Chapter 2: Dungeon Adventure

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On the next morning, Hero and Simba travelled the grasslands of Ooo. They ran along the grasslands and stopped right on top of grassy slope then Hero rested her hand above her eyes as she scanned the area.

"See anything?" Simba asked.

"It's around here somewhere," Hero replied as she continued to gaze until she saw a building a bit farther from them "Over there Simba, go!"

Simba smirked as Hero held onto his mane and he ran towards the building. Upon arrival, Hero gasped and Simba whistled as they looked up at the building.

"It's a tree." Simba stated.

"It's a house." Hero stated.

The two looked at each other then back at the house as they spoke in unison "It's a Tree House."

The tree itself was a weeping willow. It had a main canopy and three smaller canopies which branch out from the center. The canopies were connected by narrow wooden bridges. Built into the base of the tree is a wooden shack from which the rooms inside the canopy can be accessed. Various decorations, including windows, flags, and chimneys, could be seen sticking out of the canopy.

"Finn! Jake! You guys up there!?" Hero shouted but received silence as an answer.

"Are we at the right place?" Simba asked.

"I mean this is where they told us they'd be." Hero said with a shrug.

Suddenly one of the windows burst open and Finn jumped through with a flip, landing in front of Hero and Simba. The front door opened and Jake walked out, closing it and walking over to them.

"Morning." Jake greeted.

"I am so ready for an adventure with you guys!" Finn exclaimed excitedly.

Hero giggled "Loving the enthusiasm, that kind of attitude goes a long way in a dungeon."

"Dungeon?" Finn asked with stars in his eyes.

"Yup," Hero replied, taking out a map from her hair "We're going to explore the Treasure Knight's dungeon."

"For treasure?" Finn asked.

"No for fish." Simba replied sarcastically.

"I heard about the Treasure Knight, people say he's one scary dude." Jake said.

"Well that makes it all the more interesting." Hero replied with a smirk as Simba turned and they started walking off with Finn and Jake following.

"I wonder what the treasure is." Finn commented.

"Me too, it's gotta be something valuable since this Treasure Knight guy has been guarding it for a hundred years or something." Hero said as she read the map.

"A hundred years!?" Jake exclaimed.

"Whoa!" Finn muttered

"That's what Choose Goose said." Hero shrugged with a smile.

"Still have trouble trusting that guy." Simba said.

"You just wanna eat him." Hero teased, playfully bonking his head.

"That too." Simba replied with a smirk.

"So you're a princess right?" Jake asked.

"I guess." Hero replied with a shrug.

"Then how come you don't have your own kingdom?" Jake asked.

"I do have a kingdom, I'm just never around, that's all." Hero said.

"Aren't you worried something bad might happen to your people?" Finn asked.

"Finn do you like going on adventures?" Hero asked.

Finn nodded "I love going on adventures."

"Do you get scared on these adventures?" Hero continued to ask.

"He rarely does." Jake answered.

"That's why I'm not worried, everyone in the Adventure Kingdom is an Adventurer. Every citizen in my kingdom can handle themselves and if they do need me then they'll seek me out and I will get back to them as fast as possible." Hero explained.

"That hasn't happened in a long time." Simba said.

"Could we visit the Adventure Kingdom someday?" Finn asked excited by the idea of a whole kingdom of thrill seeking adventurers.

"Sure, I'll be sure to call you when I decide to head back." Hero said.

They continued their journey while talking about random topics that kept popping up and just all around getting to know each other. They had soon arrived to their destination and now stood in front of large castle doors built into a mountain that had a knight's symbol embedded on them.

Hero let out a whistle, impressed by the door's design "This looks like a good one."

"How do we open it?" Finn asked.

"There's usually some kind of secret button or something around these things." Jake said, looking around.

"Oh yeah, should we start looking around?" Finn asked, turning to Hero.

"If you wanna be boring then go right ahead," Hero said with a chuckle as she looked at Simba "Do your thing Simba."

Simba stepped forward and walked towards the door with a growl, he stopped and let out a powerful roar that not only blasted the doors open, but shook the mountain as well.

"Nothing like a morning roar to get those chords going." Simba said, clearing his throat.

"That was so cool!" Jake exclaimed.

"Yeah it was, that's why Simba's the best!" Hero exclaimed, hugging his side and rubbing his mane which caused the lion to let out a giggle.

Finn smiled at them but then gasped as he looked inside the dungeon. It was a large empty space with a pile of gold, gems, treasure chests and weapons behind a statue of a knight and on top of the pile was a golden thrown with a crown sitting atop it.

"Holy cow!" Finn exclaimed.

"Moo..." Hero let out with her jaw dropped in shock.

"Dibs on the crown!" Jake exclaimed as he ran in.

"Not if I get there first!" Simba exclaimed as he ran after him.

Hero and Finn followed in as Jake and Simba climbed up the pile. Finn ran after them but Hero stopped to stare up at the Knight's statue and her eyes widened.

"Wait guys! Don't sit on the throne!" Hero shouted but it was too late since Jake took the crown and sat on it, placing the crown atop his head.

The doors to the dungeon slammed shut as torches on the walls lit up around as a form of a ring of fire. The statue shook and its eyes glowed red. The earth around it exploded and pushed Hero back as the boys looked on in shock.

"Hero!" Simba shouted.

"I'm fine!" Hero shouted back as she stood up and drew her sword, glaring at the knight "I'm fine."

The knight stepped out of the dust and drew his sword, radiating a menacing aura. He was a towering figure with a well-built upper body and thin long legs. His face was covered by a worn out knight's helm with a red tuft but his red eyes were visible, his upper body also consisted of a worn out armour but his arms were long-sleeves with white gloves. He wore black pants with dirty red boots and a rope with a skull tied around his hips.

"The Treasure Knight." Finn let out.

The Treasure Knight turned around and glared at them, specifically Jake, and the tip of his blade glowed with a red light. He swung his sword at them and a red flaming arc flew towards them, they barely dodged it by jumping away from the treasure as the flame arc hit the wall behind the throne and left a scorch mark.

Hero let out a shout as she ran at the knight who turned to look at her as she jumped and swung her sword to cut him but he blocked with his own and flames protruded from the clash, melting Hero's sword. She looked at the melted sword in shock as he kicked her away.

Finn drew his golden sword as Jake enlarged his fists, they attacked the Treasure Knight as Simba circled around and made his way over to Hero.

"You good?" Simba asked.

Hero groaned as she sat up, rubbing her stomach "Yeah, hopefully Finn and Jake got this."

They heard a kick and Jake landed on the ground face first, sliding right next to Hero and Simba with a pained groan.

"Nevermind." Hero said as she stood up.

Finn was knocked into the pile of treasure as his sword landed beside the throne. He climbed up to get his sword but the Treasure Knight's eyes glowed and kicked him away, into a wall.

Hero gasped in realization "The throne and the crown."

"What?" Simba asked.

"The Treasure Knight's been guarding treasure all this time, all the other treasure doesn't matter," Hero explained.

"But the throne and the crown does." Simba finished in realization.

"I got an idea but I need to get to that throne." Hero said as the Treasure Knight turned towards them with his sword glowing again.

"Dodge!" Simba shouted, picking up Jake and rolling away as Hero jumped to the side because of the flaming arc the Treasure Knight sent towards them.

Gold coins hit the Treasure Knight and he turned around to see Finn holding gold coins in his hands as he threw them right at the Treasure Knight's face.

"Fight me ya loser!" Finn shouted.

The Treasure Knight glared down at him as Finn ran, he chased Finn around the room with his sword raised.

"If you've guys got an idea then do it now! Please!" Finn shouted, dodging a strike from the Treasure Knight.

"Simba!" Hero shouted, untying her hair.

Simba ran up behind her as she ran towards the pile, he roared and the force launched her to the treasure and right on the throne.

"Hey Treasure Knight!" Hero shouted, gaining the Treasure Knight's attention and he widened his eyes upon seeing her on the throne. She put on the crown with a smirk "I'm queen of the castle~"

He glared at her and ran towards her with his blade glowing again. She grabbed Finn's sword in one hand and held her hair with the other. As the Treasure Knight brought his blade down, she blocked the strike with Finn's sword and the flames were pushing her down but her hair glowed and she gained newfound strength, enough to push counter the Treasure Knight and knock him off his balance.

She whipped her hair down to his legs, wrapping around them, and pulled back which brought him down to the ground. She let out a roar as she jumped with Finn's sword raised and landed with a powerful stab to the Treasure Knight's chest.

The Treasure Knight widened his eyes and reached for his chest but it was too late as his arms went limp and fell on his chest, red eyes disappearing.

"You did it!" Finn exclaimed happily.

"Woohoo!" Jake exclaimed in a daze as he got up from the ground.

Hero pulled Finn's sword out and stared down at the knight with a frown, she took off the crown and placed it on his chest then moved his arms a bit so he would be holding onto the crown.

"Here." Hero said, jumping off the Treasure Knight and tossing Finn's sword over to him.

"That was freaking awesome! You guys really do have cool adventures!" Finn said in amazement as her caught the sword and sheathed it.

"The whole world is full of adventures; I just like to find them." Hero said with a shrug.

"So what now? Do we take the treasure?" Jake asked.

"If you want, I won't though." Hero said as Jake giggled and ran up to the treasure pile.

"You won't?" Finn asked.

"Nah, I just go on these thing for the fun of it." Hero replied.

"But you do take souvenirs." Simba said with a smirk, walking up to them.

"Souvenirs?" Finn asked.

"Something to remember my adventures by." Hero explained.

"So what's it gonna be this time?" Simba asked.

"Hmm...oh!" Hero let out as she ran over to the Treasure Knight's sword and picked it up, turning to show them as the tip glowed red "This!"

It was a black blade with a white handle and a red gem embedded on its guard.

"Awesome!" Finn let out.

"Nice." Simba said.

Hero swung the sword to a wall and a flaming arc erupted, scorching the wall she aimed at. She smirked at the sword, getting a feel for it and nodded, sheathing it in the sheath that held her former sword.

The doors to the dungeon slammed open, courtesy of Simba's roar and all four of them walked out.

"What now?" Jake asked, now dripped out in gold and gems.

"I don't know, never planned that far." Hero said with a shrug.

"Well the sun's setting so that means the bars at the Candy Kingdom are opening, we should go get some root beer." Jake said.

"Hmm~ candy root beer is awesome." Finn said, rubbing his belly.

"Alright, let's go." Hero said with a smile, jumping onto Simba's back "Race you there!"

Simba let out a normal roar as Hero laughed and they ran off, Finn jumped onto Jake's back and he let out a bark, chasing after them.

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