Chapter 5 act 1: BATTLE WITH OMEGA

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The gang looked in shock at the tall bulky big sword  holding reploid with Suprised faces. However Zero looked even more Suprised than the four.
The ultimate reploid banished into outer space a century ago and defeated by Zero a few years ago has returned.


Omega said looking at Zero with frown. He swiftly descended his large purple saber on Zero who leaped to the right in time to dodge it as rubble burst out of ground creating a small crater. Zero turned around only to see Omega's hand ( which isn't connected to his arms) zoom towards him intending to crush Zero but the red blonde reploid dived to the left leaving a huge zooming hand to crash the ground instead. Zero quickly took out his z-buster and pressed the trigger, shooting the large reploid's chest, it wasn't actually effective but seeing how fast Omega has gotten considering how fast he can swing his sword figured going in to attack with his Z-saber probably wasn't the smartest move.

Sonic dashed towards the robot and performed a homing attack, ramming his chest which damaged him a bit. Omega's face brightened as energy balls zoomed out of his face.

"Woah!"Said a sidestepping Sonic for the energy ball to hit the ground where sonic was  seconds ago and dodge the other ones which bounced to different directions. After shooting the balls of energy Zero got the chance to close in on Omega and rapidly slash Omega with his Z-saber followed by a powerful 'rokkoa'.

Omega growled in pain and fustration as he endured the hit. The huge reploid swiftly put his huge purple saber on the sheath strapped to his back and brought out both hands shooting energy waves crazily at the gang. Zero zipped to the left and right successfully dodging the attacks which only encouraged the ultimate reploid to shoot the irritating energy waves even more, and faster too.

Omega's energy wave barrage soon ceased when a blue ball struck him in the chest like a meteorite crashing down to the earth; that attack caused Omega's levitating hands to drop dead to the ground giving the Mario bros a chance to perform their fancy attack called 'knock back bros';an attack which luigi moves behind Mario and pounds him with his mallet,temporarily makes Mario short due to the impact and whack him again at the back as Mario is sent flying while rolling into a ball and hits Omega square in the chest as he bounce back straight to luigi who swings his mallet again like a baseball bat shooting Mario again still in the form of a ball hitting Omega's chest hard once again as he bounces back to luigi, landing in front of the green plumber, now back to normal size.

Omega ceased functioning just like his hands which were now lying on the ground. The gang looked at him with caution, wondering if that was enough to take him down.
               A few seconds later, Omega's system were back online as his hands silently vibrated while ascending back to their original position in mid air.

* [ music ends]*
"You don't know when to give up do you?"said Zero.

Omega growled as a response.

"Now now Omega no need be impatient. You can play roughly with these puny idiots later." A voice said.

The gang see a figure approaching in a  round flying ball. As it got closer the gang could make out who it was, Sonic's arch nemesis; Dr.Eggman.

"Eggman!"The blue hedgehog exclaimed surprised to see the fat scientist once again since their last feud in the deathegg.

The Mario bros and the blue bomber were also a bit shocked to see the evil doctor.

"Who are you?"The legendary reploid asked.

Dr.Eggman in his egg mobile peered down to look at the gang.

"It's bad to see you too Sonic, who's your skinny blonde friend if I may ask?" The doctor asked with his usual evil smile.

"Sorry Eggy but I can't tell ya who he is unless you introduce yourself to him."Sonic said.

"Very well." He them faced Zero."My name is Dr.Robotnik but to make it simple, call me Dr.Eggman." The scientist said with pride.

So this is the guy they were talking about.

So you're the bloated bafoon that sent these guys to this dimension?"

"Er..yes."Eggman said after a short pause."How dare he insult me."He muttered to himself."

"What are you planning Eggman?" Sonic said.

"'ll find out soon enough. I assume you have knowledge of the revival of this huge robot and others."

Zero suddenly realised something.

"You're the one that resurrected all those reploids I defeated?" A slightly surprised Zero asked.

"Yes, but to tell you the truth, they're only a piece of my brilliant plan." Eggman stated." If you thought reviving those robots or 'reploids' as you call in this world was my main plan, then you're highly mistaken." Eggman laughed.

"Yeah, yeah we know you always have another plan in disguise no need to state the obvious." Sonic said.

Sonic the hedgehog has dealt with stuff like this on countless occasions. Knowing the doctor has other plans or ideas behind this wasn't actually new to the blue blur.

But what the blue hedgehog didn't know was that Eggman had series of plans unlike the usual obvious plans he makes.

Eggman cleared hid throat." But let me give you a fair warning before I leave." Eggman said in an evil tone." Things will soon become harder, you may be able to defeat some of the reploids I revived but just keep in mind there's more in what's to come. Get ready for chaos,robotic chaos.

And with that, Eggman simply pushed a button which teleported him back to his lab all thanks to Wily installing a teleportation system in his eggmobile. The gang watched as the machine was engulfed in a bright white light and turned into a dissolving beam and vanished completely. Omega grunted at the gang as he followed the same procedure the evil doctor used to leave. He became a huge colum of white light and ascended up into the air and vanished.

"Robotic chaos?" Sonic said looking up in the sky at where Omega vanished.

"What does he mean by that?" Megaman asked the Mario bros.

The red and green plumber put their hands on their chin, thinking about Megaman's question about the evil scientist's mysterious warning but in actual fact, the bros didn't know.

"I don't know." Zero said hearing Megaman's question,not wanting him to wonder more about it than Sonic." But whatever it is the doctor is doing,...we need to be careful.

"Ok we may not know what egghead is  truly planning but one way or the other we'll stop him as always." Sonic assured with a grin.

Although Zero kept a straight face he was in fact deeply surprised about Sonic's optimistic sentence. He was wondering why Sonic was always positive about things, even in tough situations the blessings hedgehog kept his cool. Speaking of cool there was another thing which dawn on him. An odd silence in his communicator, another question popped into his head.

"Why hasn't Ciel spoken to him about what just happened?"

Sure Zero is the one to ask first but even if he dosent the pink female scientist gets to know about stuff like this and tell Zero eventually.

"Ciel..come in....can you hear me?"Zero said through the communicator.

There was a long static with no reply.

Something was definitely wrong, either the connection has been cut off...or something bad has happened back in the base. The legendary reploid was hoping it's the latter.

The red reploid began to worry. He pressed the teleportation button on the side of his head but he was still standing there telling him it's not working. Within the blink of an eye Zero darted really fast leaving the Mario bros, blue blur and bomber to follow him wondering why he's in such a rush.

"Zero what's wrong? Sonic asked while running by his side.

"I don't know but Ciel's not responding, I think some things wrong. I can feel it.

The team ran very fast back to the base, like they were being chased by a car. Zero and the others soon got into the base to see some resistance reploids coming towards them, mabye they know what's going on.

"Zero something has terribly gone wrong." Colbor said.

"I know that." The legendary reploid began "just tell me what's wrong."

"Ciel's missing..." He said.

Zero widen his eyes in shock.

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