Act 25: The Message

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Max's P.O.V.

Neolia pulled out an old book... one that I can somehow tell she wrote. She showed me images from the book as she spoke.

"Once someone dies in their first life, they start life cycles. There are certain ways one cannot return before or during their cycles, such as losing their soul core, having their life force destroyed, the concept of their being having been sealed away, and possibly certain dark magic."

"And what does this have to do with me?"

"It's Clarice. She never started her cycles, but she has learned to call and haunt people of similar character until she is freed. She will possess the one who releases her from her eternity... and I fear for her latest target..."

"Who's the target?"

"Claire Neol. That girl who I see you saving the world with all the time. I thought she'd be safe when she returned to her home planet, but Clarice is still targeting her even today. She's at more of a risk the closer she gets to this place, so I ask you to protect her..."

"Uh... Claire protects me most of the time."

"Yeah yeah I get it. But she's in danger and I know how it feels to lose someone that close to you... I lost my friend. Don't you lose yours."

And so I walked out of the room.

"Y-you're not dead?" Donovan said surprised.

I simply ignored him,

I then saw a boy with dark indigo hair teleport in.

"You must be that Edric guy."


"Tell me you didn't kill Claire."


"What did you do?"

"...An alternative?"


"Uh... I can take you back if you're going to leave."

"Okay. And then I don't want to see your face again, you murderous snake."

On the way back, Edric spoke up.

"I didn't kill her..."

"What do you mean by alternative?"

"She told me to take her powers."

"She TOLD you?!"

"Yeah. She wanted to help with my suffering."

"You're suffering?"

"Miss Claire was the only one who seemed to understand what I was going through... such a shame she didn't decide to join the Court..."

"You offered for her to JOIN THE COURT OF N?!"

"Don't get so worked up, sir. She turned it down anyway."

"I need to go to sleep... I've taken in too much information today."

As soon as I was back home, I fell on my bed and slept.

I just need a break from my life...

And this mystical madness...


Poor Max.

He has to take in so much information at once.

Why is Clarice targeting Claire?

Why does Neolia care so much?

Edric really is a softie... that's irrelevant.

See you next chapter!


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