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Babysitting isn't an easy job.

Kids are insane little Gremlins, and there's no telling what they'll decide to do. And anything they did, you were fully responsible.

Not only that, but parents could make insane demands or even cause major issues themselves. It was especially messy if the parents were speperated or in the middle of separating.

Still, you could make decent money from it. The more kids and hours you put in, the more you could get. Depending on who you worked for, you could even make a few hundred dollars a night.

With the new age of tech, it's become easier for babysitters to share tips. This could range from ways to handle certain types of children, parents, or even on a local scale issues they'd had with different families. It's useful, to say the least.

Lately, a rumour has been swirling around on the forums though.

Someone will contact you with a regular seeming job. They'll need you overnight, and to watch a lot of kids. Six kids, about twelve hours. But, they pay is pretty good. They claim you'll make about five hundred dollars.

The job doesn't seem unusual. High paying jobs are normal if they need you over night.

It's when you accept that things get weird. Strange things will begin to happen around your house, though it's nothing too freaky. Things will move when you're not looking, just a few feet over. You'll get cold out of nowhere, and you'll swear you'll hear a child whispering your name while you're half asleep.

Things don't get really strange until you show up for the job...

That's where our story really begins.

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