Chapter 2 - The Encounter

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Razor and Blue were in the kitchen eating three bowls of rice dumplings, 4 plates of  pepperoni pizza  and 3 bottles of 2 litter soda.

Razor made the rice dumplings and Blue made the pepperoni pizza. "well, that was a good meal Blue." "Thanks." she blushed a little bit. Razor then got a little concerned. "Hey, are you ok?" "y-yeah, I-I'm ok. Don't worry about it." She then laughed a little. "wonder what's wrong with her?" he thought to himself.

Meanwhile with Mobius and the Masked Saiyan were on a hilltop a few miles from the house. "well, well, this could make a scientist like me go wild." Mobius said excitedly. "well, why don't look around before doing some damage." said the tall masked saiyan. She nodded in agreement. They then headed down the hill. They looked all around the forest. Mobius smiled the whole way through. "This place is very secluded. hehe this is perfect." the masked saiyan said happily.  Mobius then used her floating device and went further into the woods. They walked for a little bit until they stumbled upon a small house in the middle of the forest. "well, looks like we found our subjects." Mobius said playfully. The unknown Saiyan smiled under the mask. "we have indeed." 

Meanwhile with Razor and Blue, they were cleaning up their mess from their mess they had. "Hey Razor, do you want me to do the dishes with you?" "Sure." They walked over to the sink and started washing and drying. After a few mins later, they finished washing and putting away dishes. "Yeah, we did it. Now we can relax." They were about to go to the living room when Razor felt a huge level of ki nearby. "what's wrong?" Blue asked concerned. Then Razor's eyes changed from green to red with slits iris and grabbed her and ran to the back of the house. A millisecond later, an explosion came from the kitchen. Razor shielded her from the blast. "Razor, what was that." Razor then slowly got up. His eyes returned to normal. "I don't know. but we have to get out of here!"  "Oh why the rush?" Razor and Blue perked their heads to see two people standing in the middle of the hole. "who are you?" Razor asked them sternly.  "I am Dr. Mobius. We are here looking for something." "looking for what?" "a score to settle." replied the masked Saiyan. Razor looked at the masked saiyan. He studied his energy for a little bit. "What's up?" "that guy,his ki feels familiar." "How so?" "well, it feels evil, like his heart is tainted like someone corrupted it." Blue looked at the masked Saiyan. Then all of a sudden, she gets a chill down her spin." I felt it too. His heart is full of hate, wanting nothing more then to watch the world burn to the ground." Razor looked at Blue. He is amazed by her observation. "well, you are quite smart." Mobius said quietly. 

The masked saiyan started walking towards them. Razor and Blue got into their fighting poses. Then all of a sudden, the masked saiyan went up to Razor's face and shot a ki blast at a point blank range. He collided with a door, leading to the front of the house. "Razor!" Then the unknown saiyan flew up to Blue and punched her. Luckily, she blocked them but she wasn't prepared for the knockback and she was flung out of the same door that Razor went though. "Well, They sure have some durability." Mobius thought. The masked saiyan then walked towards that pair. "I am going to enjoy this."

Blue and Razor groaned as they slowly got up. "ok, we need to find out how this guy's stronger than us." Blue said. Razor then looked at the mask on the man's face. "I think its the mask. I can feel power going towards him with each passing second." "so what's the best option?" Blue asked Razor. "we need to destroy it." "yeah. how in the hell are we going to do that?" Blue questioned. "well, we need a distraction so that one of us can kick or punch his mask off." Then Razor turned to Blue. She got all confused. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Razor then walked up to Blue and put a hand on her shoulder. "I want you to distract him as long as you can so I can hit him." "Why me?!" "because, if you wanted to go beyond Super Saiyan two, then this is your chance." Blue the thought for a moment. But, she knew they had to take him down. "OK, I'll try." Razor nodded his head in response. Blue got into her fighting stance and charged at the Saiyan. She reeled up her fist and punched him in the face. But, he blocked it with his hand and then kicked her in the stomach upwards. He then went after her. Razor didn't expect this and but he followed them. Mobile just sat there and watched the show unfold. "Well, this is starting to be fun." She said to herself.

In the sky, Blue and the unknown Saiyan were battling it out for about a few mins. "You think you can beat me again." "Again? What are you talking about?" "You will find out soon." He replied back. He then formed a ki ball, ready to throw it at her. Then out of nowhere, Razor came and kicked him square in the face, breaking his mask in the procces.

On the ground, Mobile is looking imused by the battle. "What a spetical to behold."

With Razor and Blue, they couldn't believe their eyes.

(The art is not mine. It goes to Q1oMark)

"It's not possible. I thought you got erased by Zeno in Trunks' timeline." "Wait, he wasn't supposed to be here?!" Blue asked Razor, "that's right. I now have the chance to second chance to completely erase you from this unholy world! Then Razor blasted him with a Kamehameha. "You didn't tell me this!" Blue angrily told Razor. "I didn't know he would come back!" "Explain." "His name is Zamasu. He used the Super Dragonballs to switch bodies with Goku. On top of that, he killed Goku and his family plus almost all of humanity, but luckily we stopped him in time." "OK so, why is he back apparently?" "Well that, I don't know." Blue then face palmed from Razor's stupidity. Then the smoke cleared from were Zamasu was. "Enough talk. It's time for your divine judgment!" "Hold on." Mobius interrupted. She then flew up to where they were. "I think there is a better idea." She then laughed, showing a wide smile on her face. Blue and Razor got ready for another fight. Mobius then snapped her fingers and out of thin air, a portal appeared underneath Razor and Blue, sucking them in. "What the hell?!" "We are being pulled in!" They started to struggle but it was useless. "Have fun darlings." Mobius said joyfully laughing. Blue and Razor fully got sucked in by the portal, vanishing from the world.

"Why did you do that?" He asked. "Well, I wanted to see my test subject do in a unfamiliar world Zamasu."

"Call me Goku Black."

(A.N Chapter 2 done. 1214 words new record for me. I am working on chapter 3. In the meantime check out my other stories if you haven't. Happy holidays everyone.)

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