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{ I Don't own BNHA}

{Seikatsu Hana belongs to: YukiYunaStar}

{Kuro Tsumi belongs to: Yaoi_Shipper_Demon}

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A female with pale blonde hair giggled hanging upside down on the monkey-bars, staring at a teenager with dark blue almost black hair, said dark blue haired female was reading a fan-fiction on her phone, one that contained one of her favorite ships.

A female with brown hair watched the two from the swing she was on, she was taking a break from her work to spend time with her two friends, she was a shy person yet she somehow got along with these two, though they had all met over the fact they were all reaching for the same book one day like in one of those cliche romance movies or novels.

Though they were certainly not in love with each other, just friends, very close friends whom loved to ship hot anime guys with one another and sometimes female anime characters together, they together were a group of shippers and they could care less of what others thought about it.

"Do you think people can see my panties?" the blonde female asked, she was wearing a dress even in this cold weather her friends kinda worried she'd freeze to death in that attire, but for some odd reason the blonde always claimed she wasn't cold, "whelp guess it's time to embarrass myself more" the blonde unwrapped her legs from the bar and went falling to the ground her friends winced slightly at the sound, but the blonde got up unhurt by some miracle.

"Ru that wasn't a very smart idea you could have gotten hurt" the brown haired female told her blonde friend with a frown, wiping some dirt off the females cheek whom didn't seem to quite care about her safety that much for some unknown reason.

"It's not fun if it isn't dangerous Sei" the blonde now known as Ru stated, crossing her arms and pouting, she wasn't really certain of her age or a lot of things in truth, the blonde did know she quite loved ships, "Hey change of subject but wouldn't be so cool if we were able to like get our favorite ships together?".

"That would be quite fun Mouse" the dark blue haired female smiled "Though it won't ever truly become reality we'll just have to keep writing our own ships" she really wanted to be able to given the chance to get her ships together for real.

"I don't like you changing the subject but I'll let it slide for now" the brown haired female sighed, pulling her coat closer to her body feeling the air getting colder, "We should head over to Snowy's to go grab some hot chocolate".

The other two agreed with their friend, and so the three made their way out of the park, they went to this specific park for various reasons, the main reason though was for it's lack of people that played at it, kids were cute and all but they were also quite the little demons, so thus they came here instead of the more popular parks.

As they made their way down the path the blonde female spotted something glowing from an alley way, normal people would keep walking but she was curious so she turned that way, and her two friends had no choice to follow to make sure she didn't get murdered or kidnapped or drugged.

"Guy's look I found an ugly Plush Doll" True to her word the blonde held up an ugly looking plush, that was for some odd reason glowing, "You think it's radioactive should I lick it?" she asked them, really wanting to lick the random ugly plush she had just found lying in a pile of trash.

"Mouse we've been over this you can't just lick random things, you'll catch some sort of disease and than you'll die and than we'll have no one else to talk to about our ships" the dark blue haired female walked over to her friend snatching the plush from her hands, "It is kinda ugly, hey you think it's like one of those items that transports you to anime like a fan-fiction?".

"Y-You guy's shouldn't be touching that, you don't know where's it's been" the brown haired female frowned at her friends antics worried for their health so she plucked the ugly plush from her blue haired friends hands, "And I doubt that would happen, someone probably just dumped glow stick fluid on it and than tossed it, also were not in a fan-fiction".

"But what if it is, I mean we talked about how we wanted our ships together right, so I'm kinda willing to wish on a ugly glowing plush doll" the dark blue haired female stated, taking the doll from her worried friend, though she dropped it when it began to glow brighter but this time a bright pink color, she backed up slightly along with her two friends as the light kept growing brighter.

The girls pressed themselves to the alley wall, and grabbed each others hands, fearing for the worse to come, and everything had soon went dark for the three, anyone whom passed that very same alley way could see a flash of bright pink light before it just vanished.

Along with the three girls and ugly plush doll that was there before.

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{And it begins}   

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