shopping with lynx

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The zodiacs were up early today they we're excited to go shopping they needed to get clothes that actually fit and lynx need to get some groceries. Lynx was in the kitchen making pancakes for everyone and the zodiacs were sitting at the table in zodiac order

"I'm so excited I can't wait😄" said cancer bouncing in seat

"We all are, hey lynx can you hurry up" asked Aries

Lynx finished off what he was doing and placed a stack of pancakes on the table everyone immediately started stuffing their faces

"What is this, it tastes awesome😋" said leo

"These are called pancakes" replied Lynx

"I love pancakes💕" said Scorpio

once they were all done eating and the dishes were all clean everyone got in lynx van🚐 and drove to the mall once they got there everyone got out relived to be  out of that cramped van

"Where are we going first?" asked leo

"First were going to get all of you some clothes" replied lynx

"Yeah my clothes are way too big" said scorpio

"Sorry about that I thought you'd be"lynx pauses and mumbles"taller"

The other zodiacs started laughing😂😂😂

"Well at least I don't have girly clothes like Aires" said Scorpio glaring at aries😡

"Yeah what's up with that" said leo

"You can't expect me to get everything rite" said lynx

"Yeah let's make this quick so I can change out of this" said Aries

everyone walked in to a clothing store and began picking clothes Taurus was looking at two dresses she couldn't decide which one to get Pisces walked up behind her and taped her on her shoulder

"Taurus you need help?" Asked Pisces

"Yes. I can't decide which one to get" said Taurus looking at the two dresses

Pisces looked around"maybe you should get this one" he hands her a silver dress"and this hat would go well with that" he handed her a black hat with a silver bow

Taurus looks at the dress "it's perfect thanks"

Pisces smiled and walked away

After everyone finished picking what they wanted lynx paid for it and put it in the van

"Okay you guys can go explore the mall for a bit" lynx gives each zodiac some $ 💵💰💱"meet me here in one hour"

Everyone splits up to different parts of the mall Aires, Gemini, leo and Libra were playing in the arcade 🎮 Gemini was playing Pacman Aires was annoying Gemini so he'd louse and he succeeded

"Aires what's your problem" shouted Gemini

"Nothing, what's yours" said Aries

Gemini just walked to another game and Aires followed

Leo and Libra were watching Aires annoy Gemini

"Should we help him" asked Libra.

"No let him suffer, let's play this game" said leo pointing at a shooting game

"Let's go here first" Libra dragged leo to a claw machine

Taurus, cancer, virgo and scorpio were standing in line to play laser tag when Taurus noticed Pisces was standing all alone she decided to go talk to him

"Hay guys I think I'll do something else" said Taurus stepping out of line

"Okay your loss" said scorpio

Taurus walked towards Pisces who was now seated on a bench

"Hi Pisces want to go rock climbing" asked Taurus

Pisces thought for a moment"Shure why not"

Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius decided to put their money together and buy something cool they were looking through many stores and couldn't find anything they wanted until Sagittarius saw something In the display of a store

"Why don't we get that" she said pointing to the glass

"What does and Xbox do" asked Capricorn

"Who cares it looks awesome let's buy it" said Aquarius running in to the store

When everyone was done doing their thing they all met where lynx was. he had 12 boxes in his hand he gave them to the zodiacs

"What are these" asked Gemini

"These are phones 📱 you will use them to communicate" said Lynx

"Cool" said cancer

"Great, now that we're done shopping let's all go home"
Everyone got in the van and Lynx drove home

So what do you think of the chapter should I use the emojis or not I just think the story would be more fun with them

Nivesh38 😜

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