Chapter 8: The Sing Off (Part 2)

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I'm next. I thought nervously as small drop of sweet slid down my temple. What am I going to do now? I thought again while looking  around for things to help me or something.

I stared at everyone who seems to be looking on who is going to sing next. I even saw Adrien took a glance on his paper and only saw that he'll be singing after me. I avoided Alya's look as she narrowed her eyes at me, like she knows that I'm next which I'll deny.

I don't want to sing! I can't sing!

"Hey, Mari. What number did you get?" Adrien suddenly asked me which cause me to jump in surprise but quick recover and faced him with a red face.

He just called me Mari. I thought with a silent squeal as my face became redder than before.

"Uhm- ah, ha ha . . . I-I, uh . . ." I stuttered, not really thinking of a way to avoid his question.

"Again, Who got the number three?" Nino called out again but only receives a few murmurs, which cause him to face palm.

Then I suddenly felt Alya's present behind me which cause me to be nervous again. Argh!

"Hey, Marinette, what number did you get?" Alya asked, her eyes looking deeply in my blue bell eyes which cause for Marinette to glance at her friend nervously as she quickly hid her paper.

"I- I got f-five." I stuttered meekly which confused Alya.

"But I got number five." Alya pointed out. My eyes widened in surprise. Alya suddenly grab hold of my paper and read it with her eyes immediately shining in excitement.

"Marinette is next!" Alya exclaimed as she grabbed hold of my arms and dragged her back stage. I just keep whining and struggling on Alya's hold who happened to be strong enough to hold me, much to my surprise.

I just heard the others cheered for me.

I looked around then gave Adrien a  pleading look. "Help me!" I mouthed at the blonde boy who only chuckled, which cause me to give him a slight glare, despite my blushing.

"Alya, I can't sing!" I said once again as we reached the back stage.

"Nonsense! I already heard you sing." Alya said before she started grabbing a few costumes in the chest while I stared at Alya in  shock.

"You. . . WHAT?!" I shouted in shock. Oh, no!

"It's nothing. Your secret's safe with me if you sing a song out there." Alya said as she pointed her finger at the stage.

"But that's like showing my secret at all. Then it'll never be safe with you because they already know." I pointed out with these crazy hand gestures but Alya ignored it.

"That's the whole point." Alya shot back.

I was left there standing and deciding about her condition, my eyes were close before I opened them once again and stared at Alya who looked expectant. I sigh.

"Alright." I said in defeat which cause Alya to squeal in delight.

"Now, what song did you get?" She asked again as she prepared a celebrity costumes on the table.

I unfolded my paper and read it out loud for her to hear.

"I'm Gold by Victoria Justice." I said. She chuckled then grabbed a dress for me to wear.

"The song is perfect for you to sing and for the boys out there to hear it." Alya said, which confused me. I know the song but I didn't really let myself focus on the lyrics.

"Just saying." She added with a smirk.

After a few moments, I was finish. Alya smiled excitedly as I stared myself in the mirror. Alya put a light make up in me but my lips are slight red. I'm currently wearing a black sleeveless leather shirt, being added with a faint pink puffy skirt then gold high hills. She also forced me to wear a dark brown hair to perfect the attire.

For the first time, I feel like I'm not myself. Which is weird.

"Selfie!" Alya exclaimed as she held her phone in front of us. We both smiled as the camera release a small flash then a sound of snap.

"Okay. Stay here, I'm going to tell Nino the title of the song you are going to sing." Alya said before she exited the back stage and ran up to Nino. I just stared myself in the mirror once again before releasing a deep sigh.

"Wow! You look beautiful Marinette." I heard Tikki's voice complimented me. I looked up and smiled at her when I saw her flying in front of me.

"Thanks, Tikki." I said.

"Not only Alya have talent on reporting, she also have a talent in make up." Tikki giggled which cause me to laugh before my body stiffened when I heard Alya announce my present.

"And now, give applause to Marinette!" And after that, the next thing I heard is their cheers and squeals from the girls.

"Hide, Tikki." I said before thinking something. "Actually, you can watch if you want. Just be careful." I added.

"Okay, Marinette." Tikki smiled before stealthily flying away.

I took a deep sigh once again, before stepping out. Once again cheers from the girls can be heard while the boys are awe while watching me.

"Woah!" I heard Nathaniel exclaimed in awe.

"That's Marinette?" Ivan said in disbelief. Mylene just giggled at Ivan's priceless face.

"She's beautiful." I heard Adrien's voice from the back of the class audience.

This cause me to blush, but it immediately disappear when Nino started the music.

"I can do this." I muttered before started singing as the intro song started to play.

"I've been trying to let it go
But these butterflies I can't ignore
Cause every time that I look at you
Know we're really catch 22
We've been friends for so long but I
Need to tell you what's on my mind
I'm sick and tired of playing games
'Cause I know that you feel the same."

When I sang this part of the lyrics, I can't help but think that the song actually fits me, it understands my feelings somehow. Except for the part where he feels the same, because I doubt it would happen.

This cause me to look at Adrien, but I immediately avoided his gaze when I saw him staring at me. I blushed.

"Woo! Go, Marinette!" Alya cheered. I immediately glared at her when I saw her taking a video at me. She just stick her tongue our and giggled.

"Wow!" I heard the boys sigh. I blushed once again before singing again.

"I Know you inside out,
So I'm asking now
Take a chance on me
How much clearer can I be?

Hey, boy, watcha gonna do
If you want me like I want you, then man up and make your move
I'm Gold, Gold!"

When I sang that part, I noticed the boys giving awkward glances at the girl that they like. Others were slightly blushing while avoiding eye contact. This cause me to smirk and gave the next part of the lyrics my best shot.

Alya was right, this song is good for teasing everyone. I thought with a laugh.

I winked at them, which cause them to blush hard while avoiding my glance. I smirk in triumphed.

"You, me, good as can be, want to be more than your company
So bet your money on me
I'm Gold, Gold

Do I really need to spell it out?
My heart skips when you're around
I got everything that you need
So come on baby get close to me
So confused that I'm not surprised
From greater bells, and rolled the dice
Know all your moves, don't know why I fall
Should put me out, but I want it all"

While singing this part, I wiggled my eyebrows at everyone, teasing them once again. This cause them to blush and for me to look at them in triumph along with amusement.

"She's literally teasing us!" Alix exclaimed in annoyance. Unfortunately, I heard her so I turned my attention to her and gave her a wink.

"Just deal with it." Alya laughed before taking another film.

"Go, girl! Your going viral!" Alya shouted which cause my eyes to shot wide open while glaring at Alya who continued cheering.

"I Know you inside out,
So I'm asking now
Take a chance on me
How much clearer can I be?

Hey, boy, watcha gonna do
If you want me like I want you, then man up and make your move
I'm Gold, Gold"

"Heard that, boys? Man up and make your move." I heard Alya shouted at the boys who suddenly looked down in embarrassment while others started blushing again.

"Marinette is totally hitting us." I then heard Adrien said with an amused look, which causes me to chuckle.

"You , me, good as can be, want to be more than your company
So bet your money on me
I'm Gold, Gold

Na na ra ta ra ta ta (x3)
I'm Gold, Gold
Na na ra ta ra ta ta (x3)
I'm Gold, Gold

Been to cool just to tell you straight out
But by now I wish you figured it out I wish you figured it I wish you figured it I wish ya
You're not a fool you see what I'm about,
So by now I think you figured it out I think you figured it out I think you figured it out I think ya!"

At this part, I started frowning--knowing that this part is just like what I always do in front of Adrien but he's just too dense to noticed which slightly hurt my heart.

"Everyone are oblivious when it comes to love." Sabrina said with a grin since she's sitting in front row. She's actually normal because she thinks no one like her, but that's just a thought.

I gave out a sigh before singing again.

"Hey, boy, watcha gonna do
If you want me like I want you, then man up and make your move
I'm Gold, Gold
You, me, good as can be, want to be more than your company
So bet your money on me
I'm Gold, Gold

Na na ra ta ra ta ta (x3)
I'm Gold, Gold
Na na ra ta ra ta ta (x3)
I'm Gold, Gold"

After the song finished, I gave them one of my huge smile. And before I knew it, everyone started clapping at me while others were whistling with a few cheers. This cause me to giggled and slightly blush.

"It's a teasing song for us but you did great, Marinette." Kim said with a chuckle.

"So you did admit that you like someone in class since you just said that." I pointed out with a smirk of triumphant as she saw Kim blushed.

"You slipped." Alya laughed before Kim shut her up.

"You did great, Marinette." Mylene said

"Thanks, Mylene." I said with a sincere smile before giving Alya the microphone then immediately went backstage to change back into my pajama's.

"I'm so proud of you, Marinette." I heard Tikki's voice getting louder as she flew in front of me then gave out a giggle.

I gave her a smile. "Thanks, Tikki." I said before exiting the backstage while my kwami hid behind my pigtails.

Once, I reached my bed roll with Adrien sitting beside it, I can't help myself to suddenly smile at him while blushing. I still remember what he said when I was singing at the stage. The way he's staring at me awestruck, it gives me the hope and joy but at the same time I know that he won't return my feeling for him.

But then again, I intend to keep it from him to avoid myself getting hurt. I'll tell him everything when the right time comes.

"Hey, Marinette. You really did a great job back there." Adrien said once I sat myself down on the floor.

"T-thanks, Adrien." I replied with an awkward smile. I almost melt when he gave a very sweet smile that made my night whole.

"Okay, so who's number 4? It's now time for you to sing!" Alya called throughout the audience as she roamed her eyes everywhere, waiting patiently.

When I heard her called, I heard Adrien suddenly took a deep breath while looking on his paper.

Oh, right. He's next.

"You can do it." I whispered to him as he gave me a surprise look with his eyes wide open in shock. I just gave him a shrug before smiling. He returned the gesture before standing up and faced Alya.

"I'm number 4. I think I'm next." Adrien said with a nervous smile. I can see Alya's eyes glittered in excitement when she heard Adrien said that. Without any response from the blonde boy, she immediately drag him backstage.

After a few minutes, I saw Alya came out from behind then went to Nino's DJ station and whispered something in his ears. Nino nodded with a smile then started pushing a few buttons before the intro of the song started.

"And now, I present to you Adrien Agreste as Ed Sheeran." 

It was silent at first, then suddenly we all heard someone plucking on the guitar. My heart suddenly skipped a beat when a bright light lit up above Adrien's head, and we all saw him sitting on a stool with a guitar on hand while his eyes were close.

He was wearing a pair of clothes that looked like Ed Sheeran and his hair, Alya didn't let him wear a wig, instead she messed his hair into something like what Ed Sherman's hair would like.

He didn't look like Ed Sheeran but I think It'll do for now. And besides, I think this is my first time seeing Adrien in a messy hair.

"I found a love for me"

Almost every girl suddenly squealed while Rose keep gushing on how Adrien look so awesome impersonating Ed Sheeran. All of them were cheering except for me who look like an awestruck girl from behind. I didn't know Adrien could play guitar, let alone sing.

I'm falling for him even more. Is that even possible?

"Darling just dive right in
And follow my lead
Well I found a girl beautiful and sweet 
I never knew you were the someone waiting for me
'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love"

"Whoo! Go Adrien!" Nino cheered from his station which made Adrien look up at him while the others are singing with Adrien.

"Not knowing what it was
I will not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own
And in your eyes you're holding mine

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath
But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight"

Just as he sang that part of the song, I suddenly have this strange feeling. It was like he was referring to someone, which made me look uneasy. I wanted to cry just thinking of that, but I forced it to stop and glance at Adrien once more. But something unexpected happened.

Adrien was staring right at me. Then suddenly, but heart skipped a beat while my stomach filled with wild butterflies.

"Well I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know
She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home
I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets
To carry love, to carry children of our own
We are still kids, but we're so in love
Fighting against all odds
I know we'll be alright this time
Darling, just hold my hand
Be my girl, I'll be your man
I see my future in your eyes

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful
I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
I have faith in what I see
Now I know I have met an angel in person
And she looks perfect
I don't deserve this
You look perfect tonight"

After he strum the guitar, finishing the song, everyone went wild at cheering for Adrien as they approached them leaving me behind. Some boys like Kim, Ivan and Nino, who left his DJ station, suddenly teased Adrien who blush in response. Seeing him blushing, it confirmed that Adrien indeed like someone. But who?

Just me thinking about it, I felt my heart broke likes piece of glasses that shattered on the ground. I tried to pick them up but they aren't going to be fixed anymore.

It hurts.

"Good job, Adrien." Nino put an arm around his friend's shoulder. "You totally nailed it!"

Then Nino turned his attention to me. "Don't you think so, Marinette?"

I perked up in surprise. "Huh? Oh, uh, yeah. Y-you did great, A-Adrien." I gave them a fake smile before turning around. I don't want them to see me sad.

"Alright! Who's number 5?"

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