Chapter 13

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"What do you want, John?" Abigail asked, not bothering to look at him.

"The only thing I want is to have one date with you." John requested, more like implored despite that she turned him down multiple times.

"John, we've been over this. For the umpteenth time, no!"

"C'mon Abby! If Henry was able to ask Hermina out on a date, why can't you give us a try?" Abigail paused the turned to face him.

"Wait what?" Did she hear him correctly? Hermina accepted to go on a date, with Henry?

"He finally had the guts to ask her out. You should've seen the look on his face!" John still remembered how Henry's freckled cheeks turned red like a tomato.

"So he finally had the courage to ask her out." Abigail spoke slowly, her face expressionless.

"Told you he could do it!" John stated, jubilant.

"Not bad." Abigail's dark lips curved up to a smile, happy for her friend. "I actually thought she was going to turn him down knowing how her previous relationships went."

"That means we can finally have a double date! WOOOOOOOOOOO!!" John Kahn hollered while Abigail rolled her eyes.

"Great... can't wait." Abigail said as she crossed her arms, her tone laced with sarcasm. Now how am I gonna tell him about the bet we made was just a joke. Abigail pondered for a couple of seconds before she shrugged, NAH! He'll figure it out.

Abigail walked away to resume working on maintenance.

At the arcade, the arcade guy was on his break playing Super Mario Bros. The retro Mario games from the 80s before he lost as the screen emblazoned the words GAME OVER.

"Typical. Slacking off on the job." That voice sounded familiar but he had to turn his chair to see if he hadn't imagined the particular snide remark.

"Do my ears deceive me? Or is that the sound of an old fart I just heard?" Arcade guy commented.

"I'm not here to play one of your stupid games, you lazy tub of lard." The surprise guest stated.

"Hey, Johnny. Long time no see." Arcade guy greeted cynically.

"Tch, it's because of lazy slobs like you that this mode of transportation is in decadence. Ever since that sneaky rat infiltrated our work force, he corrupted the employees to do his dirty work." Johnny stated as he looked at Archie Gates — the arcade guy, "You are no exception. Look at you! Wearing shades, blonde hair, brandishing a cynical smile. Promoting a product fit for their own vices. The prototype of malice." In other words, Johnny compared the arcade guy to Doug.

Speaking of which, Douglas headed out of the cockpit to clean the exterior of the aircraft though he didn't expect to see a silhouette of a woman nearby.

"Hey lady! Only authorized personnel are allowed in here!" Douglas warned but the woman crossed past him and blatantly ignored him. "Wait, where are you going?"

He saw the woman walk down the corridor and headed her way out the ledge of the aircraft, then shrugged. Oh well. Might as well call the security bots before she jumps off. Doug thought as he walked away, then paused when he heard the click from the latch.

Oh sh—

Doug ran after her as the escape door opened the wind blew against her face as she looked down at the clouds and the ocean while she held her arms at the jambs of the escape door. Not only the gust of wind wrestled with her long chestnut hair, Doug had to keep her from falling out of the aircraft as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her away from the escape door, losing his cap along the way as the strong winds snatched it from his head. The cap flew with the wind, never to be seen again.

He angrily closed the escape door and latched it while the woman laid on the floor in a catatonic state.

"What the hell were you thinking!? You could've died back there! Are you listening!?" As Doug admonished the woman she remained as still as a statue. "Forget it." Doug let out a huff as he straightened his jumpsuit. "This is the last time I'm risking my neck for nought." As he walked a couple of steps, she saw him walk away from the corner of her eye before she stood up. Her messy hair and lifeless eyes stare at the corridor.

"If she falls off the aircraft, it won't be my problem." Doug grumbled, irked that he had to keep his cover with Constantine and his colleague wandering around and appalled that he lost his cap because of a suicidal woman. He used his phone to report the security bots about the woman who attempted to jump off. On the other hand, Vargas might catch up to me if I'm not careful. This act of heroism will get her off my back. Doug sent an alert as the security bots droned to where the woman was found.

"You've gotta be kidding." Abigail stated as John extended his hand while Henry and Hermina were present, indicating that the wager is in effect, much to Abigail's dismay.

"C'mon, Abby. You can join us on our double date." Hermina chirped. Abby crossed her arms then held John's hand.

"Fine, let's go."

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