chapter 1: Plan and Permission

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- Marinette -

"Marinette! Wake up! You'll be late at school!"
"I'm coming, Mom!" I called back, crawling out of my bed sheet as my eyes were still sleepy and was about to close again but I manage to stop it.

I climbed down the stairs and went straight at the kitchen, as I spotted my mom grabbing a box of milk at the fridge then suddenly grabbed a bowl and a box of cereal and she put it all at the kitchen table.

I smiled as I gave her a kiss on her cheek before I sat down at the chair. I poured the cereal and the milk together at the bowl and started eating my breakfast.

- - - - - - - - -

I headed out of the bakery and went into school. I was about to take my step at the stairs when Alya called my name which startled me but soon recovered. I turned to face her but once I did I received a very tight hug from her, which surprises me. Or maybe not? Because she's always hugging me by the time we always meet at school.

"Come on! Let's go inside. I have to tell you something." Alya linked arms with me as she slowly dragged me inside the school.

"I wonder what is this 'something' that you have to tell me?" I asked smirking at her, which she ignores.

"Well, It's not just 'you' that has to hear this. Some might include Adrien and Nino... If they agree." Alya shrugged before crossing her arms and smirk at me.

"Did you say 'Adrien'?" I asked, slight squealing at that point.

"Uh-huh! Well talk when we get to our class." Alya dragged me even more and in just a few minutes we arrived. Luckily Ms. Bustier is still not here so we're a bit early.


Then me and Alya walked directly at our seat and sat down, waiting.

I was pacing around the room, when suddenly Alya nudged me. I quickly looked at her as she poked Nino's shoulder and has his attention to her. She then pointed at Adrien, who was looking at the front, then nudged at him. We all looked at Alya with confusion and was waiting for her to say something.

"Well, since the teacher is still not around, I have to tell you something." Alya said in a slight whisper, making sure only the four of us can hear it.

"What?" I asked.

"Guys, let's have a pajama party. Then let's invite the whole class, except Chloe of course!" She said, sounding annoyed when she said the last part.

"And where will the pajama party be held?" Asked Nino who is sounding interested. I rolled my eyes, Adrien chuckled.

"At the court yard! I'll be asking our principal to have the permission on announcing the pajama party. If he will agree, then the party is to go!" Alya response, excitedly at the last part. Nino nodded as if saying he will join Alya. It's only up to me and Adrien this time.

He looked at me which I looked back. We looked at each other as if reading each others mind. Then a moment later, we nodded our head at the same time then turned our gaze to Alya who seemed to be smirking at me.

I ignored it as both me and Adrien said, "We're in!" At the same time.

"Great! I'll asked Sir. Democles a permission about this then Me and Marinette will be planning on everything as you guys will tell everyone the party." Alya gave her strategy as we three just looked at each other smiling then nodded at the same time.

*** TIME SKIP ***

- Alya's P.O.V -

after class, I went separate ways as Marinette went with the boys and I at the principals office. I told them to wait me at the stairs, which they nodded and they're probably there waiting at me.

I knocked softly at the door as the principal let me in. I entered as I sat down the chair in front of him.

"What is it, Ms. Alya?" He asked, rubbing his chin.

"Uh, Sir... I was planning on having, uh... a pajama party here in the... court yard, and now I'm here.... because I'm asking permission if you would let us held the party here in the school." I explained. I was gulping when I was pausing on explaining and my hands won't stop sweating on nervousness.

I just hope he agrees with this.

Please say Yes.
Please say Yes.
Please say Yes.

I was looking at him as he was again rubbing his chin, thinking about my explanation, when suddenly he smiles at me and nodded.

"You have my permission, Ms. Alya. And I'm very grateful that you asked for my permission before doing some actions. Well, I'll let you borrow the court yard for your party." He chuckled a bit as he rested his hands on the table. I smiled back at him as if saying ' Thank you, Sir' he only nodded his head as if reading my mind.

"Thank you, I promise when the party is over we'll clean up the mess." I said, raising right hand. He chuckled again and dismissed me.


- Marinette's P.O.V -

We were waiting for Alya as she was asking permission on our principal. Gosh! That girl is taking so long, were waiting impatiently just for her!

As my legs are getting tired of standing, I took a few steps and sat down at the stairs. I took my sketchpad and pencil as I slowly but neatly draw a Lady Bug themed dress. Well, this is a first! I think.

Just then, I can feel Adrien sat right beside me and peeking slight through my design.

Eiikk! Adrien sat beside me! Looking at my design! I think my heart just skipped a beat!

"A Lady Bug dress?!" His voice echoed through my mind as I quickly snapped back to reality and jumped back slightly.

"Oh, sorry to startled you." He apologized. I only smiled.

"Um... N-no. I-I was Ju-just lost i-in thoughts!" I stuttered then rubbed the back of my neck and smiled awkwardly.

"It's amazing. You should really show them to Lady Bug." He complimented. I smiled at him.

Just a second later, Alya arrived excitedly and was jumping around happily. At last! She has arrived!

"So, what did Mr. Democles said?" Asked Nino.

"He said 'Yes'! Pajama party if going on!" Alya throw a fist in the air as she exclaimed excitedly.

"Wow! I can't believe he agreed!" I said, amused. I stood up at the same time with Adrien.

"Okay, Marinette, let's go to your bakery and decide what treats we have to prepare." Alya said, walking down the stairs. I smiled and nodded as we all went to the bakery.

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