vacation pt2

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Everyone was sitting in the dining room eating breakfast when Capricorn walked down the stairs and took a seat at the table

"What happened to your face😂"asked Libra

Capricorn had many drawings on his face and the word stupid was written on his forehead

"Did the Neanderthals do that😂😂" said Virgo

"I hate those two" said Capricorn picking up a fork

Meanwhile Aries and Gemini were sitting on the driveway with a notepad

"How's the list going?" Asked Aries

"Far from done but I'm making good progress" said Gemini

"Hey, why is my name on there" said Aires

"Well you did say find out who everyone likes and your part of everyone"

"Than why isn't your name on there" said Aries

"I already know who I like"

"Tell me" pleaded Aries



Gemini let out a sigh there was no way Aries would leave him alone unless he told him

"Fine I like cancer❤"

"I didn't hear you" said Aires

"I said I LIKE CANCER" Gemini immediately covered his mouth

"Haha just kidding I heard you the first time so what about the rest of the list" said Aires looking over the list

"Well start with the most obvious Taurus. I think she likes pisces but they could also be really good friends"

"We should help Taurus before she gets friend zoned" said Aries running into the house

"Wait what about the list" asked Gemini

"Leave the list Taurus is in danger, we have to save her" Aires ran in to the house and started yelling "friend zone"


Orion and Lynx took the zodiacs to an arcade that was about 15 minutes away everyone got out of the van and went inside before Taurus could enter the arcade Aries ran in front of her and stretched out his arms


"Why😒" asked Taurus

"Because your in danger” said Aries

"what am I in danger of" said  Taurus becoming a little annoyed

"The friend zone" said Aries

Taurus looked over to Gemini "what is he talking about"

"He thinks you like pisces and he only thinks of you as a friend" said Gemini

"So if you don't want to be friend zoned you have to make him like you" said Aries

Taurus just ignored them and went inside they were probably just  messing with her again.

Leo and cancer were walking around the arcade looking at all the different games Leo really wanted to win a prize so she was looking for an easy game she walked up to a clawmachine  and put a coin in when Cancer walk up behind her

"Aren't those things rigged"

"No, you just gotta to have skill" said leo

Leo moved the claw over the prize she wanted and pushed the button causing the claw to drop and pick up the prize when it got to the top the claw opened and dropped the prize

"That is so not fair😡" said Leo putting in another coin

"Told you it was rigged" said cancer

Aquarius was playing a racing game she was just about to win someone covered her eyes

"Ahhhh who is this" yelled Aquarius

Scorpio immediately started laughing Aquarius turned around and glared at him

"I lost because of you😠"

"No. You were already a loser" said Scorpio

Aquarius walked away looking for another game and  Scorpio followed

Taurus was walking around the arcade looking for Pisces after a few minutes of walking she finally found him 

"Hey pisces😊" said Taurus

"Hey Taurus where were you"  asked pisces

"I was looking for you" said Taurus

Aries and Gemini stood behind Pisces when Taurus looked over Aries held up a sign that said "FRIEND ZONE"

When Pisces turned around Aries threw the sign at Gemini and he threw it on the floor

"Littering is bad. Don't litter" said Gemini looking at the sign

"Just ignore them their idiots" said Taurus

Sagittarius and Capricorn were playing a dance game Libra and Virgo were placing bets on who they thought would win.
During the game Sagittarius' shoelace came untied and she tripped and fell on to Capricorn

"I win😜" said Capricorn

"No. My shoelace was untied" said Sagittarius

"That's the oldest excuse I thought you could do better"

Virgo and Libra were watching the two of them fight

"How long before they start throwing stuff" asked Libra

"I don't know, want to get some popcorn” said Virgo

Libra nodded and the both of them went to get popcorn


Nivesh38 😜

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