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(1) Riddle:

There are 5 children in a room. Iris was painting, Jack was playing with Lego, Chloe was playing chess and Sam was reading. What was the fifth child, Tilly, doing?

Answer to previous: A tape measurer

(2) Shout-out to an amazing writer!


(3) Fact:

Something to make you feel bad about yourselves before Christmas :)

To end world hunger for a whole year it would cost $30 Billion.

The U.S defence army spends $30 Billion just over every two weeks (around 15 to 17 days). They spend $737 Billion a year. All that money would mean there would be no hunger in the entire world for 25 years.

Humans are selfish, greedy, arogant and have a thirst to prove themselves rather than doing what is right. We are all horrible people. Merry Xmas. 

🎶On the ninth day of Christmas my true love gave to me:

9 ladies dancing,
8 maids a-milking,
7 swans a-swimming,
6 geese a-laying,
5 golden rings,
4 calling birds,
3 french hens,
2 turtle doves
And a partridge in a pear tree! 🎶

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