Act 34: A Life For A Life

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Max's P.O.V.

Elise and I sat on our knees before the fallen princess, Neolia between us. Neolia places one hand on one of my shoulders and the other on one of Elise's shoulders. She began to speak in... not Neolian... some language more ancient... I don't know what it is.

"Brace yourself for surges," Neolia told us. I instantly felt a surge right after... and now, for some reason, I know the language that Neolia was speaking in. It was Ashonin, one of the most ancient languages ever.

I looked at Elise, who was closing her eyes. When she opened them, they were completely white. She  spoke in the language as well and put her hand above Claire's dead form... DON'T BE SUCH A PESSIMIST, MAX!

I shut my eyes and did what Elise did: Put my hand for the arm that Neolia's hand wasn't on the shoulder of above Claire.

I then realized I was speaking Ashonin. I don't know how, but I was. I felt another surge and felt life leave me... come on, Claire...

Wake up...


Claire's P.O.V.

I was surrounded by all black, except for two doors across from each other. One of them was dark, and the other was light... I felt called to approach the light.

As I took steps toward the white doorway, I noticed little stars in this dark void. It was kind of like space... I sure am going to miss being part of the living.

"CLAIRE!" I turned around and saw Max in front of the other doorway.


"What are you doing? Come back."

"Max... I gave up my life to save everyone. Even if there was some miraculous way that door would light up and I could come back, Clarice would probably return with it... how are you in an astral form, anyway? The mere effort to do so can... Oh no..."

"Claire, we're going to help you."

"Max, don't. You shouldn't even be here." I ran back and hugged him. "I don't want to return just to see you go."

"Claire, there's no point of life if you're not in it. All of us can agree on that."

"So, you have come... to save my soul..."


The door behind Max lit up and Max and I turned to look at it.

"Come on. Everyone's waiting." He held out his hand to me.

"Max... I can't."


"Because when you exit this state of mind, you will suffer. I don't want to return just to watch you suffer."

"It won't be. I won't suffer."



Afraid and uncertain of where exactly this path would take me, I went through the door... and instantly shot up, awake and alive, back in the land of the living.

"Claire!" I looked and saw the happy faces of all my friends.

I looked and saw the smiling faces of Elise and Max...

But then...

Max collapsed...

"NO!" I caught his head before it hit the ground. "You promised... you promised you wouldn't suffer... Max... how could you break your promise like this?"

Why did he go into his astral form to talk to me?

He would still be alive if it weren't for that...


Why is it that I have no choice but to cry...?


Why must I lose my best friend?



Two in a row!


Now I have to remember why I decided to kill Max...

Just as I remembered why I killed Claire...


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