Chapter 1 act 1: A NEW WORLD

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Mario,Sonic,Luigi and Tails were inside some sort of dimensional pathway. It seemed to go on forever as they kept falling, after what seemed like an eternity a white light appeared and the next thing that happened was everything turned white.


In an advance base known as the"Resistence Base" , the young female scientist known as Ciel was working on something, which was making a clone of the legendary reploid Zero. Ever since his death after ragnarok crashed to the earth, the resistance have been heart-broken and sad to say good bye to Zero. There has been serious attacks lately on the base and the resistance soldiers have a hard time defending the base. Therfore,Ciel spent most of her time making a copy of Zero. Luckily on the day she went to see the remains of the ragnarok ship, Ciel found Zero's helmet, the only thing left of him containing a chip which was his memories. After many weeks she was able to make the copy,all she needed was a powerful energy source to power a machine to activate Zero(copy). Unfortunately all the energy supplies weren't enough to power the machine. Since then she has been researching how to make a large energy source but no luck.

Ciel was in her lab still trying to find a solution to powering the machine, but she had bigger problems, she has to take care of the base since she is now the commander of the entire resistance force. A while later she was working in her lab again adding some adjustments for the machine.

"I'm finally done with the machine" Ciel said as she observed it as Zero's clone was in floating up and down." All I need is a huge energy source she thought.

The door soon opens as Cerveau, the resistance's mechanic and creator of some of Zero's weapons came in to check on Ciel.

"How is it going?"Cerveau asked concerned.

"It's going smoothly."Ciel replied."All I need is a huge energy source to power it up."

"Ok, but the question is, where are you going to get some?"Cerveau asked.

"I don't know, but I'm still looking for some."Ciel said.

"Ok....well if you need anything I'll be in my lab."Cerveau said before leaving to his lab to go make 3 additional busters for the soldiers.

Ciel sigh and sat in front of her desk.

"There must be an energy source to power this machine, there just has to be."

Ciel was soon cut off from her thoughts as something crashed through the window as broken glass scattered across the ground. The noise did startled her but she then got up and walked slowly to where the noise came from. As she drew closer she saw something shiny, she picked it up and to her surprise it was a bright yellow gem, the yellow chaos emerald.

She carefully looked at the lustrous gem admiring its glow as its light reflected on her face."How did this get here?"She asked herself.

By looking at the gem, she had a feeling this is no ordinary one. She went to scan it and the results were shown on the computer screen.

"Error! Unable to access info"

"What?"the young scientist Exclaimed."What kind of gem is this, my computer can't even scan it. She decided to take things up a notch by hacking into the computer, since she's a computer genius it wasn't a problem for her. After 20 minutes she was able to hack into the computer, bypass the security hole and finally get the results.

Name: chaos emeralds
Origin: unknown
Planet found: Mobius

The chaos emeralds are a set of mystical gemstones of unknown origin from the planet Mobius. With one, it can power up machinary or enhance one's abilities for those who can harness their power known as chaos energy. If someone obtains all 7, the user will be granted unlimited ultimate power and become unstoppable, it can also lead to catastrophic outcomes if it gets into the wrong hands.

Ciel gasp as she read the last part ."So this is what this gem is capable of?" She said amazed of its uses." Mabye this is the answer to my problem."

Ciel takes the emerald to the machine, connects wires to it, after hooking everything up all she had to do was simply press a button to activate the machine but was interupted by a knock on her door.

"Come in"

A resistance soldier came in." Miss Ciel, four unknown people are uncousious in front of the base, two are humans and the other two appear to be animals.

"Bring them in, please take them to the maintenance room.

"Yes ma'am" the resistance soldier said saluting her and leaves to tell the others to bring them in.

30 minutes later, in the maintenance room.........................

Ciel, after doing some other things went inside the room and saw the four, two appeared to be humans, one wearing red and blue with an "M" written on his cap and the other one wearing green and blue with an "L" written on his cap too, he appeared to be taller than the other one. A blue hedgehog wearing red and white snickers and a yellow fox with two tails. She was quite surprise to see that one, she has never seen an animal with two tails.

Suddenly, they start to wake up.

"Man that was some fall."Sonic groaned while getting up from the bed as Mario and Luigi got up too along with Tails.

" So Eggman finally did it."Mario said.

"Yup, we better find a way to get back before things get worse."Sonic said.

"Uh...Mario?, Sonic?"Tails said.


"I think we're being watched."

As soon as Tails said that the 3 looked around to see 5 resistance soldiers,Cerveau and Ciel staring at them like they've seen a robot with two heads.

"Well this is awkward."Sonic said.

"Agreed."Mario said.

"Well?.......are you going to keep staring at us like creeps or tell us who you guys are?"Sonic said .

"I'm sorry."Ciel said sarcastically. "I didn't know some animals can talk."Ciel said sternly in response to Sonic's rudeness.

"Well this one right here does."Sonic said pointing to himself."Oh and this guy too." He said also Pointing to Tails.

Mario knocks Sonic on the head to make him shut up so as to not make them feel like they're their enemies." What my friend here is trying to say is, we're from another dimension who just got here by accident." He said as Sonic was rubbing his head.

"And sorry for Sonic's rudeness."Tails said. My name is Tails, this is Mario,Luigi and Sonic."Tails said pointing to them.

"Well it was me who ordered them to bring you here otherwise you would've perished in the desert.

"Ok, thank youuuuu....."Sonic said scratching his ear while waiting for a reply.

"Oh I'm sorry, my name is Ciel.

"Alright, thank you Ciel, by the way, where are we?"Sonic said looking around the place.

"This is the resistance base."She replied.

"Ok, we'll if you don't mind, we'll be on our way now."

"I thought you guys said you're from another dimension."Ciel said.

"Yes we are, you see an evil scientist called Dr.Eggman used one of his machines to transport us to this dimension."Tails said.

"Sonic, why don't we stay here for a bit, mabye they have something here that can get us out."Mario said.

"Ok, but if we don't find anything here, we have to find other means of getting out of here."

"Ok, why don't I show you around the base, hopefully you might find something."Ciel said.

The four follow Ciel to see the rest of the resistance base. They might find a clue or a way to get out of this dimension soon. Hopefully.

To be continued.

A/N: This was a great chapter, am I right?, and I assume your question has been answered, Our heros are in the world of Megaman Zero but this was after the event of Megaman Zero 4. Will Ciel be able to revive the clone of Zero?, Will Sonic and co find a clue how to get out? Stay tuned in the approaching chapters of Mario & Sonic:Robotic chaos.

Also a random shout out to;


See you all in the next chapter.

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