Return of The Golden Guard (Part 1)

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(Requested by @lilweirdo_18)

Luz smiled as she laid back in her bed. Now 17 years old, and almost a legal adult. Things changed a lot ever since she moved into The Owl House. For one? She saved an entire world from her arch nemesis, Emperor Belos.

And thankfully, there was a therapist King's father hooked them up with in the Boiling Isles. Since a lot of their trauma was magic related.

King then walked in the room. "Hey, Mom! Can I have a cupcake?"

Luz sat up. "King, how many have you had?"

King immediately froze up and looked from side to side. He then laughed nervously. "MAN, IT IS GETTING HOT IN-"

"Jean-Luc! Put the cupcakes away!" Luz exclaimed.

There was a groan from downstairs before a few seconds later, Jean-Luc came over. "I apologize, my prince. The plan did not work."

King pouted. "Dangit."

"You know Grandma and I don't want you eating too many of those." Luz said, walking over and scooping King into her arms. "You'll get a sugar rush."

"But sugar rushes make me super fast!"

"And THEN a sugar crash." Luz added.

King was silent before sighing and crossing his arms.

"We don't like that, hmm?" Luz asked as she headed downstairs with her son in her arms.

"No." King said with a sigh. "Can I have one later?"

"How many have you had?" Luz asked again, raising an eyebrow.

"...3." King said, pouting once again.

"That's too much for one day. You can have more tomorrow." Luz said, sitting on the couch after setting King down.

King sighed, sitting down next to his mother while Jean-Luc sat down as well.

"Hey, just because I don't let you do things doesn't mean I don't love you." Luz said with a soft smile.

King then smirked a bit. "Yeah, you're just the chief of fun police!" He giggled.

"Then, you're under arrest." Luz said before tickling her son's stomach.

King's eyes widened before he began to laugh, squirming around. "MOM!!! HAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Luz giggled before letting her son go shortly after and then her phone buzzed. She took it out and saw a text from Amity, her awesome girlfriend. She smiled at the sight.

"Is it Amity?" King asked, his tail wagging. Over the months, he grew to become quite fond of Amity. She was 'perfect for Luz'.

"Mhm! She's asking if dinner's still on tonight." Luz smiled.

"Hmmm, I was not aware you took her to restaurants." Jean-Luc said, scratching his stone chin.

"I can be fancy." Luz protested before texting back a reply. "Hmmm...speaking of fancy, where's Mom?"

"Edalyn? Oh! She went to the grocery store...a few hours ago?"

"Why would she be gone for this long?" King asked. "Usually, she wants to get out of Walmart as fast as possible."

"Maybe traffic?" Luz suggested, mainly trying to remember her therapist's teachings to not panic for something that could happen everyday.

Jean-Luc hummed before the door swung open and Eda walked in, but not with bags in her arms as she normally would with the groceries, but with her phone. Her eyes were practically glued to the screen, and she had a soft smile on her face.

"Hey, Mom! Need any help?" Luz asked as she walked over.

Eda didn't speak, and just started tapping her fingers on the screen.

Luz became curious and peeked over. "Are you...texting somebody?"

Eda then snapped out of it and put her phone down. "Oh! Sorry, I dozed off."

"Did you hear me?"

"Of course I did! But repeat everything, I wasn't listening." Eda said.

"Do you need any help?" Luz asked.

Eda nodded. "Yeah, I do. Come on." She told her daughter as they went to her car.

"Sooooo, who are ya texting?" Luz asked as she grabbed a handful of bags and wrapped them around her wrists.

"Oh! Just a...old friend." Eda said simply, her cheeks

Luz tilted her head as she walked inside. " it one of your ex's?"

Eda was silent before sighing. "Okay, yes."

"Are they being creeps?" Luz asked, raising an eye.

"What? No!" Eda said. "It's the good one. The one I stayed friends with even after we broke up. Raine."

"Raine?" Luz asked before humming and then remembering. "Oh, yeah! Raine Whispers!"

"That's the one!" Eda smiled. "I bumped into them at the store and we just started talking. Then, we got coffee afterwards and I kinda forgot what I was doing."

"Were they nice?" Luz asked as she got the final pair of bags and shut the door behind her, and then used her staff to do the putting away.

"Raine's pretty much the definition." Eda chuckled. "Sometimes I wonder why we even broke up."

"Why DID you guys break up?"

"Eh, they had moved." Eda sighed. "Long distance relationships suck, kiddo...also the fact that I turned into a thief and THEN a criminal shortly after wasn't a healthy coping method."

"Can I meet them?" Luz asked, smiling.

"Well, I don't see why not." Eda asked. "Was texting them actually. I haven't caught up with them in YEARS,'s nice." She said, blushing a tad.

King smirked as he went over. "Grandma's still got the hots for someone!"

"King." Eda said, narrowing her eyes a bit before facing Luz. "But yeah! I'll invite them sometime. Raine's an adoptive parent too actually. Maybe you and their kid can be buddies."

"Maybe I've seen them at school." Luz said with a shrug before sitting down. "Or from somewhere else."

"Right. What are the chances that two people fell both of your pasts happen to have met each other?" King laughed.

Jean-Luc looked towards a wall. Specifically, the fourth one. "Foreshadowing!"

A few days later...

Eda watched the door with a slight bit of nervousness. For some reason, seeing Raine again made HER of all people nervous.

Luz noticed and smiled kindly. "Hey. It's alright. King and Jean are in my room, waiting until the visit is over. This will be just fine!"

Eda smiled and gave Luz a small hug. "Thanks, kiddo."

Then? The doorbell rang and Eda opened it to see a dark skinned person, with an almost mint blue or green hair, with white streaks. Finally, they were wearing a pair of round glasses and a smile on their face.

"Rainstorm!" Eda exclaimed, giving a hug.

Raine smiled and hugged back. "Eda! Good to see you again!" They then noticed Luz and gently broke the hug. "And you must be Luz! I'm Raine! An old friend of your mom's."

Luz smiled and shook their hand. "It's nice to meet you! Mom's said a lot about you!"

Raine felt their cheeks turn red slightly. "H-Has she now?"

Eda chuckled, rubbing the back of her neck. "So! Where's your kid or did he stay home?"

Raine turned and sighed with an amused smile. "He likes to make 'a dramatic entrance'."

Luz smiled. "Oh! He sounds like a fun guy!"

Raine then looked at Eda and gave a few hand gestures before looking at the door.

"You taught him that?" Eda laughed before stepping back. "By all means!"

Raine then closed the door and stepped back themselves. And then? The door was KICKED open.

"What's up, everybody!?" A familiar voice cried...before the unbelievable happened. A 16 year old boy. His skin was almost pale, and his hair was a beautiful yellow blonde with a slight curl to the front. He had a gap in his teeth and bags under his almost RED eyes.

Luz's eyes widened and she became frozen. It couldn't be. She shook her head, staring at who had just entered her door.

The boy's magenta eyes then widened as well and he stepped back. "Wait...NOCEDA!?"

"GOLDEN GUARD!?" Luz exclaimed before her eyes glowed gold and she summoned her staff, transforming...not realizing Raine had seen this.

Raine's eyes widened and they stepped back. "WHAT THE!?"

Golden Guard growled and held out his hand, and his signature staff came flying into his hand, and he transformed, without his hood and mask. "OKAY. PUT DOWN THE STICK."

"Like this!?" Luz exclaimed as she hopped into the air and slammed her staff down against his, and the battle began.

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