vacation pt1

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It was early in the morning Gemini was lying awake on his bed staring at the ceiling he grabbed his phone and entered the group chat

Gemini: heyyyy anyone awake 😑

Aries: no it's just you

Gemini: then how are you typing

Taurus: who cares go to sleep.😴

Aries: you go to sleep

Aquarius: I'm turning my phone off

Scorpio: good idea💡

Lynx: before anyone leaves the chat I have something to tell you.

Leo: hurry up and TELL US!

Lynx: we going on vacation, but since you guys woke me im not telling you where were going.YOU SHOULD START PACKING NOW!

Gemini: yes lynx sir

*Gemini left the chat*

Pisces: Wait. What's going on.

Aries: someone explain to the fishie what's happening im going to pack

*Aries left the chat*

Taurus: pisces. Scroll up

*Pisces was kicked from the chat*

Scorpio: now he'll never know 😂😂

*Scorpio left the chat*

Cancer: anyone know where my toothbrush is

*Leo left the chat*

Taurus: ask Leo


The sun was just beginning to rise and the zodiacs were standing in the front yard with their suitcases lynx put them in the van and everyone got in he drove for about 15 minutes until he reached the train station then he got out of the van

"It will take us 2 hours to get to where we are going" said lynx

"When are you going to tell us where were going" asked Leo

"I'll tell you when we get there"said lynx

Everyone entered the train with their luggage 🚄 . afew hours later they were standing outside the train station waiting for Orion to pick them up

"When is she going to be here" asked Virgo

"She said she'd come pick us up but she didn't say when" said lynx

"So now we wait"said cancer taking a seat on one of the benches everyone else either sat on a bench or the pavement.

Gemini slowly opened Taurus' bag and pulled out one of her hats he put it on the floor in front of him and started doing silly dances 💃 some people that were passing by put afew coins in the hat soon Aries noticed what he was doing and joined in soon everyone joined they were doing cartwheels and backflips

"Everyone, step aside" said Scorpio

Everyone moved out of the way and formed a circle around Scorpio he than started brake dancing😎


Scorpio was spinning like a top on his head

"That's nothing"

Aquarius entered the circle and did the same thing Scorpio did she ended with a front flip 😮

Capricorn entered the circle and did the same thing Aquarius did but added a little twist to it

The dance Battle continued for a few minutes everyone was trying to one up each other. The battle ended and Capricorn was declared the winner

Gemini picked up the hat that was now full of money 💰

"Wait Is that my hat" asked Taurus

"No. It's mine I love pink hats" said Gemini

Just than a van pulled up in front of them a tall slim women with rainbow coloured hair stepped out

"Everyone ready to go" asked Orion

Lynx put the zodiacs luggage in the van and sat on the front with Orion the zodiacs sat in the back

"Okay guys were going to be staying at my beach house for a couple of days,it's a 3 hour drive from here so get comfortable" said Orion

3 hours later Orion pulled up at her beach house she turned around and saw that all the zodiacs were asleep lynx got out and picked up a megaphone that was on the picnic table


The zodiacs jumped in their seats the ones that were taller hit the roof with their heads

"Let's get going" said Orion walking inside the zodiacs got out of the van with their luggage and followed Orion

The living room wasn't really big it was combined with the dining room their were 3 couches with a little table in the centre there was a large table in the dining room with a white table cloth  on one side of the room was a fire place and on the other side was the stair case which leads to the second floor

"Alright the house only has 4 rooms so you'll have to share three in a room lynx and I will sleep in the living room" said Orion

"Who wants to share a room with me" asked Leo

"Me" said cancer

"I'm with Gemini" said Aries

"I'll share with Aquarius" said Sagittarius

"I'm with cancer and leo" said Taurus

"Scorpio and I can share" said Virgo

"I guess I'm with Aquarius and Sagittarius" said Libra

"Pisces your with us" said Scorpio

"No, don't leave me with those Neanderthals" said Capricorn

"That's what she said" said Virgo walking up the stairs

Capricorn turned to Aires and Gemini who had huge grins on their faces

"It's gonna be a long night for you"

Capricorn grabbed his suitcase and went up stairs ignoring the two that were probably planning a prank

Nivesh38 😜

Hope you've enjoyed reading so far I'm planning to update this book more frequently
If you have suggestions for where the zodiacs should go next you can put them in the comments or message me

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