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(1) Riddle (taken from Alice's puzzles in wonderland):

The Hatter, the march hare, tweedle dum, tweedle dee, the carpenter and five other gentlemen were walking along the beach. Everyone wore hats, which is the proper thing to do when walking along a beach.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew in from the sea, seizing their hats and depositing them on the shingle in a pile.

Each hatless walker reached down to retrieve a hat from the pile. They had sand in their eyes and could not discern one hat from another.

What is the probability that exactly nine of them found their own hat straight away?

Answer to previous: 'wrong'

(2) Shout-out to a person who tagged me and I can't be bothered to pass it on. (Soz)


(3) Fact:

The largest snowflake ever recorded was approximately 15 inches in diameter.

🎶On the seventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me:

7 swans a-swimming,
6 geese a-laying,
5 golden rings,
4 calling birds,
3 french hens,
2 turtle doves
And a partridge in a pear tree! 🎶

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