Chapter 7 Marinette's Predicament?

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      previously in chapter  6,  Marinette debates with herself on rather to give Luka a chance or not.  Then remembers all the nice things, Adrien has done for her and comes to the conclusion that she is not sure if Adrien loves her or not.

         Now in the current chapter, Marinette is still not sure what to think. She struggles with herself on what decision to make.  She recalls how Adrien gave her kiss on the forehead in the rain.  She blushes and wonders what it means.  She sighs.  Ugh, why does everything have to be so awkward between us?  Does this mean he loves me, or is he just over protective.

        Tikki, Marinette's  companion comes in the room and smiles. She says, "Wow, Marinette it seems like you had quite a day."

       "Tikki, what makes you say so?"  Marinette ask.

      "Well, you went to the zoo, meet up with Luka and spent most of the day with him."  Tikki says.

      "I know, but the whole time I wish I was with Adrien instead."  Marinette says.

      "Wow, you still love Adrien?"  Tikki remarks.

     "Yes, but do not tell anyone."  Marinette says.

       " Later, Adrien loans you his umbrella again in the rain, and kisses you on the forehead.  How romantic!"  Tikki says.

    "Yes, but he only sees me as a friend, right?"  Marinette says.

      "Haha, it sounds like neither of you knows how the other feels."  Tikki remarks.

       Marinette is worn out from her crazy day, so she gets ready for bed.  Soon afterwards, she falls right to sleep.

       Tikki laughs.  She thinks, her friend is one silly girl.     

       Meanwhile, Adrien who is in the Agreste mansion thinks about Marinette.  He can not seem to get his mind off her lately.  He grins.  He wonders what is she up to now?  He blushes when he remembers her hand as it brushes up against his both in the past and again earlier that day.

       Adrien thinks, I have to tell her soon that  I  love her, but when and how?  I mean it is not that easy, since I have little experience in this sort of thing. 

      Adrien struggles with how to tell Marinette how much he cares about her. 

    Elsewhere , Luka is  at home alone with his own thoughts.  He thinks, why is Marinette against kisses?  Why does she get angry when I try to hold her hand?    Maybe she is just shy. Luka daydreams about her as he works on his latest guitar piece.  He writes a song he plans to dedicate to Marinette.  Perhaps, then she will accept his feelings.  He sure hopes so anyway.

    A   few days later...

    Adrien and Marinette are late for school.   This is to say they both arrive tardy for college classes that day.  

     Luka makes it just in time as he normally does.

     Kagami  does not watch where she walks and bumps into her crush, Luka. 

       "Oh, sorry about that Luka."  Kagami says as she blushes.  She feels her cheeks flush from embarrassment.

        "Here let me help you."  Luka helps Kagami back up and with her books that she drops.

       "Thanks, L-Luka, you been a great help."  Kagami says. 

        "Your welcome, now come on let's go!"  Luka says.  He holds out his hand and she takes it.  Then, they walk to class together.

          An hour later, Adrien and Marinette arrive together and enter the classroom at the same time.    College classes go by fast, or so it seems for the two oblivious love birds.

         After school, Adrien offers to walk  Marinette home.   Only before she can give a reponse, Luka barges in and says,  "Sorry, Adrien, but Marinette gave her word that I could walk her home this time.  Maybe some other time, Agreste."    This is a lie as she did no such thing.  

       "Oh, I will go then."  Adrien says sadly.  He walks Kagami home, but wishes he were with Marinette.

         Marinette watches Adrien leave with Kagami and is sad.  She feels jealous.  She can not believe he bought that stupid, lie that Luka just told.  She thinks, was all the attention he gave me before just pity?   

        "Luka, why did you say that to Adrien?  I did not promise you anything."  Marinette says.

        "Marinette, I really do not see what the big deal is anyway!  I mean you have him walk you home all the time.  Well, it is my turn now."  Luka says.

          Marinette is so mad, she pulls something out of her pocket.  "Here you can have this back, I do not want it!"  Marinette says as she throws the guitar pick he gave her back at him.  She stomps off in a hurry, and does not stop until she reaches her place. She is so ticked off with Luka.  She can not believe he did what he just did.  

         "Haha, she told you!"  Tikki says. 

      (*Note in this story, Tikki is not a kwami, she is a human girl who happens to be friends with Marinette.  Not only this, but she is her sister too.)

           Tikki   walks off  and follows Marinette home. She might as well since she is her sister along with her friend.  She is happy when she gets inside.  She goes straight to the kitchen to get a snack.  Then, goes upstairs to check on her sis.

            Marinette is upstairs in her room.  She frowns.  

      "Marinette, why are you upset?"  Tikki ask.

        "Do not worry about it.  There is nothing you can do to help anyway."  Marinette says.

        "Is this about what took place after college?  "  Tikki says. 

        "Yes, but how did you know?"  Marinette ask.

         "I am your sister, and it is my job to notice these things.  What else are big sisters for Marinette?"  Tikki remarks.

          "It is just I do not see why he did it? "  Marinette says.

          "Seriously, sis even I can see that Luka likes you."  Tikki says.

          "What?  I  do not see him like that though.  I love Adrien!"  Marinette says.

             Adrien drops off Kagami at her place.  He leaves once she goes inside and heads home. Once inside his room, he texts Marinette.

                  Adrien's  text to Marinette...

                 I do not understand, why did you agree to let Luka walk you home?

                Marinette's  text to Adrien...

                I did not.  He told you a lie, and I have no idea why.  

               Adrien's text to Marinette...

               Oh, I am so sorry then, Marinette.

              Marinette's  text to Adrien...

              Don't be.  I really want you to be the one to walk  me  home.

               Adrien's text to Marinette...

                Good, you are really special to me.  :)

              Marinette's  text to Adrien...

               Good, you are really special to me, too, Adrien!  :)

            Alya calls Marinette right then.  Marinette answers the phone and thinks, great she would call as I am busy, ugh!

              "Oh, hi, Alya!"  Marinette says into the phone.  She tries not show her annoyance for the interruption.

               Alya on the other end,  "Oh, hi girl!  How are you?"

              "Great thanks!"  Marinette says.

                "Alya after school, was a disaster Luka told Adrien that I  agreed to let Luka walk me home.  Only I did not really do this."  Marinette says.

               "I really see no big deal about it though."  Alya says  from her end.

              "Alya, he told Adrien a lie.  I do not care if I never see Luka again."  Marinette says.

             "Calm down girl, I just want to know are you available to tag along with Nino and I this weekend?"  Alya ask.

              "Sure, I will go with you, but where?  Why do you need me to go with you guys on your date?"  Marinette says.

               Alya does not say much after this only where the date will be and how soon it will take place. 

             Marinette hangs up the phone and still thinks the whole thing sounds odd.

         Marinette's  text to Adrien...

          Uh, Adrien, Alya wants me to go with her and Nino on their date this weekend.  I have no clues what for though.

         Adrien's  text to Marinette...

          Hmm, I  have no ideas either, Marinette.  Well,see you tomorrow!

          Marinette's text to Adrien...

         Yeah, see you tomorrow!

     Marinette breathes a sigh of relief that Adrien knows the truth now.  At least the truth when it comes to the mix up that took place earlier that day.  What a relief, at least now he knows she is not in love with Luka, right?

    to be continued in Chapter 8   Weekend: Third Wheel or What?           

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