Chapter 5 Zoo Outing for Two?

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      Saturday morning arrives.  Marinette gets ready to go to the zoo with Luka.  She still believes it is a group thing.  She has no clue how wrong she is though.  She arrives at the zoo right at 10 am as agreed.  

      When Luka sees her he is glad she came by herself.   He thinks at last, I get to spend time with her without anyone else.  Not even Adrien can bother us now.  He smiles.   He holds her hand as they enter the zoo together.

    Adrien happens to work part time at the zoo on Saturday's.  He sees Marinette with Luka and is crestfallen.  This means he is heartbroken at the thought of them together.  He can not believe she came here with that guitar, greenish blue haired boy who flirts with her almost non stop.  He is jealous.  He tries not to show that is upset as they walk past the souvenir shop where he works.

   Luka and Marinette look at all the zoo exhibits.  Marinette takes photos of all the animals.  She even takes a few of  Luka.  Luka takes photos of Marinette along with a few of them together.  

   Meanwhile as Adrien works in the souvenir shop he is not to happy.  The customers are great except for the usual whiny child or two.  This is not what bothers him.  It is the fact his Marinette is here with some other guy.  Adrien thinks, why is Marinette with him?  Does she like him?  Did I misread her feelings?  

   Adrien's POV:  I know I have yet to ask her out myself, but still why is she with Luka?   what does he have that I do not?   

     At some point, Marinette walks away from Luka as she calls out,  "Hey, I need to go buy some sunglasses.  The sun bothers my eyes, and my other pair just fell apart."    Luka just nods his head, but stays put.

    Marinette walks into the souvenir shop.  She does not even notice the cute guy behind the counter.  She just takes a look around the place.  When she does look up at some point, she notices Adrien is there too.

        "A-Adrien, what are you d-doing here?"  Marinette says in surprise.  She feels her cheeks burn.  

     "I work here, Marinette!"  Adrien says as he smiles over at her.  He notices she is alone for the moment.

    "Oh, well I came to buy a pair of sunglasses.  My other pair broke and the sun is so bright."  Marinette explains.

      "We can not let the sunshine damage your lovely eyes now can we?"  Adrien says.  He blushes when he realizes what he just said.

      Adrien shows her the nice display of sunglasses.  He laughs as she tries on one pair after another. He can tell she is unsure which pair she likes best.  He  smirks when she picks out the pink ones.  He figures as much these would be the ones to suit her.  

      "Oh, that will be $5.00 for the sunglasses."  Adrien says.

      Marinette pays him.  "Th-Thanks for your help, Ad-Adrien!"  Marinette says.

      "I was glad to help, Mari! "  Adrien says.

      "S-See you later, A-Adrien!"  Marinette says.

     "Okay, see you later, Marinette!"  Adrien says.  He waves to her as she exits the shop.

      Luka sees Marinette exit the shop.  "What took you so long in there anyway?"  Luka ask. He shows his annoyance at once.

     "Sorry,it took awhile to find the sunglasses I was after that is all."  Marinette says.

     "Okay, well the pair you got look  good  on you."  Luka remarks.

     "Thanks, Luka."  Marinette says.  She is glad she did not tell him she saw Adrien.  She is not so sure he would approve of the fact she kinda flirted with Adrien a bit.

       "Come on   Luka, what exhibit is left?"  Marinette says.

      Luka looks at his watch.  He notices it is nearly lunch time.  " It is noon, so let's go get some food over there. "  Luka says as he points to a outside cafe.

     "Ok, sure!"  Marinette says.  She continues to think about Adrien though.

     Luka holds her hand as they head towards the food area.  Marinette quickly pulls it out of his grasp.  She does not want him to hold her hand.   Not only this, but when she orders her food she pays for it too.  This way she hopes, Luka will not get the wrong idea.   Luka pays for his own meal, but still has no idea why she paid for hers.  

    Marinette notices Luka seems a bit upset, but has no idea as to why.  She just sits down without any questions and eats her meal.  She thinks it is actually quite good.

    Luka eats his meal and enjoys it as well.  When he finishes, he waits for Marinette.  When she is done, he tries to hold her hand again. 

 Marinette turns to him as she refuses to let him hold her hand and says,  "Look, Luka let's  get this straight you and I are just friends. " 

   "Yes, I know, but why can I not hold your hand?"  Luka ask.

     "I just do not want you too, got it!"  Marinette says.

       "I do not want anyone to get the wrong idea, especially you."  Marinette says.

      Marinette begins to think it was  mistake to come to the zoo with Luka.  She is can not believe he  keeps this crazy notion up that he can hold her hand.  Ugh!  She only wants Adrien to hold hands with her not Luka and not anyone else.  

     As Marinette and Luka exit the zoo, it begins to rain.  The weather reminds her of the day she fell in love with Adrien, or more  like officially acknowledges to herself anyway.  She feels sad that she is not with Adrien right now.  

    Luka notices the rain, but unlike Adrien has no umbrella to offer her.  He just thinks about how he wants to stay dry,. 

    "Bye, Luka!  See you at school, Monday!"  Marinette says and walks away.

    Luka takes off his jacket and uses it to shield himself from the rain as he heads back to his car.  He does   not  even bother to look back or say anything more to Marinette.  Instead, he just gets inside the vehicle and drives away.

   Marinette is left there alone in the rain. 

     Meanwhile, Adrien gets off work, he laughs when he sees the rain as he opens the umbrella Marinette gave back to him long ago.  The weather reminds of him of the cute laugh she has, how she collapses the umbrella, their hands as they brush across one another by mistake and he finds out that he likes her.  No more like loves her.  Only Adrien is still to prideful to admit to such a thing just yet.

  Adrien takes a look around and sees Marinette alone on the sidewalk in the rain.  He thinks, that is strange, I knew she was here with that Luka fellow earlier today. He walks up to her.

   to be continued in Chapter  6  Here We Go Again?

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