Lynn's first Terro- Day.

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"I'm sorry, you want me to what?" Lynn said over the phone as she was fixing breakfast.
"Can you watch Rascal, Sink, and E.S.? Me and Ink are wanting to go somewhere and we'ed rather them stay here." Silk replied. He had found a cafe on the surface, and thought him and Ink could go together. Ink, being the friendly (and silk's lover) skeleton that he was, happily agreed.
"You're asking me, a 19 year old, to watch over two teens and 7 year old? I could barely watch a snail!" Lynn said.
"C'mon Lee! We'll just be out for a little while!" Silk asked. "It's not like their gonna AU jump or anything!"
She laughed at this.
"A 16 year old child of error...
A 7 year old child of ink...
And you're saying they wouldn't go to another AU?" She retorted.
"Just watch them." He said.
"Fiiiiinnnne." The cat whined hanging up. She finished breakfast, took a shower, got ready to go, and left.
Silk set down his phone, turning to the kids.
"Lynn's coming over to watch you three. Behave." He said.
Sink jumped up. "She is?!"
"Yep." Ink said, rubbing his skull playfully as sink giggled.
Rascal rolled his eyes. He was from Underfell! He was 14! He didn't need someone to tell him what to do, let alone watch him!
E.S. Was confused.
Watch him? Why?
He had spent most of his life in the anti void, and his dad, Error, was often too busy destroying AUs to spend time with him. He had mostly learned to depend on himself to get things done, wasn't that how most people learned to do so?
A knock was heard at the door.
"I'll get it!" Sink said, running to the door, nearly tripping over his scarf.
The door opened to Lynn, who smiled and picked him up.
"Why are you here?" She asked,poking the patch on his scarf.
He giggled.
"I live here, remember?!" He said.
"Oh yeah! I forgot!" She joked, setting him down.
"Dwaddy Silk said you were watching us!" He said, jumping up.
"He did?" She asked.
"Yep." Rascal interrupted, still a little mad at having to be watched.
Lynn looked at him. Sure, they were always on each other's nerves, but Lynn had a huge advantage, him being from underfell.
Until she got carried away...

Silk and Ink left.
Rascal started walking towards the door, Lynn watching him questioningly.
"Where are you going?" She asked.
He chuckled.
"Somewhere that's not here." He retorted.
Lynn's ears drooped.
"You need to tell me... Silk and fell wouldn't appreciate me simply letting you run off." She said, setting down sink.
"I don't care." Rascal said, reaching for the doorknob.
Lynn thought for a second. She needed him to stay here. He was the one who often caused trouble, she knew someone would probably end up getting hurt.
"It's kind of ironic that someone from underfell doesn't care." She said.
He stopped.
"What did you say?" He asked, madly.
"Did I stutter?" She replied.
His hands went to his sides, fingers curled into a fist.
Run." Silk said worried.
She started to stand, getting ready.
Rascal turned around, his button eyes angry while he smiled insanely.
Lynn tried to run...

Only to end up getting caught by the hood of her jacket.
"Fuck." She said under her breath.
"What did you say?" He repeated.
She didn't respond, only making him even more angry.
He practically slammed her to the floor, poor sink watching nearby.
"I-I said...
It's ironic s-someone from u-underfell doesn't c-care...
But it's o-obvious you d-do...
O-otherwise you a-already would've l-left." She said, trying to get up.
He stepped on her back, chuckling.
"I'm not leaving... YET... Because I need to teach YOU not to mess with me." He said, pulling her hair.
"S-silk and fell a-aren't gonna like hearing about this..." She said weakly.
//hang on...
*walks into the other room*
He spit on her.
"I don't care, and chances are, neither will fell." He said.
"Y-you're a lot like h-him, y'know?" She hesitantly said.
His grip on her hair loosened.
He didn't respond.
"Y-you're strong for a 14 year old...
Maybe even stronger t-than your dad..."
His foot slipped a little, back to how it was before.
"B-but, like father like s-son, right?" She finished.
Rascal seemed to just stop.
He picked her up, her shaking afraid that he would do something else.
He dusted her off.
"Y'know Lee... I'd appreciate it if you didn't compare me to my dad." He said, remembering the things fell had done to him.
He pushed her in sinks direction.
"Fix her up, will ya?" He asked his little brother, who was still scared.
"Y-yeah." He said.
He took her hand, gently walking her to his room. He had bandages in a small container under his bed.
No one knows.
"Y-you ok?" Lynn asked him?
"Yeah... I just... Didn't expect him to do that again..." He said.
"Again?!" Lynn asked.
"Yeah." He said. "Be careful, you have a gash in your forehead right..." He lightly touched the wound."there."
"Ok I will." She said.
"Are you ok?" Sink asked her.
She nodded.
"I'm sorry my big bro did that." He said.
"Underfell is different than here," Lynn explained, "I'm not surprised he did that."
He smiled, finished with wrapping her wounds.
She smiled back.
"Thanks sink. I can always count on you." She said, lightly kissing his forehead.
He giggled.
"No problem!" He said.

-small tem skip-
Lynn was sitting on the couch, sink sitting next to her, E.S. Sitting by sink, rascal leaning against the wall.
"You can sit with us, rascal." Lynn said.
He shrugged, a portal nearby opening.
Ink and Silk walked out, Ink's scarf halfway undone, and the fur on silk's jacket was messed up.
Lynn smirked.
"No." Silk said.
"Fangirls." Ink said.
Lynn laughed.
"What ha-" Lynn started, only to be interrupted by ink.
"What happened to you?!" He asked her, seeing her head partly wrapped.
Rascal started walking away as quietly as he could.
"Rascal didn't mean to!" Sink said, making him face palm.
"Oh really?" Silk asked using his magic to bring Rascal back.
Lynn thought for a minute.
"R-rascal accidentally pushed me into a table..." She said.
Ink sighed.
"You need to be more careful." Silk said.
"Ok." Rascal and Lynn said.
"I will!" Sink said.
E.S. Nodded.
"We got something for you Sink!" Ink said.
His little button eyes practically turned into stars.
"You did?!" He asked.
"Yep!" Silk said, ink revealing a sewing kit.
Sink smiled wider than he already was, and took the kit in his hands.
"Thanks!" He said, hugging the two.
"No problem." They said, hugging back and walking off, Ink probably to his sketches, Silk to his sewing.
Sink turned to Lynn.
"Why'd you lie?" He said, loud enough for Ink and Silk to hear.
"I just... Don't think rascal deserves getting in trouble." She explained. "You've probably been through a lot, haven't you?"
"How do you think this happened?" Rascal said, pointing to the crack going up his skull from his eye socket (?).
He chuckled, but it soon turned into a sigh.
"I'm sorry." He said.
"It's fine. I've been through worse." Lynn said.
He shuddered.
"Life... Right?" He said, jokingly, though it was clear that he was slightly uncomfortable with where the conversation had gone.
"Fell isn't very nice to Rascal..." Sink whispered to Lynn.
She gave a half nod, feeling as if she knew what Sink meant.
Lynn stood up, and walked over to rascal.
He looked confused.
She smiled and gave him a hug.
Rascal hugged back, shocked.
"You'll be ok... I'll protect you." She said.
He smile and hugged her tightly, tears threatening his eyes.
"Thank you." He said, Lynn smiling.
"No problem." She said.

//Holy fudge that was sad.
First chapter, done!
Please let me know what you think! I personally love it! ^w^//

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