Act 17: What's Best - part 2

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The video in the thumbnail is music for a song in this chapter. So with that being said, on with the song. (Italics is Claire, Underline is Max in the song, 'kay?)

Start the music

Claire's P.O.V.

The rain poured harder and I turned away from Max, trying to hide the fact that I was crying. I wiped the tears and rain from my face, but the storm just kept coming.

All this reminds me of quite a familiar scenario.

Back when my powers charged by the Crystal were out of control.

I then was snapped out of my thoughts by Max's voice.

*cue the song(should be about 13 seconds in)*

Claire, I'm trying to understand

What's going on inside your head

Don't shut me out

I'm trying to help you

But you're not telling me what's going on

How do you expect to carry on

This has happened before

But you're not alone

You've never been

I'll help you find what's best


*cue Claire whipping around to face Max*

This is beyond all knowledge of yours

For your sake I have to endure

Believe me, I want to tell you

I want to cry

But I know better

I know what's best

So stop telling me you can help

When you will be my end!

I'm sorry but you can't be trusted

Now that I know who you are.

(Max speaking, about 1 minute 5 seconds in) "Who I am, or who you think I am?"

Claire, we've been through the thick and thin

Nothing has to change

Let's go back to the way we used to be

We were unbreakable

We relied on each other

We got into trouble but that's okay

'Cuz we always made it out together

I want to believe it'll be okay

Really I do

Claire, It doesn't matter what they think

Because you know FROM EXPERIENCE that I'm okay

We've been friends since the start

Our destinies are tied

Can't you sense it?

Search your feelings

It's there in your heart *Max puts his hand on Claire's face*

*cue Claire slapping his hand away (about 1 minute 57 seconds in)* "Don't touch my face!"

You're nothing but trouble

That's what I've been told

I apologize for not leaving you alone

I know you want to understand

But the less  you know the better

That is life

That is what's best

So let me go in peace

(about 2 minutes 23 seconds in)

Is this really what you want?

Have you planned this from the start?

Look inside you

It's all there

It is true

You know what you have to do

*Claire turns away from Max (About 2 minutes 37 seconds in)*

"Max, I know what I have to do... but I'm not sure if I have enough strength to do it."

"Claire, follow your heart and you'll always do what's best, one way or another."

"Thank you." I felt really bad about what I had to do... but I can't give up now.

Generating my new staff in my hand, I made a 180 and touched his forehead with the tip.

The world was going white for him. I could sense it. I have to wipe his memory... to save him.

"So be it," I heard him say. That one sentence drove me over the edge.

I couldn't bring myself to finish the job.

Max's P.O.V.

Claire didn't do it.

She didn't wipe my memory.

I heard a clatter and saw Claire fall to the ground.

"CLAIRE!!!" I caught her right before her head hit the ground. "Claire... wake up..."


"Claire... please..."


"Open your eyes..."



Don't worry, she's not dead...

That was a rather interesting song though...

Took a while to write...

Well, see you next time!


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