Slowpoke Tails

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Since the gang blocking the passages to all the important places, I should just walk around town. I go up to Kurt the poke ball maker's house to see if he would supposedly do his job. I walk into the house seeing a young girl and an old man.

"Hi I was wondering if this is Kurt's house." "Oh yes but I can't make any poke balls for anyone right now. My slowpoke is gone all because of Team Rocket!" I wonder who team rocket is.... OHHHH " Isn't Team Rocket that team who is blocking all the useful passages?" I interrupted Kurt while he was talking, whoops! It's taking a while for him to take in my question but soon- " Oh so you know them. Whelp time to get my slowpoke back!" He gets up and runs out the door. "Okay.." The little girl turns to me and is looking pretty sad. "Grandpa's gone..... I'm so lonely...." That just proves my point.

I run to the slowpoke well and what-do-you-know, the Rocket grunt is gone! So, I do what any person would do, go down the well. I get down to the bottom to see Kurt. He kind of looks hurt. "Hey there smear, the guard up top took off when I shouted at him." Of course he left. "But then I tumbled down the well." Of course you did. "I slammed down on my back hard, so now I can't move." AND YOU'RE NOT LETTING ME CALL HELP?! "Rats! If I were fit my pokemon would have punished them..." Yes, of course! I'm just going to mentally slap my forehead. "Ah it can't be helped. Smear, show them how gutsy you are in my place!" This is a good idea!

So, Kurt's down and I'm in his place, let's do this! I fight like three grunts, not to hard. Then I finally face Executive Proton. "What do we have here?" I'm not amused. "I'm often labeled as the scariest and cruelest guy in Team Rocket... I strongly urge you to not interfere with our business!"...... "Whoop Whoop, I won!" Best part is when Tamago was low hp on the last pokemon, I commanded him to use metronome the move that came out was Hyper Beam! "Humph... Team Rocket was indeed broken up three years ago. But we continued our activities underground. A small obstacle like you can't stop our mission. I advise you to be very afraid of what is to come!" With that they left the well.

"Way to go, Smear! Team rocket has blasted off again."( heehehehheeh sorry force of habit) "My back is better, too." How? "Let's go"

We get out of the well and go to Kurt's house. "Smear! You handled yourself like a real hero. As I mentioned before Team Rocket was disbanded by a boy called red three years ago." Oops wasn't listening the first time. "Now they have come back.... I have a bad feeling about it..." Well yeah me too. "In any case, it would please me greatly to make poke balls for a trainer like you, Smear." "Awe thanks Kurt!"
"This is all I have now, but take it."
"Cool thanks!"
I obtained fast balls. I put them in my poke ball pocket. Sweet, these will come in handy! The little girl runs up to me. "Let me give you my grandpa's number. he can tell you more about Apricorns." Okay...

Author's note
Oh my gosh! It has been forever since I last updated. Super stressed with all this stuff that's going on! Man, if things were mor simpler. Welp I hope you enjoy this installment!

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