A Sad Birthday....

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Today was a big day, Delilah's 17th birthday!

Elizabeth opened her eyes and yawned, seeing the calendar, she gasped, getting up quickly, she wandered into the kitchen, looking around "Hmmmm.... Delz doesn't eat much..... Only Mac N Cheese..... I get worried sometimes....." She said.

The ginger haired girl got some Mac N Cheese, then walked to her sister and Dave's room, she opened the door, seeing Delilah laying in bed still, hearing sniffling "Hey Delz! Happy Birthday!" She said with a smile, Delilah turned around, wiping tears off her face.

"Delz? You okay?" Elizabeth asked, smile fading, Delilah slightly glared and turned away, Dave just sat there "She's been like this...." He said "Why?" Elizabeth asked "I don't know." "Leave me alone....." Delilah mumbled "Delz... It's your birthday.... What's with the sadness?" Elizabeth asked, putting the Mac N Cheese down.

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE ELIZABETH!!!!" She yelled, tears in her eyes, Delilah never really used Elizabeth's name other than Eliza or Beth.... This was unlike Delilah at all.... Something was wrong.... But, Elizabeth didn't want to make Delilah sad or angry more, so she left with a sigh "Love you...." She said, Delilah said nothing.

Dave followed Elizabeth "Maybe we should talk to the others?" He suggested "Yeah! Dave you're a genius!!!!" Elizabeth said "Maybe they know what's up with Delz!!!" She said, walking off "Why is m.... your dad not an option?" Dave asked, Elizabeth froze up "I-I'm sure we'll find something..." She said, walking off. Leaving Dave sighing and walking back to Delilah's room.


Elizabeth looked around for the others, seeing Scarlett, Roxy, and Casper setting up decorations, Luna and Tracy sitting in front a stove, and others........ idk...... "Eliza.... Where's Delz?" Hanna asked "I checked in her room a few hours ago, she wasn't there...." She explained "I came in there... and she's in there...." Elizabeth explained "Yeah, but wouldn't she remember it's her birthday?" Neil asked as he walked over.

"That's what I thought.... But..... Dave said that she has been.... sad or.... angry ever since she woke up....." She said "Who would be sad on their birthday?" Roxy asked, tangled in decorations that Scarlett was trying to untangle "Maybe her mom and brother-" Casper stopped, Neil and Elizabeth had sad expressions. Neil took a breath "She usually tries getting it out her mind for a day..... So...... Why would this one be bad?" He asked.

Elizabeth's phone buzzed, she looked at it, seeing a text from William.... her dad.....

As the girl read it, her expression from confusion turned to pure shock "Neil probably doesn't remember this... But...... Do you guys know of the Bit of '83?" She asked "You mean that blonde haired girl that got her head smashed by a animatronic's mouth?" Hanna asked "Yep...." Elizabeth responded "I saw that on the TV when it switched off my cartoons!" "Newspaper.... Why is it important to mention anyway?" Fredrick asked.

Elizabeth sighed "Well....." She started "That girl died on Delilah's birthday.... And that girl....... was her twin sister and our own sister....."

*The next chapter will be a glimpse of the accident*

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