Ch.3. Don't Trust Fan Girls.

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{I Don't own BNHA, Kuro belongs to Yaoi_Shipper_Demon, Seikatsu belongs to YukiYunaStar }

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"T-This isn't right, this wasn't in canon" Seikatsu frowned, her brown eyes wide staring at the scene in-front of her, police cars were parked outside an apartment complex, the very same apartment complex the cute cinnamon roll and his mother stayed at, she hoped to whatever entity out there that the cinnamon rolls mother was alright, and was still alive.

Kuro held the cinnamon roll closer to her, a frown etched on her face, this wasn't in canon and that was the truth, so that means they had somehow drastically changed the plot in just a few hours, how they did it so quickly she was uncertain, but all they did was make certain the cinnamon roll didn't get bullied by the blonde boy today, how come that leads to this of all things?, "Ru please go make sure Mama Cinnamon roll is okay" she looked to the floating blonde whom nodded her head.

"K I'll get to it, hopefully it's nothing serious and no one was injured" Ru was quite worried she rather not have the cinnamon roll face this kind of thing, so she floated past the officers blocking the paths looking around for a head of green hair, she felt relief when seeing the green haired males mother fine and talking to a police officer with a frown etched on her face.

Ru floating back over to her friends to deliver the news, the brown haired female looked to her friend asking "Is she alright she isn't hurt is she?", the brown haired female was quite the worry wart when it came to someone else's family members. 

"Mama Midoriya is fine, she's talking to an officer probably about what went down" Ru nodded, and smiled as her friend had stopped worrying, "Though she seemed worried about something I'm not sure what though" the blonde wondered what the green haired woman was so worried about, maybe her son or whatever happened.

"I-I hope it wasn't nothing to serious, even if she's fine she may be a bit shaken up, I wonder what caused this though" the brown haired female was quite confused as she tried to figure out what reaction caused this, was it because they said they were taking him under their wing? was this that entity's doing? would it get worse if they messed with anything else? was corrupting the cinnamon roll actually a good idea? 

"I don't know, but if were gonna find out we gotta make certain nothing bad happens to Mama Cinnamon roll, hopefully that entity of the creepy doll don't mind us hosting them cause I've made up my mind, we will corrupt both of them" Kuro nodded, her crimson orbs narrowed at the scene, as she pat the cute innocent green haired boy on the head, "Your mom's fine Cinnamon roll, Ru confirmed it".

The green haired boy felt like crying but decided against it, he wanted to be a hero and he was going to be so, this would push him closer to his goal and he knew it, he was happy to hear his mom was alright, a small smile made it's way to his face, before it got wider when he noticed his mom making her way closer to them, he was happy she was okay.

"I-Izuku I was so worried" the green haired woman stated, she was of course worried for her son, what mother wouldn't worry about their son?, she would keep worrying over him all because he didn't have a quirk, and she knew how much it crushed him, and it crushed her he still wanted to be one, when it could get him hurt, "Who are your friends?" she was quite curious whom these two beautiful females were that were with her son, she didn't even notice there were three of them.

"Angel, Ku and Mouse" the small innocent boy chirped happily, making his mother slightly confused when he said three names instead of two, unless one of them had an invisibility quirk, and was naked so she couldn't see them, that would make a lot more sense so the older woman went with that idea, "Mom they told me their gonna teach me how to become a hero!" he said excited and his mother grew more worried.

"Oh are you heroes, you seem quite young" the green haired woman told them, they had quite strange names that were probably their hero names, it was quite possible they were heroes right?

"O-Oh no were actually U.A students" the brown haired female smiled shyly wanting to hide behind her dark blue haired friend at the moment, she wasn't exactly lying the note did say the were in a hero school, she just assumed it was U.A , she didn't mind the other hero schools it's just that they landed in the same place U.A was located and it was a hero school so yeah.

"We just transfer-ed from another hero school, our Uncle gave us the address to the house we'll be staying at, but were kinda lost at the moment, that's how we came across this little guy he's quite the little hero, told us how he didn't have a quirk, but you see where were from there's quirkless heroes, most of out old classmates were" Kuro lied, keeping a straight face the entire time, she barely even flinched when lying to the older women, "My name is Kuro, the shy one is Angel or Seikatsu and the one you probably can't see is Mouse or Ru" she took in a breath, man she wanted something sweet now.

"May I ask your last name?" The green haired female had thought they were siblings and our cousins, and she was quite happy to see the smile on her sons face when hearing this, her son would probably get hurt still though without a quirk, and they were so young to be doing this sort of thing.

"Give her a fake last name we can be like sisters this is so cool" Ru smiled brightly, giggling as Seikatsu kinda hated lying to this poor women but it had to be done, corruption can't happen if you have no one to corrupt.

"A-Actually w-we have three" The brown haired female blushed slightly, she was of course lying and she kinda hated the feeling but it had to be done, "w-we each took the last name of our fathers whom were never around, we had different ones, mines Tenshi, Kuro's is Akuma and Ru is Yurei" she could have used her real last name but something was warning her, something told her to not use their given last names, and instead those ones had popped in her head, she found it odd, why would she give them the last names meaning Angel, Demon and Ghost of all things?

"O-Oh my that's quite interesting, it is also sad to hear about it, you mentioned you were a bit lost how about I help you find this home of yours?" The green haired female felt kinda bad these girls had no fatherly figure growing up, she was some how believing their lies, and wished to help them with their troubles, since they wished to help her son with his dream.

"T-That would be great thank you" Seikatsu felt like a horrible person for lying to this pure woman, she knew Kuro would be slightly okay with it, but the brown haired female on the other hand wasn't, she was far to kindhearted, and worried it would backfire on her, the brown haired female told the older female the address and the girls were being led to their new home by the green haired woman.

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{*Drinks tea* So there's your daily update, I'ma try and get a chapter out each day, key word Try} 

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