Chapter 7 act 2: The search part 3

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Sonic speeds down a mountain base into a veranium mine. He dashes in every cave, pit, tunnel and hole in search of an emerald. As he speeds deeper into the caves he came across a diamond field with radiant glows. He starts to search around the diamond mine and ran until he suddenly felt a chill. "Brr!,Is it me or its cold in here?" Sonic said to himself. He begins to warm himself when he saw a pillar of ice which he climbs on top and look around and notice footprints of ice and began following when the radar begun beeping at the other direction. He decides to see what is there first, so he speeds towards the end of the icy trail and he sees an ice sculpture of himself but with red eyes filled with confusion and irritation. He runs to the direction of which the radar points but sees the same sculpture again only with its arms folded. Sonic stares at it and does the same as he inspects the artefact.

"Hmm,real neat, good lookin'." He says with his left hand on his chin.
As he inspects,the eyes of the sculpture begins to beep.

"Huh?" He says as he takes a closer look, suddenly it beings to beep faster and faster. "What the heck is..."


The ice explodes sending Sonic flying far and breaking a crystal and lands on the end of a deep hole of darkness, all of a sudden he trips and falls with his right hand grabbing onto the edge of the hole, he tries to climb out with caution,as he does this an evil laughter echoes across the cave which caught Sonic's attention as his ears angled to where the loud laughter was. Confused and wondering who that was Sonic climbed and jumped out of the hole landing in front of it, a few seconds later he looked straight ahead gazing at the source of laughter.

It was a reploid standing some metres away from him. It had the head of an elk with ice shards on the head as antlers with a silver slight bulky metallic body with well built strong legs. From his elbow to his wrist was covered with more silver metal making him look more intimidating and fierce.Sonic after taking a good
look at his adversary finally spoke.

"So you're the one who made the ice sculpture and caused that explosion earlier?"

Before sonic could make a move the ground on which he stands evaporates and he falls but grabs on the edge as the reploid stands at the end with one leg up towards Sonic's hand.

"I was hoping to kill Zero, but I would have to settle for you." He said this as he steps on Sonic's hand causing him pain." Aaah!"screams Sonic in pain.
"This is your end, hedgehog. Oh and my name is....Blizzack Stangroff."
The reploid says this as Sonic screams and falls.

The evil reploid fills the surface of the hole with thick I've and places crystals on it and walks away in laughter." Hahahaha, now to set a trap for Zero and finally complete my vengeance."

As he walks away, he suddenly heard a rattling and turns back to see the crystal vibrating, he stays still as he observes , a crack appear on the ice.
"What the?!"

*Crack!!* *boom!!*

The ice along with the crystal shatter to pieces as a ball of blue blur bounces from the hole , floating while spinning in mid air and gives Stangroff a homing attack and a spin dash sending the ice reploid up into the air and crashing down after being hit again by another spin dash.

Stangroff stands and moans in pain as he grunt at Sonic who smiles and stretches his legs and skips.

"What are you?" Asks Stangroff in an enraged tone.

"The name's Sonic!" He says as he uses his thumbs to point to himself at both sides of his head." Oh and it's not nice to throw someone into a dark hole and seal it with layers of ice. I could've remain there for ages."

"That's the point!" Stangroff angrily replied." Fortunately for you, you were able to break free. I should've thicken the ice."

"Mabye your processors were too cold to think of that." Sonic insulted with a grin which caused Stangroff to be enraged.

" make me so angry...just as angry when losing to Zero!"


"So you know him?" Stangroff asked.

"Yup." He nodded in reply.

"Hmm...then you must be his ally....and my enemy just as I predicted the moment you came here."

"Well it's nice meeting you, now if you'll excuse me I have an emerald to find." He said about to walk the other way, he was startled as a barrage of ice shards landed in front of him which soon expanded and became a wall of ice, blocking the way.

"Hey!" The blue hedgehog exclaimed as he turned to look at the reploid as shards of ice stuck out of his head.

"You're not going anywhere."

"Make me."

"You're requesting for trouble blue rodent, hm..what do you call a frozen hedgehog? pierced with ice shards in the chest and side of the head?"

Sonic gulped as he said that, now a bit nervous. Stangroff swung both bulky arms as a warm up as he got in a fighting stance as Sonic did same.

The battle started and Stangroff leaped suddenly throwing hard snowballs at Sonic who dodged with ease, he leaped over sonic throwing more snowballs but the blue hedgehog dashed out of the way. Stangroff arched his head as ice shards ejected and shot out of him like a porcupine.

"Woah!" Sonic rolled out of the way,"Yikes!" He said moving suddenly almost hit by an ice shard,his eyes widen as another one above him nearly descended on him but he rolled backwards and knelt down on one knee after that. Sonic runs and dodges while Stangroff makes ice sculptures of him and blow up which each explosion intensifying, Stangroff creates two more ice sculptures of Sonic which dash towards him but the blue hedgehog defeated them by dodging a blow then punches the first one as he suddenly knocked and shattered the other one with a rapid spin dash as he moved to the other one shattering it as well. Stangroff then makes an ice sculpture of Zero with red eyes which dashed towards Sonic trying to slice him with a Z-saber made of ice. After dodging a swift slash Sonic punched the ice Zero's core hard and knocks it away with a powerful kick shattering it to pieces.

Stangroff fed up with Sonic destroying the ice clones aimed one hand at Sonic turning to a cannon which shot a large gust of icy wind similar to a snowstorm. Sonic struggled to move towards him as numerous snowflakes started covering his face. After firing that, the surface of the ground became slippery and parts of Sonic's body became slightly frozen limiting his movement and speed.

Stangroff jumped up high into the air and with both hands almost pounds Sonic who spin dashed out of the way
at the last moment. Sonic jumped and performed a homing attack damaging Stangroff.

Stangroff now with both hands fired a powerful  gust of icy wind but after some seconds it changed to a beam of ice freezing Sonic temporarily. After a short while Sonic freed himself only to surprisingly receive a blow from Stangroff sending him crashing to a wall.

"Hmph! Is that all you got?" Stangroff said forming a snowball in his right palm.

Sonic gets out from the wall. Stands and faces him."Hey dude, I'm just getting started. Can ya make this more interesting?"

"Why I'll show you!" Stangroff yelled throwing a hard snowball at Sonic who dodged with ease, Stangroff created more and threw them rapidly at Sonic who dodged the snowballs with the same speed used to throw them at him. He even managed a fake yawn while evading the barrage if snowballs which enraged his opponent.

"Stand still you little pest!" He said still throwing snowballs at him.

Sonic dodge with extreme ease and finally the barrage ceased. Stangroff shot out numerous ice spears at Sonic who dodged while running to him and after gaining enough speed boosted and jumped, turning to a blue glowing ball with a lot of kinetic energy surrounding him, rammed and penetrated through Stangroff's core and landed right behind him.

The blue hedgehog  looked back as he saw the blue reploid paralyzed with electricity coursing through his body as he stared at the huge hole bored through him."Done already?, I haven't even tried my best in this fight." Said Sonic as Stangroff started exploding all over and big explosion occurred.

After the smoke from the blast disappeared ,the blue hedgehog spotted a gemstone with a radiant glow, the same colour as him.

Sonic grinned as he stared at the blue chaos emerald and walked towards it and picked it."Hmm.....wha?" Sonic said as the emerald suddenly dissolved into thin air." It's a fake!" Sonic said upset as it meant he went through all this for nothing.

While frowning wondering how he got a fake emerald,  Tails called him through his communicator. Sonic pressed a button on the screen.

"Hey Sonic, just wanted to know how things  are going."

"I don't know about Mario and Zero but it seems I've encountered a fake emerald. Looks like I have to search
somewhere else."

"Hm....I know where you can search next, check the radar on your watch."

Sonic did as Tails said as the screen on the watch suddenly changed to a map, a red dot blinked at the centre of the map.

"Ok, so that's where I should go next? but what place is that?"

"It's a forest reserve, scanner indicates there's a chaos emerald but there are signs of reploidic activities there as well."

"Again?,oh well at least I'll have some fun."

"Contact Zero before you go, mabye he can come with you."

"Great idea! Wait what about Mario?"

"Don't worry, he has it all under control." Tails said.

"Alright." Sonic said as he switches the tuner to contact Zero.

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