Act 39: Under The Neolian Sunset

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Claire's P.O.V.

I was walking out of the castle into the courtyard to see my first Neolian sunset when I saw none other than Max on the steps, looking at the horizon.


"Your grace." Max stood bowed to me.

"Stop. I'm still the same Claire, you know. I just have a new title."

"Heh heh... right." He sat back down on the steps and I joined him there.

"You know, from what I've read, Neolian skies become a rainbow during the sunset."

"Really?" I nodded. A force flowed through the area and I  looked up at the sky.

"Here it goes." It changed to every color in a random sequence.

"It's amazing."


We looked up at the sky for a while, watching the rare light show.

"Hey, Claire..."

"Yes?" I looked at my friend.

"Umm... I've had this secret for a while... and I think I should tell you it now..." I smiled and shared some wisdom that I learned.

"It's okay if you have a secret, just as long as you know what to do with it."

The End.

Unless you people somehow convince me to make a Book 5 or some sequel series.

Thank you so much for reading this everyone.

Love you all.


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