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It's face was facing the ground until it raised it up looking at the gang with. Its crimson red robotic eyes that looked like an evil version of Sonic's brightened up along with its usual murderous- looking scowl on its face that's been fixed there since it was created.

Sonic sped towards his robotic doppelgänger who did same, like two rays colliding. However Metal Sonic punched Sonic in the gut at the last second trying to prove the blue blur superior in terms of speed. After a short moment of Sonic experiencing tense agony in his stomach, Metal Sonic grabbed Sonic by the hand, flinging him to the far side of the hallway, the blue hedgehog fell down the stairs.
            Knowing it'll take some time before the fastest thing alive gets back into the fight,Metal Sonic flew towards the other at super speed. Before The metallic blue blur could get closer to do anything Mario at the right time uppercuted him with his hammer accompanied by a pounding sound- effect,  the force sent Sonic's metallic rival through the hallway and landed violently across the ground. The turbine on metal Sonic's back activated, helping it get back on its feet. It was just about to move until it received a crazy spin dash by Sonic.

The blue hedgehog indeed came quicker than the robot's processors calculated. Metal Sonic flew and slammed the ground a few metres away from the gang's feet. The blue metal  hedgehog got up. It narrowed its crimson red LCD eyes at Zero and the others , it looked over its shoulders at the speed demon who was a few feet behind him. Metal Sonic's eyes glowed radiantly at Sonic who in return shot a confuse look. He didn't know what the robot was thinking; was it going to attack him or the others, it's definitely going to do what it was basically programmed for, and that was to defeat Sonic.

Zero came into the scene, with his Z-saber in one hand which caused the metallic blue blur to avert it's gaze to him. Using this as an opportunity, Sonic revved a spin dash and zoomed towards Metal Sonic.

Metal Sonic sidestepped to the left at the last moment sending Sonic rolling towards Zero. The legendary hero zipped to the side as Sonic rolled past him. The blue blur reverted back to a hedgehog and skidded to a halt. Sonic turned around to look at the conflict.
Zero violently slashing Metal Sonic but the blue blur's rival was dodging the attacks, in order to return the favour, Metal Sonic used a powerful attack on Zero once it detected an opening, it boosted and rammed  Zero at an insane speed using 'V. Maximum overdrive' with tenors of orange electricity sparking around its short metallic body.

The savage collision catapulted Zero to the extreme far end of the hallway making him slam a cell door made of titanium! Sonoc barely blinked before the legendary reploid flew past him.

Ciel gasped once she turned around to see the uncousious reploid. Mario, Luigi and Megaman were shocked by what just happened as well.

"Hey why don't you pick on someone your own size." Sonic said dashing towards the blue metallic fury." Like me !"He said before delivering a tip kick on metal Sonic's chin,  the blue hedgehog gave metal Sonoc a quick jab followed by a furious spun kick shooting Metal Sonic like a Buller to the other side, Mario came into the scene , with both hands on his hammer he jumped and slammed Metal Sonic to the ground while in mid air making it crash creating a lot of dust due to the impact.

Mario stood by Sonic's side." Hey nice timing with the hammer attack back there." Sonic said.

"Thanks, I've been practising."

The two look at the wreak age.  Mario and Sonic squinted to see a pair of glowing red eyes in the gradual dissipating dust.

The two were shocked.  Seeing that the blue metallic blur isn't gonna give up that easily,  they got into a fighting stance.

Metal Sonic slowly walked out of the wreak age. The blue blur's metallic counterpart revved a super charged spin dash . The mere act of spinning at one place produced a huge mass of dust due to the tremendous friction between the robot's metallic body and the ground. After a short while of performing rotational motion, Metal Sonic now a blue metallic ball rolled like a motorcycle tire.


The heroic plumber and the blue hedgehog split to opposite directions making Metal Sonic now a rolling shuriken speed through where they were only seconds ago.  It sooner jumped and reverted back to a robotic  hedgehog, it turned around annoyed for missing it's target. The metallic blue blur darted towards the Sonic giving him flurry of punches and kicks but the cobalt hero was just intimidating it even more by running backwards as the blue metallic hedgehog continued running forward with flying punches just hoping to connect Sonic's body with its hard metallic fist. After a few minutes of the same fighting sequence,  Sonic kneed Metal Sonoc in the core which was followed after by a somersault kick accompanied by Sonic's battle cry. Metal Sonic blasted into the air until it crashed into the ceiling and drop down shortly after. The blue metallic combatant got up, electricity surging around his body. Metal Sonic twitched wiry each surge of electricity that sparked out of it. Metal Sonic glared at the blue hedgehog and others." This isn't over." It seem to say.

Unable to fight any longer, Metal Sonic boosted away. Sonic stared at the retreating robot, a few seconds later the whole place flashed red.

""[Warning! prisoner escape detected!, prisoner escape detected!..........Upgrade to security lvl 4"]

"We need to get out of here."

Sonic quickly flashed a glance at who was speaking. It was the now recovered Zero. He got up slowly and stood without even shaking,  like the attack Metal Sonic did to him wasn't effective. The blue hedgehog soon made a conclusion from his observation.' Zero is very durable'.

The alarms soon activated as the team ran out they were being chased by a lot of pantheon robots.

The gang ran fast as they were being chased by so many pantheons. While running Sonic was either kicking away some robots with break dance moves or spindash in right through them as Zero was slicing and dicing the pantheons that were in their way.

"Zero." Sonic said kicking a pantheon into the air while running then jumps and pounds it hard with a rocket kick launching it somewhere. " Do you know how to get out of here ?" He said resuming his running.

"While running, Zero sliced a robot horizontally in half." Yes....the exit is all the way at the other side, but it'll take some time before we get there."

"Guess we have to keep running." The blue hedgehog said.

The team went on destroying security fences that popped out from the ground, avoided lazers that were activated due to the alarm and even ran through slowly closing huge metallic doors.

The team soon got into a huge room. The large metallic door closed shut behind them. They ran across the room.

"We're almost at the exit." Zero said running." Let's hurry up and we'll be out of here in no....."

  A solar powered bullet mississauga his face by inches. Knowing it's not Megaman Zero looked around. He saw several pantheons with arm busters shooting rapidly at them from the upper floors.

"You guys go, I'll handle them." He said as the gang realized the other door to the way out was slowly closing.

"What?!" Sonic said as he noticed the descending door which will permanently close." But Zero the door!"

"Don't worry just go!"

The blue hedgehog hesitantly nodded before gesturing the others to go.

"Be careful Zero. " Ciel said before following the others.

The pantheons soon came to the 2nd floor in the room, some came to the ground floor, where Zero was and soon without hesitation got their weapons ready. The large metallic door was halfway to the ground before it closes.

Zero smirked as the pantheons aimed at him and fired shortly after.

After expertly shooting without miss, Zero ran and jumped sliding down under the door before it touched the ground.

After making a quick getaway from that tight situation. Zero closed in with the rest of the gang. They soon got close to the exit and finally ran out of the place.

    Outside the prison............................

Everyone except Sonic and Zero were exhausted from all the running.

Zero spoke through the communicator." Operator......transfer us back."


  Soon everyone was engulfed in a bright white light and teleported back to the base.
                                   To be continued...

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