Act 15: Sea of Sorrows - part 4

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Claire's P.O.V.

I hesitantly took his hand and he helped me up.

"I guess we're both real," he commented.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Only the real Claire would choose friendship over whatever other factors are in her head. And I'm real because you're real and also I've heard of some pretty drastic differences between dream world me and real world me."

"Same as always. Definitely the real Max."

"Good to see you too."

"Max... are we underwater? Last thing I remember is-"

"Plummeting into the lake that people call just a pond?"


"Well now we know what happened before... whatever this is..."

"So we just have to somehow reach the surface again."


Serenity's P.O.V.

"Alleyen! Kerry!" The two were knocked out upon being thrown at the surrounding trees. I attempted to stand my ground with Sailor Earth... but this thing sure has one mean slap... and that knocked me over.

Earth was then disposed of like Alleyen and Kerry, but she probably would've been able to put up more of a fight if she was able to use her attack.


It was about to finish me off when Rosemary B arrived.

"Rosemary B!"

"You alright?" she asked. I nodded.

Max's P.O.V.

"There's gotta be some way out of here!" Claire yelled after being able to find a way for herself. I looked back at the way I came.

"Hey Claire," I said, getting her attention. She watched as I went through the gap and behind the circle of mirrors.

"Max! Where'd you go?!"

I couldn't help but laugh at her obliviousness.

"Claire, there's a gap here!" I stuck my hand out and waved. "See?"

"Oh..." I heard her laugh nervously. "Right."

After she eventually joined me on the other side of the mirror wall, she looked at me with quite a disappointed look.

"Got another bright idea, genius?" she asked. "There are just more mirrors here. THIS IS A LABYRINTH!"

"Well, uh... no. I'm all out of ideas."

Claire sighed and sat down on the floor. Her shoe hit another mirror, and then she gasped.

"Well I'm not out of ideas."

What is that brilliant mind of hers planning now?

Next thing I knew, she was WALL-JUMPING.

"How are you doing that?" I asked her.

"Mainly blind faith!" she told me. "I found out the walls here were close enough, so I'm just trusting that they're still there by now!"

"Claire, I'm not sure if you're a genius or an idiot, but I want in on this too!" I started following her lead as she shot some words back at me.

"So is that why all the girls seem to be overprotective of you? Because you consider the possibility of them being idiot and implying that you think you're smarter than them?"

"What? No! I never said that!"

"Suit yourself." I looked up and saw Claire, on top of the mirror wall, waving bye to me before leaving.

"CLAIRE! Wait for me!"


Claire and Max are FINALLY getting out of that weird lake!

And Rosemary B arrived just in time for the Special Senshi!

What'll happen next?

Why don't we find out together next time?


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