Trash Break

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Claud's POV

"So," I asked my friends, "Where should we go for vacation? September 21 is a good time to go to- "

"Mecca!" said Despair. "So I could wear Whett's 'I love Berlin' shirt!"

"No," said Randal. "You are not wearing his Berlin shirt if we went to Mecca."

"Or Japan!" said Morward.

"I'm wearing Claud's 'I love Amsterdam' shirt to China!" exclaimed Laolin.

"Are you really doing this?" Mason asked.

"Oh," said Laolin. "Then I'm wearing the Amsterdam shirt to Korea!"

"I want to go to a beach, like Hawaii," Spectrome suggested. "Or the Caribbean."

"How about France?" said Evon. "They made nice music there."

"Russia!" Cynosura shouted.

Pretty soon, a major argument emerged. It got physical too!

My friends were arguing whether to go to Spain, the Bahamas, North Korea, Russia, Japan, France, etc.

"Stratosfear and I think we should go to Seattle, Yawgate!" Mason ranted as he pulled Yawgate's hair.

"Sterneedle!" Spectrome yelled. "GERMANY IS SO BORING!!" They kicked Sterneedle in the groin.

"Randal, I will wear that Berlin shirt and that's final!" Despair screamed into Randal's left ear.

"Enough!" I yelled.

"We are going to New York City, and that's final."

"Yes! Times Square!" Spectrome said gleefully.

"It looks cool too!" said Morward.

"Yay!" said Despair. "I'll pack the-"

"No." Randal commanded.

"And I can take Claud's-" Laolin said.

"We're going to New York City, not the Netherlands." Randal pointed out.

"And a water bucket!" Laolin continued.

"NO!!" Stratosfear said, struggling to laugh.

"I am so excited!" said Aevon.

"We will leave in 3 days," I commanded.

Atritus's POV

"So, is everyone ready?" I asked.

"Yep!" they proudly replied.


Despair yelled down the terminal, "It's my ffffiiiiirrrssstttt tttttttrrrriiipppp!!!!"

Invertigo was carrying all of Spectrome's luggage.

"Come on, Spectrome!" said Invertigo. "You really want me to carry all that?"

"Whatever," said Spectrome. "That's the point."

Claud was sleeping.

Mason and Stratos are at the vending machine.

The two of them came back with a few snacks.

It took a while, but we managed to get on the airplane.

The safety video started to play.

Despair was the only one who didn't watch it.

When the video told, "buckle your seatbelts," he unbuckled the seatbelt.

Laolin had to buckle it back on.

The plane took off, and Despair unbuckled his seat again.

"Wheee!" he said.

They had to stop to place Despair back in his seat.

It wasn't going great shortly after the takeoff.

Spectrome found the lavatory unusable when they went to take a dump.

Sterneedle threw up.

Voixer's bag fell out of the overhead cabin.

Galleria was hungry, so all they got was a bag of peanuts.

Sterneedle's POV

Things were going great.

When the turbulence hit, Despair started to do a headstand.

"No!" I said.

Laolin and I put Despair in his seat.

"Thank goodness he brought his meds." I thought when I opened his bag.

During the plane landing, Despair got out of his seat.


Great, I'm here, in my hotel room, with big ego Spectrome.

So, when she fell asleep, I opened the Bible in the hotel room. Chances are, there's money, right?

I found $100 on some of the pages!


The next day, we came to the first floor to eat breakfast.

"Wanna see the hABBAtat?" asked Invertigo.

"You mean habitat," said Galleria.

"No," said Invertigo. "The hABBAtat."

"Habitat, hABBAtat? Who cares?" I said.

Spectrome came out of the "sloth" habitat near the café.

"You guys will LOVE it, trust me." they said. 

Instead of sloths, there were pictures of ABBA covering wall to wall.

Galleria laughed when they found out what Invertigo meant.

Despair and Laoin were wearing those shirts. Like the "I Love ______" ones.

"Guys," said Randal. "Change those shirts."

Laoin told Randal he wore an "I Love Moscow" shirt instead to Stratosfear's overalls.

Randal ran away in embarrassment. "They will make fun of me!"

Well, that wasn't true.

Voixer's POV

I asked Despair, "Do you like Yawgate...?"

Despair didn't respond.

The smoothie snorted out of Despair-

And onto Mason's (Or should I say Claud's) Nirvana hoodie.

"Gross!" said Claud.

Yawgate then took us to Scott's Pizza Tours.

"It's $55 per person, how many do we have?" Verfection stated.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7." I said.

"Making it $385," said Mason. "Let's go!"


"Alright, we're finished." said Verfection.

"And I certainly enjoyed it!" Claud responded.

"Can I only eat the skin of the pizza?" Despair asked.

"You mean the crust?" said Mason.

"No, the skin!" replied Despair. 

I took Despair's slice and held it high in the air so he couldn't reach it.

He still wanted only the "skin" of the pizza.

"GIVE ME SKIN!!!" shouted Despair.

"The only 'pizza skin' is pizza with potato skins." Claud corrected.

"No," Despair protested. "It's pizza skin and potato crust."

Stratosfear backs away from Despair. "I don't really like potatoes anymore..."

Miobot's POV

>> ACTION: SHELDON is being taught by RANDAL how to skate here at WOLLMAN RINK. This is SHELDON's first time.

>> ACTION: CYNOSURA skates gracefully for FLEXING.

>> DIALOG FROM RANDAL to SHELDON: So Sheldon, start by marching into the rink slowly then carefully stand on both feet and try to glide, using your body weight as required. 


>> ACTION: SHELDON falls down.

>> DIALOG FROM SHELDON: They'll laugh at me!

>> DIALOG FROM RANDAL: No, it's not true.



>> ACTION: SHELDON falls down.





>> DIALOG FROM SHELDON: I think I'm getting the hang of-


>> ACTION: SHELDON falls down.

Yawgate's POV

I asked Despair, "How was it today?"

He gave a thumbs up before promptly using the bathroom.

I chose to watch some "Page's Bizarre Adventure."

But shortly after the intro, there were some noises from the bathroom.

"OH NO!!!" Despair screamed.

Continuing to watch the episode, I wasn't surprised when someone knocked on the door. I couldn't hear the knock nor the TV because of the bathroom noises.

"Oh, it's 1 in the morning," I thought.

I opened the door (finally) and Mason fell onto the floor.

Yep. He fell like a piece of cardboard and was knocked out cold seconds later.

Despair came out.

"Why were you making so much noise while taking a dump?" Mason asked Despair.

"No idea." Despair asked.

"My room was on the floor above. And I can still hear the noises. Loud and clear." Mason responded.

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