Act 27: Making the Trip

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Claire's P.O.V.

"You do know that I never finished it, right Larry?" I asked him as we entered my apartment.

"That... slipped my mind in the moment..." He signaled Jersey to pass him a wrench as he slid under my unfinished work.

"What are you doing?" Aera questioned him. I heard the zapping of electricity as he worked and was doing... whatever he was doing.

"Short-circuiting some stuff after adding necessary components."

"And you think that's going to help how?"

"I should be able to get this thing up and running for about two trips... three tops."

"And you were the expert on this stuff since when?"

"Since I taught Crysta how to generate emergency invisible platforms in two seconds flat."

Max's P.O.V.

I woke up after my nap. I feel a lot better now. I should probably go find Claire and the others. If what Neolia says is true... Claire's in danger.

I decided Claire's apartment was the best place to look.

But, as usual, I was too late to stop the group from doing something foolish... they disappeared right in front of my eyes.

It looks like some sort of teleporter... and someone short-circuited it to power the unfinished model...

Wait... the coordinates...

They're going after me... SERIOUSLY?!

I should've known taking a nap was a bad idea.

Now I've got to short-circuit this to get me there before them so I can save everyone from whatever madness can happen...

It's really bad that this is happenning...


I sighed and end underneath the thing, where the wires were.

Was it the red one or the blue one that needed to be cut?

Wait, it's this green wire that I can barely see.

Okay. This is going to take a while.


Larry is smart.

Max and his wires, am I right?

Well, we seem to be nearing the end... somewhat.

It's been fun.

I'll try to finish strong when the time comes.

Well, see you next time.


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