise at the mistletoe on Chad's choker bell. "Gotcha!"

She smiled before pulling him with a kiss. "I would've kissed you anyway!"

"I think we can agree, that this us a nice present," Chat said grinning with a flustered face. His green eyes seeming alluring yet intimidating.

Ladybug nodded and hugged him, feeling instantly warm. They separated

"Well gotta go!"  "See you next time!" "Ladybug out!"

She swung off with a wink.

Chat noir sighed dreamily before running off as well. Not knowing someone saw and had taken a picture of that.

Yep. He was indeed in love. Such a sweet simple thing.

A day later magazines all over Paris had the picture of them kissing on the front cover.

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