Chapter 10

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Gail and Blair arrive to the art exhibit, once there, they look at colorful paintings and sculptures of various shapes and sizes.

"Wow. The art looks really pretty." Blair commented as she gazed at the painting of a zeppelin-shaped spaceship with a cosmic backdrop.

Gail looked at the corner of her eye to see a ghetto themed mural. "Look! There's a mural." Gail headed to where the grafitti esque mural was while Blair turned to stare. "Reminds me of the one from back home." Gail finished before Blair followed her. Not far from the gallery, there was an elderly couple confronting a guard who had a mole on his left cheek and had seen better days with his blank, lifeless facial expression.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but you can't display your artwork here." The guard responded, bored.

"Well why not?!" Barbara yelled, glaring at the guard.

"You need to have a license that authorizes you to display your work at the exhibition." The guard replied, his voice monotone as if it had been rehearsed over and over again.

"What kind of nonsense is this?" Barbara grumbled before Marvin leaned in to whisper in her ear.

"Face it Barb, not everyone is going to see the trash you painted." Barbara pushed Marvin away angrily.

"What's next!? That I need a license to breathe?" She retorted at the guard.

"I'm sorry ma'am, there's nothing we can do." The guard reminded her.

"You could at least try to male some room for it?" Barbara whined. Blair overheard the aged woman bicker at the guard and paused while Gail looked at the mural before turning to Blair who was watching the elderly couple, mostly Marvin persuading her to desist.

"Well you look at that, there is an old couple arguing." Blair said as the guard  watch them argue with the same indifference, inwardly hoping for his shift to end sooner.

Blair looked at Gail and said, "I'm gonna go see what's up."

"Good luck, you'll need it." Gail replied, encouraging her before Blair walked up to them.

Clyde walked up from behind the redhead and laid a hand on her shoulder, making her flinch. "There you are."

"Dude!" Gail shouted as her heart pounded.

"I've been looking all over for you." Clyde said before Gail slapped his hand away.

"You scared me! Not cool Clyde! NOT COOL! Gail glared at him, mostrils flared while Clyde thought to himself, “So much for being a soulless ginger.”

Blair walked in to see the old couple, the guard saw her and recognized her immediately.

"Barb, would you just let go?" Marvin insisted but Barbara resumed haranguing the guard.

"No! I poured my heart out in painting these." Barb protested.

"Can I see?" Blair asked her, getting Marvin off guard. Barbara showed her paintings, one was of a villa in autumn. Another one was a painting of heaven, earth, and hell. The next painting was of a demon wearing wolf skin and a girl with sheep's clothing fleeing from the demon. "This is really good art." Blair admitted.

"As good as the rustic, semi Faustian art is, it doesn't fit with the collection of the art exhibit." Marvin explained.

Clyde stood as she heard the readhead reprimand him. "You're lucky I quit street fighting, I would've knocked you out by now!"

"Dude, the boss needs the keys for the control room right now." Clyde informed her as she raised an eyebrow.

"Now? But I'm showing my friend the tour."

"It's urgent, where is it?" Clyde asked, impatient.

"Blair has them." Gail pointed to where her friend was them.


"She's my best friend, Clyde! I trust her as much as you trust Bonnie." Gail assured him before Blair returned. The pilot took a good look at her. "How did it go?" Gail asked.

"Surprisimgly well, they agreed to sneak in some of the paintings in the last minute." Blair replied, then smiled.

"Blair, you mind passing me the keys?" Gail requested while Blair rummaged through her handbag.

"Sure," Blair picked out the keys and gave them to her. "Here ya go."

"Thanks." Gail lifted up her keys for Clyde to see. "You see, nothing to worry about." Gail tossed the keys for Clyde to catch.

"See you around." Clyde said before he exited the art exhibit in a blink of an eye.

"Who was he?" Blair asked her.

"Clyde, he's just a pilot." Gail answered casually.
"Shouldn't he be the one steering?" Blair asked a bit concerned.
"Relax! There are other pilots steering the aircraft." Gail replied in dismissal.
"That makes sense." Blair commented, then Gail looked at her with a cheshire grin.
"Wanna go shopping?" Gail asked to which Blair got hyped.
"Now you're talking!"

Dawn watched how the birthday girl and her friends were running around the lounge until Mandy came back with her nephew. "You found him." Kent stood up and approached them and Kenny sat down and noticed that one of his ears were red. "You didn't hurt him did you?"

"No. I only pinched his ear while I dragged him all the way here." Mandy replied neutrally.

"Oh good. I thought you were going to do something much worse." Kent replied.

"I have something else in mind." Mandy said before she walked up to her nephew. "Now you'll return my account, you sneaky little devil." Mandy responded in a more playful tone. "And I'm gonna stand here and watch to ensure that you don't pull another hack, so how about it?" Mandy stood behind him like a helicopter parent.

"Fine." He accepted begrudgingly before he cracked his knuckles and typed.

At the meeting, Mr. Banks shook hands with an investor before ending the meeting as he walked to the lounge down the hall, Autumn followed him.

"Oh, Wilmer!" A soft feminine voice called out to him. When he turned around he saw Autumn in a fairy coustume as she swayed her hips. "You didn't forget about me, did you?" Autumn asked him as she closed in on him and tightened his tie, threatening to yank it from his tux.

"Of course not. How would I forget such a lovely face?" Wilmer replied charismatically as Autumn batted her eyelashes inches away from kissing him.

"Daddy!" His daughter shouted while Autumn released his tie quckly as the birthday girl ran up to them.
"There's my little princess." Wilmer chuckled. "You made it!" Cindy hugged her father.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world." He carried his little birthday girl in a warm embrace while Autumn kept her distance. Wilmer walked out of the hall while Cindy stuck her tongue out at Autumn then continued to hug her dad.

Autumn felt a tap on her shoulder until she turned around to see Dawn grin. "Serves you right." Dawn started.

"Isn't that nice? I thought you'd stop talking to me for the rest of the trip." Autumn assumed given by the smirk on her sister's face.

"Oh, I'm still mad at you. However, this trip wasn't such abad idea after all despite that you set me up to babysit a deviant birthday girl. I'm glad that you're having a bad time flirting with a married man. Maybe this time you'll stop seducing a man to obtain wealth and status and actually find someone worthwhile." Dawn said before she walked away to leave her sister alone to reflect on what she's getting herself into.

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