The Start of it All

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The three sat in the middle of the room, a table dividing them from opposite sides. All three were glaring at one another. Only the sound of a ticking clock could be heard as their only source of sound to keep them sane.

Solaris leaned back on their chair, arms crossed, and rays retracted. Pulsar had their fingers locked together and chin resting on top of their hands; their rays twitching now and then, and finally, Eclipse had their arms on top of the table; leaning forwards, his rays slowly spinning; the larger ones spinning clockwise and the smaller wise spinner counterclockwise. 

The clock continued to tick.

Tick tock

Tick Tock


A huff was then heard from Solaris. The other two glanced at him but then fixated their eyes on either each other or on the table. The silence mixed with the clock ticking was starting to get to Solaris. The silence was awkward, and it made him feel uneasy.

"Holy shit... Someone fucking speak." Solaris growled.

Eclipse pressed his lips into a thin line and then spoke. "Hating each other means we hate ourselves." Eclipse said bluntly.

The other two were taken aback, pondering on that thought, and Pulsar sighed. "Goddamnit, why did you have to say that?" Pulsar asked, rubbing their faceplate.

"Solaris said to say something. Nothing was specified. So I did." Eclipse replied, shrugging. 

"Ok. Yes. I did, but did you have to say something so existential?" Solaris asked, tossing his hands in the air.

Eclipse shrugged. The other two sighed. Pulsar looked up and bit their lip.

"Should we just... create this stupid world and get this over with?" Pulsar growled lowly.

Hearing the other two hummed, they all stood up and actived all of their stars; focusing all of their energy and power to create their world.

Their own private world.

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