Fix It

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The zodaics were home alone today so thay a decided to redecorate the house with the streamers Aquarius found.
Everyone had their own tasks to do, Taurus was placing stickers all over the walls, Cancer was baking cookies with Gemini helping her while scoripo and Pisces were cleaning up the backyard yard. Everyone else were either helping or annoying the others.

While Aquarius was hinging up the streamers she fell off the ladder and on to Sagittarius who was sitting on the couch playing video games. The ladder then tipped over and fell towards Taurus who quickly got out of the way as the ladder hit the ground hard.

"That could of gone worse" said Sagittarius

Just than a vase fell over shattering into a million pieces which spread all over the floor. Everyone looked at each other than the broken vase.

"We have to fix this"

Libra swept up the broken pieces and tried glueing them together while everyone else stood silently around the table as she tried glueing the pieces back together.

"It's not working we have to get another one" said Libra defeated

"Okay Pisces and I will go to the mall to get another vase while the rest of you get rid of the evidence" said Taurus
She and Pisces than ran to outside while the others tried hiding the broken vase.

Aries had the bright idea of sweeping it under the rug and somehow convinced everyone to do it. After sweeping it under the rug they waited for Taurus and Pisces to come back with the new vase.

"Their taking a long time just to get a vase" said Aquarius

"They probably got lost we should go find them" said Virgo

"Gemini and I will go you guys stay here incase Lynx comes back" Aries said to the others


Taurus and Pisces were at the mall eating lunch instead of looking for a vase. Taurus insisted on getting lunch first since she was hungry.
As the two were enjoying their meal a paper ball hit Taurus on the solder she turned around and saw Aries and Gemini glaring at her from the table behind her.

"This is how you look for for a vase" he said

"What are you doing here"Taurus said to Aries

"We found a vase" said Gemini pulling out a vase from a paper bag

"That one is not even the right colour"

"It's not like he'll notice" Gemini said putting it back in the bag

"So if your done with your date. Can we go"

"It's not a date" Taurus said loudly

"What's a date" said Pisces from across the table

"Wow this guy is dense" Aries mutterd "Taurus here is in love with you" he said as Gemini tried to stop him

Taurus than covered her face with a napkin as Aries continued "she wants to get married and have kids an-" Aries was cut of by Taurus who covered his mouth with the napkin.

"Can you stop"

Aries than ate the napkin Taurus held to his face and continued "I'm just trying to help you were taking for ever to confess your love"

"But I didn't need you to do it" she said

Pisces just sat there staring down at his plate he always thought of Taurus as his friend he had no idea she liked him. He didn't even know what to say he didn't know if he liked her back......


Yes boy!! finally a chapter is published.
Also today (March 11) is my 21st birthday
Anyway hope you enjoyed this one and have a great day.

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