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Lynn smiled as she sat down on a couch in the living room with a book. She had just finished putting Sink asleep.
Her ears perked up as she heard the Tv turn on.
Looking up, she saw Rascal with the remote, both him and E.S. on the couch, watching Steven Universe.
(Sorry if you don't like the show, I personally LOVE it)
At one point Lynn let out a small laugh.
"What's so funny?" Rascal asked.
"Do you remember when I used to babysit you even before Sink was born? You two were only 5 and 7." She asked.
He did. And so did E.S.
That had been a memory lost in time, about 9 years ago to be exact.
"Yeah. You were only ten. I still listened to you back then." Rascal said.
Lynn laughed.
"I d-d0." E.S. Answered.
"I n-neArl-ly KilL-lEd y0u 0-0n thE f-FirsT daY..."

--About nine years ago--
Rascal was jumping on the couch, E.S. waiting for Lynn.
A knock was heard at the door.
E.S. opened it, Lynn's smiling face behind it.
(I have a pic of her at the top.)
"Hey E.S.! Hi Rascal!" She said walking inside.
Rascal ignored her, still jumping on the couch.
That was until Silk and Fell walked out, Silk using his magic to get him off.
He then looked at Lynn.
"Hi Lynn. You remember what I told you right?" Silk said.
Her smile widened.
"Yep!" She said.
It had been apparent the first time they met (when Lynn practically tackled Silk to the ground), that she was quite a fan of the Sanses.
She had learned the hard way (thanks to Fell) not to tackle or fangirl (too much) over them anymore.
(At least when they were around)
Rascal ran over to Fell, hugging him.
Fell looked at Rascal.
"Get off." He told Rascal.
Rascal let go of him.
"B e h a v e ." He said.
"Y-yes sir." Rascal responded.
Silk looked like he was going to say something, but to no avail as Fell grabbed his hand, walking out with the now slightly blushing Silk.
(Sorry not sorry thesanses / the_sans_quartet XD)
Lynn looked at him.
"Th-that was... Something... Are you ok?" She asked.
"Yeah." Rascal said.
"FelL isnT a V-verY nIce d-Dad." E.S. Said.
E.S started tearing up slightly.
"Y-y0ur daD cracked y0Ur SkuLl..."
"My dad died in a lab experiment..." Lynn said.
"He did?" Rascal asked.
He worked with-
Never mind." Lynn said.
Rascal cocked his head, E.S. chuckling as he watched the two.
"I forget his name...
The guy my dad worked with...
But!" She twirled around, "I never would've been a neko had his son not given us the wrong vials!!!"
Rascal yawned.
"I'm kinda tired." He said.
"Oh yeah!" Lynn said. "Silk said your nap time is around this time."
"I don't nweed a nwap!!!!" Rascal argued.
"YeS y0u D0." E.S. said.
"You can play after your nap." Lynn said.
"Fwine." Rascal said as he curled up into a ball on the couch and passed out.
"He'S nOrMaLly MoRe StUbBoRn AbOuT gOiNg To SlEeP." E.S. Said.
"Well," Lynn joked, "sometimes you just gotta know how to pull their strings!"
That was when a giant *E.S.EXE has stopped responding* appeared over his head.
"E-E.S?" Lynn said, waving a hand in front of his face.
Two options appeared.
Reboot with extended services(<3)
Lynn just stood there.
"M-maybe I should call Sil-" she started, but it had already hit reboot.
After about five minutes, it finished, Lynn hearing a loud "ThAt'S hIlArIoS!!!!!!"
She jumped.
". . ."
"WhAt?" E.S. Asked.
"You like... Froze...." She said.
"Oh. Me AnD mY dAd CrAsH a LoT." He said.
"Oh..." Lynn said.
They then sat there in awkward silence for a few minutes.
"So..." Lynn said in an attempt to break it, "E-Error he... Forgot about you?"
"YeS..." E.S. Said.
"That's terrible..."
E.S. Was getting a little frustrated. Why was Lynn saying this?! Isn't that how kids learned to take care of themselves?!
E.S. Growled.
"S-sorry, that's a touchy subject..." Lynn said.
"My DaD iS a GrEaT dAd! AnYoNe CaN fOrGeT a KiD!!!!!!" E.S. Said, Rascal not waking up (somehow).
Lynn slowly started to stand up.
She knew what Error was capable of, and did not want to stick around to see what E.S. Did.
Well, not that she really had a choice as several strings wrapped around her in a threatening manner.
"WhErE dO yOu ThInK yOu'Re GoInG?" E.S. Asked.
She sat back down.
"S-s-sorry..." She said, scared.
"GoOd. I wAs tHiNkInG yOu NeEdEd tO aPoLoGiZe." He said.
"S-s-sorry" she said again.
(I'm sorry for those of you with dirty minds, the next few parts can be seen either way...
I've read to many Error and Underfell Sans x readers, so I don't really have a choice.......
However this is not supposed to sound dirty, so...)
"NoW.... wHaT sHaLl We Do FoR yOuR pUnIsHmEnT?" He asked.
Her ears drooped.
"P-punishment?!" She responded, seeing her soul appear.
"YeP." E.S. Said as more strings wrapped around her soul very tightly
"EEP!" She cried out, tears going down her face as she was slammed against a wall.
"DoN'T crY... OR sCreaM. ThAt'lL onLy wAkE rAscAl aND maKe iT wORse." E.S. Said.
She nodded, trying not to cry.
"S-silk and E-Edgy a-aren't gonna l-like hearing about this y-y'know." Lynn said weakly.
"I dOn't CaRE!" E.S. Said.
Til he realized Fell was much stronger than him.
He let her and her soul go, Rascal waking up.
"Why is Lynn hurt?" He asked.
"ShE FEll DoWn SoME stEps." E.S. "explained".
Lynn hit her head with her palm.
"Yep! Clumsy little me!" She said.
"Go HelP hER." E.S. said.
Rascal took her up to his room and got out some patches.
Not much was said as he wrapped her with the fabric, except for "thanks" and "no problem" as they shared a hug.
"You hungry?" Lynn asked, the two walking downstairs.
"Yeah!" Rascal said.
"What do you want?" She responded.
"Could you get me some meat?" He asked.
"Yep!" She said, walking into the kitchen.
"You don't have to cook it!" He said.
"Ok?" She responded, putting some raw steak on a plate and giving it to him.
. . .
He practically tore it to shreds.
"Oh my asgore he's so menacing its cute..." Lynn said under her breath.
"Thanks!" He said, handing her the plate, a knock being heard.
"IlL gET it." E.S. Said as he opened the door.
Fell stomped in, Silk behind him.
"Hello... " Lynn said holding back a laugh.
"What happened to you two?!" She asked.
"Those Damn fangirls." Fell explained as Rascal hid behind Lynn.
"And you?" Silk asked.
"Steps." Lynn said, giving him a look that said 'tell you later'.
"You didn't screw anything up, did you?" Fell asked Rascal.
"N-no sir... I j-just took a nap." Rascal said.
"Ok. Good." Fell responded.
'Sir?' Lynn wondered, but let out a sigh of relief as she put a hand on rascal's shoulder, who, not expecting it...
Jumped and accidentally bumped into Fell.
"O-OOPS!! S-s-sorry sir!" Rascal said.
Fell growled, but sighed as Lynn put a protective arm in front of Rascal.
"You're both lucky." He said, walking upstairs.
"What really happened?" Silk asked.
Lynn's eyes moved to rascal, silk nodding.
"Rascal, your room please." Silk said, E.S. Glaring at Lynn as Rascal did as he was told.
Once his door shut, E.S. Spoke.
"Do YOu wAnT Me T0o eXPlaiN?" He asked Lynn.
"I can." She said.
Silk raised a bone brow.
"We were talking about our fathers... And I said that... It was terrible that Error forgot a-about him..." Lynn said as she felt  E.S.' Glare piercing through her neck.
Silk sighed.
"1," he started," E.S. NEVER DO THAT AGAIN.
2.LYNN SAME FOR YOU." He said.
"Now apologize." He finished.
E.S. simply mumbled his.
"I'm sorry too." Lynn said.
"I should go check on (XD) Edgy Mc my chemical romance." Silk said, Lynn laughing as he walked upstairs.
"And please, both of you, look before you leap." He said opening the door to his and Fell's room, angry yelling heard as he closed it behind him, laughing.
"Nice "apology." Lynn said putting air quotes around the word.
He sighed.
"I'm..." He paused and gagged, Lynn holding in a laugh. "S-SorRY."
"Apology accepted." Lynn said.
A few minutes passed, Lynn's ears perking up.
"Sh-should we tell Rascal he can come out now?" She asked.
He thought for a minute, as a mischievous smirk appeared.
"NoT yET... LeTs PRanK hiM." E.S. offered.
Lynn laughed.
"What're we gonna do to prank him?" She asked.
He told her his plan to trick the 5 year old.
"GoT iT?"
She nodded as her eyes practically turned to stars.
She sat on the couch and turned on the TV, E.S. Sitting on the window sill.
The two started making as many odd noises as they possibly could.
Pretty soon Rascal's door opened, the two stopped immediately, E.S. turning to 'clean' the window, Lynn watching TV.
"What was that?" He asked.
"WaS wHAt?" E.S. asked.
"I heard a ton of noises... Things that don't even belong here that live on the surface!"
Lynn smiled as she watched E.S.' fingers count Down from 3...
"Rascal..." She started.
"YOU JUST GOT PRANKED!!!" The kids screamed.
Rascal giggled as he hugged them.
Lynn hugged back, E.S. trying to push them off.
"You two are so silly." He said.


"G3T 0FF!!!!!" E.S. practically screamed, Rascal and Lynn laughing as they were pushed off the couch.
"And now you two are like this..." Lynn said.
"Eh, no ones perfect." Rascal retorted.
"Well if the two in front of me aren't proof enough, I don't know what is." Lynn said.
"HEY!!!" Rascal and E.S. said as Lynn ran off laughing.
"GET BACK HERE!!!!" The two yelled, jumping up and running after her.

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