Anything Wrong?

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Michael opened his eyes to soft giggling, he sat up, sweat going down his forehead, he took rapid deep breaths, it was dark outside, his siblings wouldn't be up.... not even his father.... He sighed, laying down again until he started hearing soft whispering, he shook it off.

What if the animatronics returned?

His eyes widened, he jerked up again, his eyes darted around Could they be back? He thought, he saw a therapist about this, but it didn't seem to do anything except give him more pills to take... He sighed, getting up and wandering in to the living room.

He lit the fire in the fireplace, watching it as he felt a sense of calmness give in to him, he forgot about everything, he forgot to worry, he forgot his fear, he forgot that aching memory...


He turned around to a small voice, seeing Elizabeth, he stayed silent "Why are you up at 4 AM?" She asked, rubbing her tired eyes. Was it that early or... late? "I didn't realize..." Michael said, turning to the fire again.

She sat next to him, staring at the fire "How come you and dad fight? Being similar in appearance and likes, I thought you would get along much better...." She said, Michael thought, yes his father and him were really similar, but was it THAT obvious?

"My.... 'problems' get in the way majorly..." He answered "Is that why you take those pills?" She asked, he nodded slowly "Sadly, yes, I need to take them to at least get better or go through the day without a outburst..... or.... hear things..." He explained. "Hear things?" She asked "See things..." Michael said, until he heard a maniacal laugh, he jerked around, seeing a dark figure, he quickly got up.

"Mikey what's-?" She stopped, suddenly realizing what he meant, hearing and seeing things... She held his hand, he jerked his hand away from her hand. He felt himself feel light-headed, he stumbled to the wall, the fire starting to fade, Elizabeth trembled, she was scared of the dark, but she held on to Michael's leg "M-Mikey?".

The boy sat in the corner of the room, Elizabeth watched as he started to cry, his breathing was uneven and you could just HEAR the fear in his breathing. He suddenly let out a panicked screech...

The lights in the area turned on, Elizabeth turned to see her dad "D-Dad, what's wrong w-with Mikey..?" She asked, he never really was the screaming type or had done anything like this.

Michael's vision focused, the figure disappeared, he breathed in relief, William kneeled down to his level "Michael? What were you doing out of your bed!?" He asked, probably panicked by the screech, Michael saw Delilah and Neil had entered the room, extremely shocked.

The boy whimpered, his father put a hand on his shoulder, Michael jerked away until his father grabbed his arm tightly, he struggled slightly "Let go..." He said "Michael... It's okay, you know for a fact that I'm not going to hurt you..." He said "Says the one that slapped me a week ago..." He growled lightly.

William flinched at the words "R-Right...." He let go, getting up "So... Who wants to watch a movie?" He asked with a soft smile, the three nodded, Michael just blinked.


"He's psychotic doctor!!!" The movie nurse said, Michael watched with interest, these kinds of movies interested him, it was about a kid who likes hurting people, but didn't feel proper emotion, if you looked at Michael first thing, you would sorta think that, but he wasn't really psychotic, right?

William sighed, he was the only one that knew what was wrong with Michael.... he was diagnosed with a little more than expected...

Michael then heard a phone ring, no one got up to answer it, he got up, searching around "Mikey? What are you doing?" Neil asked "The phone.... it's ringing..." He responded "There's no ringing Michael...." Delilah responded.

At this point, Michael was starting to get annoyed "There IS something ringing!" He said harshly, Delilah stayed quiet, Elizabeth blinked "It's from the movie Mikey..." She said, Michael seemed to calm down "Oh..." He said, sitting down, soon the ringing stopped.

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