Short/Small summaries

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Pick from the options below and we'll go from there

M/c is an Omega werewolf
Your pack is on a decline, and to help another pack picked you to be their alpha's mate. But you find out your real mate is his sister.

M/c is a princess with magic
Your best friend is a princess who feels neglected so you help her run away.

M/c is a dragon hybrid
You attend a ball as a representative for your species, you end up meeting a dragon hybrid who definitely doesn't want to be there. (You can literally be whatever you want)

M/c is a vampire
You're at a party and meet a nice girl who seems a bit mysterious but she doesn't stick around. You're almost taken advantage by a different stranger who bites you and you pass out only to wake up in the mysterious woman's home, and you find out you're a vampire now.

M/c is a gang boss
You're dating a sweet girl who takes great care of you but she's always been mysterious. One day you were going home and hear gun shots from an alleyway. You see your girlfriend and two men standing over a body.

M/c is a queen with magic or an elf queen
You had a special relationship with the Queen when you were both young before her father sent her away to a certain school under the pretense of learning magic, but you both were aware it was to separate you both. When she returns because of the death of her father she is different and now definitely more powerful than before. (Your character can either be human or a different species)

M/c is a dragon hybrid
A dragon hybrid moved into a new town and you happen to work/be at the club/bar she stops by. (You can be anything except a human)

M/c is a delinquent
Your girlfriend was late coming home again, it's been a continuous problem and you were tired of it. She's been distant and ignorant, and you decided to text her that if she wasn't home in an hour, you were going to pack up and leave. After half an hour she's there, obviously panting from running.

M/c is an alpha werewolf
An alpha is presenting to your pack to look for her mate. When she passes you, you realize she's your mate, but she didn't even seem to notice.

M/c is an omega werewolf
You're an alpha who is meeting another pack because their alpha wants to mate with one of your members. When showing you around their pack house you suddenly catch the a scent that captures your attention. While you're sure it's your mate the alpha doesn't want you to meet her, claiming she just their omega.

M/c is a teacher with a child
You meet a child alone at a park who tells you their babysitter left them and now they're worried their mom is gonna get home to find them missing. You take her home and meet her mother.

M/c is a famous musician
You didn't know what to do. Your old best friend from a few years ago just texted you. All she said was, "hey (y/n)", but you didn't know how to feel. She had stopped contacting you a little bit after she and her brother got famous, why would she text you now.

M/c is a neglected demon
As a kid you had a childhood friend who lived on the edge of town. She never went into the houses but always back into the forest whenever you finished playing together. As you got older you stopped going there and suddenly you forget, until you end up there again and you suddenly see a rustle in the forest. You travel in there cautiously only to be tackled by a sudden figure leaning over you only to whisper out, "Mate."

M/c is a gang boss
Your parents sold you to a gang because they were in debt. You're lucky the boss loves cute things and is considering making you her 'Princess.'

M/c is the daughter of a gang boss
Your girlfriend is a 'delinquent' at school, but you don't think so, at least not until you get kidnapped by strangers and she comes to save you.

M/c is a princess with magic
The princess acts super wild and reckless, so her parents ask you to tutor her in both manners and magic. You find out she isn't as clueless as she acts.

M/c is a ignorant band member
Your bandmate is really annoying you with her constant attitude all the time. She always talks about leaving the group but never does. In one argument you yell at her to leave the band and after a moment of silence she actually agrees. Her brother is upset and claims she won't come back now, but you were sure she would like she always did. After two weeks she didn't come back and her brother said she wouldn't until you apologized so he dragged you to their house and to her bedroom.

M/c is an ignorant band member
You knew your bandmate was difficult, but you still thought she wasn't so bad. There were a few times you recalled she would help you out with equipment or just talked with you casually. She just didn't care about having a perfect image, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Your other bandmates didn't actually agree though, they thought she needed to change the way she acted in public. When they told her this she ended up getting really upset.

M/c is an ignorant band member
You're a big fan of a popular band, and you won a contest to meet them. Your favorite is the main female lead who doesn't have the most fans because of her attitude and such, but you appreciated her honesty and how she didn't care about others opinions. When you go to meet the band you're surprised to see everyone except her there, and the main male lead apologizes on her behalf that she typically doesn't like this kind of thing, but it would be okay right? (Normally no one specifically wants her, and at times people request for her to leave, so to make it easier she just doesn't involve herself at all.)

M/c can be anyone you pick from the club
You're a freshman at school and want to check out the 'Basically Everything Club.'

M/c is a shy club member
You're in a club with a girl who seems super shy. You wanted to get to know her, but everytime you go to talk to her you end up correcting her on something and she get embarrassed. The other members tell you to apologize, but it turns out she actually really appreciates it.

M/c is a small demon
Men in your village speak of a demon in the forest, who tricks them with an innocent appearance but was still a devil. You follow a group of men the next time they go into the forest, hoping to see the creature, only to watch them torment and beat the so called 'monster'. She didn't look to be fighting back until the suddenly ripped her wing and she screamed in pain, before the men were all thrown back. She didn't do anything else and the men seemed to be at least slightly afraid before leaving. As soon as they were gone you watched her pass out.

M/c can be any creature you pick from the island (I have a list)
You're a wildlife explorer and you travel to a new island to do research on the new species that live there. You find out that there are human-like species there.

M/c is a manipulated princess
You're a part of the rebellion against the evil King and his stepdaughter. Only you find out his daughter isn't what she seems.

M/c is a manipulated princess
You had infiltrated the castle. You were a major player in the rebellion and you were here to gather as much information as possible.

M/c is a manipulated princess
The King was trying to arrange for his stepdaughter to get married. He didn't care who it was, long as they were royal, and just as easy to take advantage of as she was. He arranges for her to meet an amount of suitors, you're one of them.

M/c is a manipulated princess
A princess was coming to your kingdom to hopefully develop good relations, though you've heard some bad things about her kingdom and their King. (You can be a princess, or a queen.)

M/c is a manipulated princess
You were a maid at the castle, and long as you didn't bother the king or the princess things were okay, until the maid in charge of you disappeared and was rumored to have been executed because of the princess. That wasn't true but most assumed it was. The King replaced her with you to be one of her personal maids. There are 2 others she has, but unlike most people in the castle, they seem to like the princess, and seem put off around you.

M/c is a royal guard (Can be an elf)
You used to be good friends with one of the other royal guards, until you both grew apart. You both were busy, and then she kept getting promoted, and you were also a little jealous. She did everything so easily and didn't have trouble with anything, and so you didn't bother to try and keep in touch. One night after a while, you were out late and come across her training intensely with someone else.

M/c is a wolf girl
You find a sad wolf girl and try your best to take care of her.

M/c is a book store owner
You go to a bookstore and meet the very sweet owner.

M/c is a stowaway
You've always enjoyed life at sea. Being a pirate was your way of being free, and then one day you come across another pirate ship. You easily beat there captain and loot all their treasure before leaving them to drift. What you didn't expect was for one of their crew to sneak aboard your ship.

M/c is a royal knight
As a princess you've always tried to stay respectful and kind, but it's so hard when a specific knight, who happens to be your best friend, keeps trying to annoy you.

M/c is a foreign princess
Your duty has always been to the royal family, but when you're sent as the prince's royal guard to another kingdom and he acts so spoiled, even harms the princess he was to be engaged to, you feel as though you can't just stand and watch.

M/c is a suspicious but friendly classmate
Your friends suddenly stopped talking to you because someone was spreading a bunch of lies and rumors about you. Suddenly a girl comes to your house and claims to want to help you.

M/c is a shy classmate
Your friends suddenly stopped talking to you because someone was spreading a bunch of lies and rumors about you. Suddenly a girl comes to your house and wants to apologize.

M/c is a proud/embarrassed/clumsy witch
A woman comes to your castle declaring herself the future queen and that she would ruin you for the mistakes of your ancestors. You end up finding out she's a witch who's trying to pass her family trial.

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